I think the truck owners object to having an adult video store nearby.

The next two are views from the Pennsylvania welcome center on US Rt 15 S, south of Tioga, Pa., overlooking the Tioga reservoir

Backyard fireworks

After we stopped in Wellsboro for some lunch at The Native Bagel and a new pair of hiking boots at Wild Asaph Outfitters (thanks Liz & Katie), we headed down to English Center, Pa. (for whole route on gmaps:

or cross through the river, Little Pine Creek. (We did both.)

This woman used alternate transportation.

Nisha likes adventures.

We almost ran out of gas - there aren't many gas stations along the route. We should have filled up in Wellsboro. We made it to Waterville (barely).

We took a little detour on Truman Run Road

where I took these shots and we ate blackberries. (Actually, they're probably black cap raspberries

And we continued up Rt. 414 through Cammal, Slate Run, Cedar Run and Blackwell. The rail-trail runs along Pine Creek - 65 miles from Wellsboro Junction to Jersey Shore, Pa., along Pine Creek gorge/the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. (WIKIPEDIA - Pine Creek Rail Trail)

Another bridge across Pine Creek near Hilborn - this one is considerably more solid.

Landrus Road between Arnot and Morris - one of our favorite no-maintenance roads. An acquaintance of mine is fascinated by the ghost town of Landrus, the site of the first electrified mining operation. Landrus only existed for about 22 years.

And then on the other end of the Landrus Road in Arnot, I found a sign with Landrus spelled wrong. I just posted it to FB, so hopefully some Arnot residents can tell me how it got misspelled...

Maybe next week we'll check out World's End State Park

(e:theecarey) - oops- you meant the adult outlet & god signs and i rambled on on about Arnot & Landrus. Yeah, those signs amuse me. I passed them a couple times before I decided I had to grab a picture. They're on I-390 S or Rt. 15/86.
(e:tinypliny) - that's so funny! highway robbers! They'd be very poor - there's not enough traffic on the road to rob anyone. No nukes, either. The most dangerous substance would be acid mine drainage or other mining byproducts. It's just an old road that doesn't get maintenance.
(e:tinypliny) - they're all in Tioga and Lycoming counties of Pennsylvania. Thank you for the compliments!
(e:theecarey) - Yeah, my dog really does love adventuring. She's an ATP - all terrain poodle. According to my FB crowd, the misspelled Landrus sign has been there for a while. My cousin suggested they spelled it like it sounds, but if that was true, Arnot would have been spelled "Arnit," the way we actually say it. My other aunt complained that I didn't visit her while I was in Arnot.
Tioga County -is- beautiful. Dearest Uncle Dudley lets me bring home guests. There's also a bed & breakfast just down the street from her - Mountain Laurel Bed & Breakfast* :::link::: Wellsboro, 17 miles away from Blossburg, is the real tourist town with lots of B&Bs, a couple of hotels, and gas-light lined streets. The Tioga County Visitors Bureau: :::link::: More expensive guided ecotour things at Nature Quest: :::link:::
Or maybe the forest is infested with robbers that loot and plunder the belongings of unsuspecting wayfarers...
"Travel at your own risk."
Is that a nuclear dump site?
Ah. Its not in upstate NY. (Tells you a lot about how thoroughly I read over stuff, doesn't it?! heh)
I like the picture of the bridge - there is something very very cool about it.
And you said you don't feel good enough as the rest of the shoot-crowd?
These pictures have unbelievable colours. :D Is this all in Upstate NY? Someday I must tell you about my whole fall-summer-winter cycle thoughts about the countryside in NY. :)
bhahahahaha, the placement of those two signs is priceless; glad you captured those.
Looks like you have had some fun exploration on your PA trek. I'm down with that!--especially given any road that insists, "travel at your own risk". Is Nisha normally such an adventure enthusiast? She looks enthralled!
The country store photo and the perspective of the unmarked road dividing the trees are my faves of the bunch.
I want to go! So beautiful.
Fun Stuff! you got good pictures. I'd definitely like to check out some of these places.
Nice Pictures