Heidi's Journal
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07/21/2009 21:18 #49346
e:enknot & MS07/20/2009 11:04 #49337
graphic design work?Category: design
I'm looking for someone to do a logo or type treatment and lay out a flyer/brochure for my consulting work. I got a quote from

Any suggestions?
And thanks for fixing the link. :-)
Thanks for everyone's help in finding someone! I really appreciate it.
You were missing the . in www.blockclubonline.com I fixed it for you and the link works now.
David Moore does amazing work, but I have no idea what he charges...
i know somebody who could do that and could use the work
07/18/2009 18:36 #49325
A backlog of photosCategory: tourism

The next day, A, (e:tinypliny) and I went to Niagara Falls and to the Niagara Power Plant Vista which was almost deserted despite no admission charge, free parking, beautiful views, and interesting interactive museum. It has a surprisingly fascinating documentary of the construction of the power plant. (Of course (e:matthew,49299) posted absolutely gorgeous photos of NF just days after we went... Matt, are you doing HDR?)

You can take a tour of the Niagara River Whirlpool on these boats, and go right between the US & Canadian power plants.

The power plant museum as a very cool 3-D map of the project with LEDs to highlight the area the voice tour is talking about.

A shot to prove to (e:tinypliny)'s mom that she was at Niagara Falls.

The whole reason I was in Buffalo that weekend (instead of being in Tioga County enjoying my friend Jennie's birthday party...) was that A's bratty little brother had booked his return flight from California for Buffalo. He took us out to dinner and then we went to Nietzsche's where there was a really good jazz band that played until after 1am.

I joined the Buffalo Photography Meetup Group

The ceiling lights of the boathouse.

Thanks! :) She really thought I was fibbing because it took me 2 years to finally make it there. She knows what an abysmally lazy lump I can be. hahaha.
I need to post my set but well... I am getting around to it.
Those fireworks look so pretty! I don't remember them being so gorgeous. Heh
Photo groups are little pretentious so I vote you stick to your style and do your own thing. :D
The Niagara Power Plant is an interesting place to visit. There are a lot of neat things to look at and there is, as you have shown us, a great view. Also, love the Oars and fireworks-water shots.
haha, I know what you mean... when you think you have some great shots, and then see everyone else's, and are like "oh, lame." But keep working at it... I really like the one with the oars. And one of the falls where the colors really pop. Have fun with it. I haven't taken any non-snapshot pix in years, I used to love it.
Nice Photos
07/10/2009 16:32 #49252
Bear updateBear death creates debate
by Kelly Stemcosky
Published: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 3:55 PM CDT
The bear treed on Main Street, Wellsboro, last Monday, June 29, was the only one put down for aggressive tendencies in at least eight years, said Pennsylvania Game Commissioner Rodney Mee.
The animal was destroyed after an investigation revealed the animal had charged campers in Chatham Township two months previously.
Putting down a wild animal occurs infrequently, he added. Mee said the only other bears put down in that same period were a mother and cub that were too mangy and emancipated to be treated last winter. Those were the only three bears euthanized in Tioga County during his time as a Game Commissioner since 2001.
There is, however, possibility of another. A troublesome bear was tagged in Addison, N.Y., and then reported stealing food from grills at Hills Creek two years ago. Mee said it was never caught.

Jeez, not to be picky but whoever you quoted misused the word "emancipated" - I suspect the the person meant "emaciated."
I don't think the bears were too mangy or free to be treated last year! FREE THE MANGY BEARS!
I'm sorry that is just stupid. A bear is a wild Animal and needs to eat. When you camp one of the risks is you will find a bear that decides the meal it wants is Human. Bears are aggressive by nature. I know most bears leave people alone but for a test leave some food out say hanging by the clothes in a bag or something like that and as you wake up to the bear eating walk over to the food and see what happens. I'm guessing you won't like what the bear does.
Thanks for the explanation, (e:paul).
Its not exactly his fault. The type of video he uploaded has an unusual audio track that estrip could not convert so it just displayed the video as a data string which worked in safari but not in firefox. Its all fixed now so when he uploads more windows mobile video in the future it will work.