Jill & Shane walking up to the party. Her brother Mikey is the far background, their son Liam is on the big wheel.

Emily, one of Kelly's triplets, with Nisha.

Nisha, Jill & Shane's daughter Mataya, Emily and Christopher, another of the triplets. The triplets and Mataya are six. They argued over who gets to hold Nisha and kept coming to me for refereeing

Shane's dad Bill, who can best be described as a rake and scoundrel.

We had two big picnic tables full of food and a big sheet cake, plus Shane grilled chicken and veggie kabobs, and grilled strawberries.

Cake & Christopher

Liz, wife of one of Bill's nephews. I just like the picture.

We couldn't light the beeswax candles because it was too windy but Jill & Liam pretended.

Jill was also surprised by the bamboo flooring for our new office - lots of folks contributed for her big gift. She has been begging all of us for the flooring. She told me yesterday that it's being put in today. Can't wait to see it!

Oddly, the pix don't really show how crowded it was. I was completely overwhelmed by the crowed and ended up skipping the library's garden party the next day.
That is so cool! I love hearing (illustrated) surprise party stories!! :)
"who can best be described as a rake and scoundrel."