A series of mistakes led me to accidentally destroy the partitioning
of my hard drive.
So I've spent the day reinstalling apps and restoring data from backups.
Thankful for having backups. Aggravated I'm not going to accomplish
anything today.
I also managed to kill half the plants at my cubicle by forgetting to water them Friday.
OK, end of sad story.
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/27/2009 14:35 #49395
Bad day.07/25/2009 15:57 #49376
Garden Walk?Bring your ark.
heidi - 07/26/09 00:19
It just now started raining @ 12:15 am in Blossburg, PA. It threatened a couple times today, including right before and during Jill's surprise 30th bday party. <phew>
It just now started raining @ 12:15 am in Blossburg, PA. It threatened a couple times today, including right before and during Jill's surprise 30th bday party. <phew>
metalpeter - 07/25/09 17:22
The wind driven rain can get pretty scary.
The wind driven rain can get pretty scary.
jim - 07/25/09 16:29
Whoa, it rained so hard, much worse after I took this pic.
Whoa, it rained so hard, much worse after I took this pic.
07/22/2009 10:27 #49353
Terminal TipsCategory: unix
These are for bash shells, and may be Mac-specific also, and would go in .bash_profile or .bash_login or as marked specifically below:
1. Always open new terminal windows in the location of the last directory that you cd'd to (source: ):
2. Erase duplicate entries from command history (source: ):
3. Allow partial matching of previous history instead of scrolling back through full history (note this one goes in .inputrc, source: ):
4. Add status indicator for local changes to git or svn versioned directories (source: ):
5. Misc aliases.
1. Always open new terminal windows in the location of the last directory that you cd'd to (source: ):
pathed_cd () {
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
cd "$1"
pwd > ~/.cdpath
alias cd="pathed_cd"
if [ -f ~/.cdpath ]; then
cd $(cat ~/.cdpath)
2. Erase duplicate entries from command history (source: ):
export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
shopt -s histappend
3. Allow partial matching of previous history instead of scrolling back through full history (note this one goes in .inputrc, source: ):
set bell-style none
- do not make noise
"e[B": history-search-forward
- By default up/down are bound to previous-history
- and next-history respectively. The following does the
- same but gives the extra functionality where if you
- type any text (or more accurately, if there is any text
- between the start of the line and the cursor),
- the subset of the history starting with that text
- is searched (like 4dos for e.g.).
- Note to get rid of a line just Ctrl-C
"e[A": history-search-backward
$if Bash
# F10 toggles mc on and off
# Note Ctrl-o toggles panes on and off in mc
"e[21~": "mcC-M"
#do history expansion when space entered
Space: magic-space
$include /etc/inputrc
- Include system wide settings which are ignored
- by default if one has their own .inputrc
4. Add status indicator for local changes to git or svn versioned directories (source: ):
parse_git_branch() {
- Prompt setup, with SCM status
STATUS=$(git status 2>/dev/null)
[ $? -eq 1 ] || return
[[ "$STATUS" == *'working directory clean'* ]] || DIRTY=' *'
echo "($(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* //')$DIRTY)"
parse_svn_revision() {
local DIRTY REV=$(svn info 2>/dev/null | grep Revision | sed -e 's/Revision: //')
[ "$REV" ] || return
[ "$(svn st)" ] && DIRTY=' *'
echo "(r$REV$DIRTY)"
PS1='u@h:W$(parse_git_branch)$(parse_svn_revision) $ '
5. Misc aliases.
alias ll="ls -lp"
- various ls aliases
alias la="ls -ap"
alias lla="ls -lap"
alias h="history | grep "
- shorthand to search history, "h blah"
alias o='open .'
- open current directory in finder
alias san='svn status | grep "^?" | awk "{print $2}" | xargs svn add'
- add all new files, which aren't ignored, to svn repo
07/22/2009 09:59 #49352
I hate spammers.Category: internets
07/21/2009 10:03 #49342
Steak CakeCategory: deliciousness
A chocolate cake frosted to look like a steak.
(from Thread Cakes )
(from Thread Cakes )
tinypliny - 07/23/09 14:13
I wonder what you would say if I told you that I have actually eaten many many lunches sitting right next to a torn-apart cadaver. :) Its almost like cycling - once you get the hang of it, nothing repulses you any more.
I wonder what you would say if I told you that I have actually eaten many many lunches sitting right next to a torn-apart cadaver. :) Its almost like cycling - once you get the hang of it, nothing repulses you any more.
enknot - 07/23/09 09:36
(e:tiny) that was not cool, now lunch is gonna be difficult. (e:jim) niffty, dunno how you get off the hook, but nifty.
(e:tiny) that was not cool, now lunch is gonna be difficult. (e:jim) niffty, dunno how you get off the hook, but nifty.
joshua - 07/21/09 12:15
Wow... that is disturbing. What's next, a cake iced to look exactly like someone's severed forearm? Haha.
Wow... that is disturbing. What's next, a cake iced to look exactly like someone's severed forearm? Haha.
matthew - 07/21/09 10:54
Is this supposed to be some cruel practical joke for people with gluten intolerance??
Is this supposed to be some cruel practical joke for people with gluten intolerance??
paul - 07/21/09 10:15
I am THE MUTANT human walking talking herbicide. No plant goes past my threshold without being DEAD. Hahaha... I have murdered 16 potted plants thus far.
I need to format and reinstall a fresh copy of everything soon...
Ack. Sorry to hear it!
Sorry to hear of your misfortune, (e:jim) ... but in a twisted way, I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one having an inefficient workday this Monday.
fwiw I also have herbicidal tendencies.