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06/23/2009 20:46 #49047

FBI Looks into Cop and Chosen few
Category: news
I can admit I don't know what it is about some news stories that I just get drawn into them the one above is a good example. I don't know what it is about The Chosen Few that draws me in. Maybe some of it is the name of the Club and that until they where in the news I had never heard of them but had heard of the Kingsmen, maybe I have seen one to many movies. Maybe it is because Zack Wilde (played with ozzy) and lead singer of Black Label Society has the Biker Look with the name of his band. Hey maybe it has to do with seeing some biker movies. Maybe it is because one of my favorite Wrestlers the Undertaker had the biker Gimmick for some time. Or maybe it is because (not that I completely get it) there is a brotherhood thing, that same thing runs through being part of any club or good team sports. I'm not really sure and am just guessing really. I do like Motorcycles so that could be a factor. I think I have only really seen one bike club in my travels I don't even know there name they are the one that is all blacks and one guy has a bright silver Helmet. Well for those of you who don't want to go the Buffalo News site her is a copy and paste of the article.

FBI probes officer's ties to biker gang
Member of Hamburg police is a figure of interest in case involving Chosen Few
By Dan Herbeck

A Town of Hamburg police officer was placed on administrative leave last week, and federal agents are investigating to determine if the officer improperly supplied police information to the Chosen Few motorcycle gang.

Police officials also have turned the officer's computer over to FBI agents, who are examining it to determine whether any law enforcement or state motor vehicle information was illegally accessed.

While few details were disclosed, The Buffalo News learned that federal agents are looking into allegations that the officer improperly provided information to Chosen Few leaders about some members of the Kingsmen, another biker gang.

Some of the Kingsmen, according to police, have feuded with members of the Chosen Few for more than a decade.

Existence of the federal investigation into the Hamburg officer's activities was confirmed for The News by four sources who are familiar with it. The sources emphasized that, so far, the investigation has turned up nothing definitive about the officer's actions.

They also confirmed that Buffalo defense attorney Joel L. Daniels is representing the officer, who is being paid during the administrative leave. The name, rank and gender of the officer were not revealed.

"Right now, it's a personnel matter, and I can't discuss it," said Hamburg Police Chief Carmen Kesner.

When asked about the FBI probe and the computer, Kesner added: "I can't comment on that."

The investigation was briefly discussed in public at U. S. District Court on May 14, during a bail hearing for Alex Koschtschuk, 58, of Alden, identified by the FBI as president of the Chosen Few.

Koschtschuk and 19 other defendants were arrested May 7 after an investigation into biker violence conducted by the FBI-led Safe Streets Task Force.

During the bail hearing, Assistant U. S. Attorney Anthony M. Bruce revealed that information about some Kingsmen leaders - including their police mug shots, what vehicles they drive and diagrams of their homes and clubhouses - was found by state police in Koschtschuk's home.

Federal agents suspect that a suburban police officer may have provided some of that information to the Chosen Few, and that matter is under investigation, Bruce told U. S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah J. McCarthy during the hearing.

Monday, Bruce said he could not discuss the investigation. The Buffalo FBI office also declined to discuss it.

"An officer has been placed on administrative leave, and at this point, I'm not commenting," Daniels said.

06/22/2009 19:21 #49029

lots of Movies this weekend
Category: movies
First of all How long has that Journal countdown been up for, and why is the date set at March 15 of 2010, and how long Haven't I noticed it?

On Saturday things took to long for me to go see UP it does look pretty good so I went to buy food (mostly frozen) and drinks at Price Rite. But then later in the day I watched 3 movies:

Twilight (On PPV) I was expecting more fighting and more violence as opposed to a love story. That being said it was still very good, I will go see the next one when ever it comes out.

X-files I want to Believe was on HBO and I enjoyed it. It has been so long since I saw the last movie I don't know if stuff that was mentioned was from the last movie or updating the story. Other then that it was fun to watch.

Bablyon AD Staring Vin Diesel was a good crazy action movie

So all in all Saturday was a good day for movies then Yesterday I watched 3 more.

Doomsday was a pretty sweet movie lots of naked chicks and violence and a virus and a crazy walled off world where people fought, that was pure fun to watch.

Knocked Up: I admit romantic comedies you have to be careful watching but this one was funny plus I'm a big fan of the leading lady she used to be in a show I liked called Roswell (about the area and being aliens not about cancer).

Hell Ride: was very violent and again had lots of nudity in it that would include some bush if memory serves. It was short but with all the violence and Bikers turning on bikers and Nudity it couldn't have been to long. A couple highlights Micheal Madsen I'm sure some people don't like him but his character was awesome. Then you had David Caradine (how ever you spell it, but one part of that move kinda freaked me out about his part now that he is diead). Then I just blanked on the other good actors name. But soundtrack wise it has what ever that cool maybe it is ska music not sure that Quentin puts in all of his movies, oh Dennis Hopper ok.

Then on Sunday Nights I watch True Blood. Yes it is about Vampires but it is also about more then just that. I think it is a great show, oh yeah plus Anna Paquin nude last night was pretty nice. Yes she was in one of the X-Men Movies maybe the first one with multi colored Hair.

06/22/2009 20:00 #49031

Priest sex Debate
Category: religion

So I found this article interesting I put Up a link On Facebook but it is a pretty good article I think so I figured I should put it up here also. If you follow the link then there are other links you can follow for other stories about this same subject or at least some what realated

Sex and the Priestly: Father Cutie Renews Celibacy Debate

By AMY SULLIVAN Amy Sullivan - Mon Jun 22, 6:50 am ET

It's hard out there for a pope these days. On Thursday, Pope Benedict XVI launched what he is calling "The Year of Priests," exhorting Roman Catholics to spend the coming year honoring the sacrifice of their local pastors and directing priests to encourage each other so that they might, among other things, "be able to live fully the gift of celibacy and build thriving Christian communities."

Overshadowing the Pope's declaration, however, was the news that earlier in the week Father Alberto Cutie - the Miami-based priest and television personality who left the Catholic church last month amid soap opera-worthy scandal - had married his girlfriend of two years. Also making waves was the publication of former Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland's memoir detailing his life as a closeted gay man within the church and the loneliness that drove him to pursue a sexual relationship with another man. Weakland, who stepped down seven years ago when he turned 75, the age when priests typically submit letters of resignation that the Church may or may not accept, is the highest-ranking Catholic leader to publicly reveal his homosexuality.

Although both he and Cutie have insisted they do not want to be held up as poster boys for changing the Church's celibacy requirement, their stories have added new fuel to a long-simmering debate. The Catholic Church in the U.S. has a serious priest crisis - the number of men entering the priesthood has dropped by 60% over the past four decades and the current average age of active priests is 60. Many dioceses have been forced to close parishes or import foreign priests to deal with shortages. But advocates of celibacy reform say there is a better solution: ditch the 900-year-old church law prohibiting priests from marrying or being sexually active.

For the first thousand years of the Christian church, priests, bishops, and even popes could - and often did - marry. At least 39 popes were married men, and two were the sons of previous popes. The ideal of celibacy existed, but as a teaching from the Apostle Paul, not a church doctrine. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul argued simply that single men had fewer distractions from their godly work: "He that is without a wife is solicitous for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please God. But he that is with a wife, is solicitous for the things of the world, how he may please his wife: and he is divided."

Over the centuries, the Church tried to split the difference, prohibiting marriage after ordination and encouraging married priests to abstain from sex with their wives after they had joined the priesthood. (The Eastern Orthodox CHurch continues to allow married men to be ordained as priests.) But it wasn't until the Second Lateran Council in 1139 that a firm church law allowing ordination only of unmarried men was adopted. Journalist and former priest James Carroll contends in Practicing Catholic that the reasons for this celibacy requirement were not purely theological. "Celibacy had been imposed on priests mainly for the most worldly of reasons: to correct abuses tied to family inheritance of Church property," he writes. "Celibacy solved that material problem, but because of the extreme sacrifice it required, it could never be spoken of in material terms. So it was that sexual abstinence came to be justified spiritually, as a mode of drawing close to God."

Prospective priests understandably needed more convincing to embark on a life of chastity. Which is why, according to conventional wisdom among Catholic scholars, alongside the celibacy requirement grew a theological argument that God would bestow the "gift" of celibacy upon those whom He called to religious vocations. A document from the Council of Trent assured skeptical priests that "God refuses not that gift to those who ask for it rightly, neither does He suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able."

Donald Cozzens, professor at John Carroll University and author of Freeing Celibacy, has written that some priests do indeed feel freed from sexual longing and a desire for personal intimacy upon entering the Church. But "there remain other priests who believe deep down they are called to the priesthood but not to celibacy," he writes. "And for these men, the burden of mandated celibacy threatens their spiritual and emotional well-being." Weakland felt this challenge acutely, particularly once he rose to the rarified but also isolated position of archbishop. "I soon realized that a relationship with Jesus Christ, as intense as it might be on the spiritual level, could not fill the emptiness rising from the lack of the physical presence and reality of another human person," he writes in A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church.

Cozzens and others have argued that the Church should consider making celibacy a voluntary discipline for priests. Because it is a rule and not an unchangeable dogma, the celibacy requirement could be altered or rescinded by the Vatican if it chose to do so. Earlier this year, advocates of celibacy reform got a surprising boost from then-outgoing Cardinal Edward Egan of New York, who told a Catholic radio host that the celibacy question was "a perfectly legitimate discussion." He suggested that celibacy might not be a reasonable expectation in every locale. "I am not so sure it wouldn't be a good idea to decide on the basis of geography and culture, not to make an across-the-board determination."

Egan was speaking with the candor of a man about to retire. His replacement, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, rebuffed a group of 163 priests in the Milwaukee Archdiocese back in 2003, when they asked to at least launch a discussion about celibacy in the context of priest shortages. Even Pope John Paul II, who quietly started allowing married Protestant ministers to convert and become Catholic priests, was firmly opposed to reconsidering the celibacy requirement. Weakland reports that he regularly found himself in hot water during John Paul's papacy because he socialized with and employed former priests who had resigned and married.

As for Benedict, it seems unlikely he will be more inclined to revisit the Church's celibacy policy. In 2006, he publicly reaffirmed the spiritual purpose of the requirement and made it clear that dissenters on the issue would not be tolerated, excommunicating an African bishop who had ordained several married men as priests. For now, at least, celibacy is not open for discussion. And that is why Father Cutie, Catholic priest, is now Alberto Cutie, Episcopal priest-in-training.

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I guess My take on it is this. I get that Priests Duty is to the church and the teachings of god and all that stuff, but should that really be all they do, why can't they have a family as well? I know there was a time when you couldn't even have kids, Yes you couldn't adopt and when some did it was a huge problem (not sure how true the Father Clemons movie was, but it was very good). On the other hand though I do get that Some One who isn't Married isn't supposed to have sex out side of Marriage so from that perspective saying you can't have any sex at all kinda makes sense, but I don't really agree with that. I thought that currently you can have kids and be Married and then apply for the Preisthood (however that is done) but afterwords is a different story. In any event it is something to think about.

paul - 06/23/09 22:31
I think they should just let them have sex. They would be able to concentrate much more on the church if they weren't horned up all the time.

06/21/2009 11:56 #49021

Fathers Day
Category: holiday

So I found the above article kinda interesting but didn't follow any of the links from it, I assume what it says is true but not sure. On a calender at work I thought I saw that today is also the first day of summer what a way to start it off Buffalo Style. Here is the article/blog if the link doesn't work or if you don't want to read it there

Searching for the Origin of Father's Day
by Mike Krumboltz

Searchers have a question they'd like answered: Who started Father's Day? Who do they have to thank for the mandatory bonding time they're spending with dear ol' dad this weekend? Lookups on "father's day origin" and "who started father's day" inspired us to investigate. The results of our research shook us to our very core.

OK, maybe not to our core, exactly. But the story of how Father's Day came to be is still pretty interesting. A blog from a Detroit church explains that most historians credit a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd with creating the holiday. Ms. Smart Dodd was "inspired by her father, a widower and Civil War veteran named William Jackson Smart." She wanted to do something to honor his memory while paying respect to all fathers.

Clearly she was a woman with a plan. Alas, not everybody agreed with her pleas to "give it up for the papas" (our words, not hers). In fact, Ms. Smart Dodd's proposal was often mocked when it first made the rounds. Folks felt it unnecessary. And the all-male United States Congress felt that having a holiday for fathers might look like they were trying to give themselves "a pat on the back."

Additionally, many just plain didn't want the holiday. An article from Inspiration Line explains that, according to an article in The Spokesman-Review, "one group of men conventioneers laughed and said they didn't want a Father's Day. A National Fishing Day would be better, they told her."

Though many scoffed, the holiday was eventually accepted. In 1910, the first local Father's Day was held. It wasn't until 1924 that President Calvin Coolidge "made it a national event." Then, in 1966, President Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day. President Nixon made it law in 1972.

It's hard to imagine a time when the idea of Father's Day was mocked and dismissed as ridiculous. If it weren't for the tenacity of a grateful daughter, it may never have come to pass.

06/20/2009 14:03 #49014

Is it just Me Or are Rainy Days Depressing ?

I have never been one of those people who likes to go play out in the rain or dance it. But yet I love swimming odd.

I also aren't one of those people who likes to play in the mud either.

Hey maybe I could mud wrestle with some hot chick in like a bar.

But what do you do with your clothes, and after you get all muddy how do you get clean, Hey maybe the getting clean would be the best part, they can't have you getting mud all over the bar?

Or is it just a being single thing? The whole leave the window open and watch movies with your arm around someone or vice versa. I do have a shirt some where that says "Rainy days made for fucking" or something like that.

I can't remember what movie or animee it was in but there was this cool line. "You aren't sad because it is raining, it is raining because you are sad"

Of course being so busy the last two weekends and not really having anything going on this weekend is kinda weird. I have to check the in demand channel I kinda want to see Twilight. I know I'll get some kind of movie in now that I have food.
metalpeter - 06/21/09 12:00
I don't like the rain and never have. The strange part is I would rather have snow then Rain. The reason is that with snow you don't get wet until it starts to melts, It is possible to be cold but not get wet for like hours in the snow. But what bothers me so much about the snow is the ice, well and that people don't know how to shovel or clean the streets so they leave these giant mountains you have to climb or walk through, that being said I still like summer much more then winter, plus you have the ladies showing off all that skin as an added bonus.
jason - 06/20/09 22:06
It is raining because you are sad. That does make sense. Life is what you make of it. Who wants to be miserable? I love rainy days and sunny days.
tinypliny - 06/20/09 17:54
Don't like rainy days but I don't mind getting wet either. Go figure. :) I love sunlight far too much to like cloudy overcast days shrouded with grey.
theecarey - 06/20/09 16:40
Sometimes I love the rain, but today, I want sunshine. I feel so unmotivated and bored. Like (e:paul) said, it will be pretty awesome out after the weekend is over.
metalpeter - 06/20/09 15:57
I'm glad I'm not the only one then.
paul - 06/20/09 15:05
Its especially depressing when it like 80 and sunny m,t,wed