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07/04/2009 11:58 #49184

4th Eve
Category: holiday
First of all thanks to (e:vincent), (e:Drew) and (e:Janelle) it was a good time at the game and BPO and fireworks. Sorry (e:Mrmike) couldn't make it, but from his post it sounded like he and the son had a better time then they would have had there.

So the Bisons lost, what a shock, not really. But the game was still a lot of fun and so was the company. Hopefully pictures will be posted on Monday sometime. Game wise I think the pictures will be good. Fireworks wise I think the same will hold true. But stuff on the field it is just to dark things also came out blurry. Bob from Seasme Street was there. I figured he would do much but he did a lot. He sang songs and Narrated stuff and was a big part of the BPO show. It was a really good time watching the fireworks and BPO.

Then After that Club Diablo and The Tap Room where a good time. Not sure what the band was called but had a few and relaxed. Mike that was a good idea. At Diablo saw some Bettie Paige's if you want to see the pictures of the Stripteasers there are all ready some pictures up on Club Diablo's myspace page. All in all it was a great time thanks to everyone and hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be going downtown at some point for the 4th and to check out the AUD and get some pictures.

07/03/2009 15:59 #49180

Public Enemies
Category: movies
I went to go see Public Enemies and on the way Elmwood looked pretty interesting and Pano's was packed and all Pretty girls where out in force.

With out giving to much away I liked the movie. I guess I'll do a list
1) Old Classic Cars
2) Violence
3) A good story line
4) Johny Depp (dosn't look right) and other good actors
5) Good Music
6) A love Story
7) Dialouge
8) Over 2hrs

Overall I kinda think it is a love story with good drama and a lot of action, I don't mean blowing things up, it is a gangster movie. I also really like a few lines in the movie. There are some other things I liked but to say what would give stuff away.

Hope everyone has a great holiday.
lukamagnotta - 07/07/09 03:10
OMG I just saw Public enemies in Miami!

07/01/2009 19:10 #49143

Weekend Past Marina and AUD
Category: photos
So I have been reading Posts on (e:strip) but haven't had the time to post my waterfront and Aud Pictures. If you read the news I guess since then there is even less of the Aud now.






































I was surprised to see the Carvings for a cause back down at the Marina. That was a nice surprise.












































































Well for those of you who made it to the bottom I hope you liked the pictures. I had a good time taking them. I also hope you all have a great Holiday Weekend, I know it isn't the weekend yet but I hope you do. Some times trying to firm up plans can be kinda stressful and some times not what ever you all do I hope it is a great time.
metalpeter - 07/02/09 20:04
Glad some people liked the pictures. I'm not sure how much is left of "The Aud" but I know there is less then there was. I'm thinking about going down there on Saturday for the 4th of July and then maybe get a few more pictures of it then also.
dimartiste - 07/02/09 14:30
I agree with Paul WOW! Yes i got to the bottom and ws thankful that someone I know was documenting this historical event with the aud. Everyday since they started demo on the way to work - I would say to myself one day I'm going to drive by and no aud. Thanks for the well wishes. Yes having an art show on the holiday weekend is insane and stessful. I am keepin thos happy thoughts with me all weekend I am already in debt to your inspiring photography. Thank you for shaing!
tinypliny - 07/02/09 00:12
Those are wonderful pictures! They are so crisp and clear. Such a beautiful day in Buffalo (when was this?) - it makes me want to go out there and spend the entire day in the sun away from the computer and the writing. I feel like summer is slipping past and I am trapped inside all the time writing for only god knows how long.

Thank you so much for the pictures!
paul - 07/01/09 21:14
Wow, its seriously the last little piece left.

06/27/2009 19:38 #49101

Waterfront Transformers Aud
Category: potpourri
So my day started out Pretty Well. I did a little bit of running around before the movies and that included going to Anderson's and during my order I forgot what I wanted hey the hot lady taking my order with the hot glasses was a bit of a distraction. So after I ate it was off to Transformers. I thought it was amazing. I think it was better then the first one. Megan Fox is still pretty hot and she wasn't the only hottie in it. There was one thing that at first story wise didn't make sense but it turns out I just miss took something that was said the wrong way. I can't say anything else with out giving any thing away. So then it was off to see the AUD and the Waterfront. If I have time pictures will go up on Sunday but I have something going on so not sure if they will. Wow there is really hardly anything left of the Aud go see it before it is all gone. I had a good time at the waterfront and saw two limo Buses there was a wedding party down there not sure if it had all ready happened or was going to Happen I'm guessing it all ready took place. The Hatch was open but the deck part was having a private party so I'm guessing it was the wedding people. All in All a good day. I'm still not sure If I'm doing any thing on the 3rd thinking maybe get a Ticket for the bisons then when that is over slide over to Diablo since it is free. It is Bettie Page night and the strip teasers will be performing. Not sure how many sets or if I will see any but we shall see. I think on the 4th is Jackdaw and some bands down at the water I may go to that who knows. I need to get through a Party for for Cousins kid on Sunday first that should be fun and then make it through the work week. Hope I also get to see some movies over the rest of the weekend.

06/25/2009 20:03 #49085

Michael Jackson My thoughts
Category: news

So wow that is a long link on Yahoo's page If it doesn't work I'm sure you can find a newer story on his death someplace like TMZ. What I want to talk about is a little bit about the guy.

I'm sure you will find someone who didn't like any of his songs someplace. But I think most people would say even if they didn't like him that he had some song they liked. I think that reason is why his death is a shock. I think everyone knows how big his songs where and how he sold so much music. I'm not sure about how Huge He got when compared to others, but I would put him up their with All The legends at least fame wise. I don't think anyone can really measure how much of an impact he had on music. Was it pop music yes. But think back to the videos. Think about thriller there are still tribute dances to that up to a few years ago, I'm sure they are up on Youtube. It is hard to explain for those that weren't there how much of a big deal thriller was. I kinda remember that there was a point when MTV only Had Certain times you could see the entire video. I think videos are where he made his biggest impact on music. Yes I was a fan. I'm sure there are some people who think he sucks but like weird al. I love weird al but I think that some of what got him so much attention was Eat It, great video by the way and a few other spoofs.

Now in terms of Micheal as a person there is so much stuff I don't get. I don't get all the surgery. I don't get how is skin changed color. Did he get bashed for a lot of that, yeah and he did deserve it. To bad he didn't listen. Well maybe he was happy that way so maybe that is wrong. In terms of the kid stuff. I still say he didn't do anything to any of them. The Main issue was he had some kid in his bed. Um so what parents have there kids in there bed all the time. I really think that his family was fucked up and that messed him up some. When he was a little guy he was a star in The Jackson five. That fucked him up. He kinda had the mind of a child or was living out his Childhood when he was an adult. With out doing a formal survey I think if you looked at other child stars you would see the same thing. That doesn't mean that being a child star fucks you up. But when you are famous you still need to have a childhood and do kid stuff other wise you get screwed up. The other reason I don't think Micheal did anything is that some of his child friends where never touched Culkin (isn't he kinda messed up to know, not sure) and one of the Corry's was a huge fan and friend and danced in one of his videos. The other question you have to ask is if you where a parent and knew Micheal Jackson was weird would you leave your kid there alone? If you would why? Money maybe?

I don't know what caused the Heart Attack. But I'm sure what ever it was, had to do at least some what from things in his past or his life currently. It is to bad that one of the 3 MJ's is gone at one time those three briefly ruled the world. Oh the other two are Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan. On another side note it is to bad that he never got his Huge Comeback like Prince. I'm not currently a fan, but am glad he made it back. If you have read this it is kinda all over the place but here is the Yahoo article:

LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted "King of Pop" who emerged from childhood superstardom to become the entertainment world's most influential singer and dancer before his life and career deteriorated in a freakish series of scandals, died Thursday, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. He was 50.

The person said Jackson died in a Los Angeles hospital. The person was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

The circumstances of his death were not immediately clear. Jackson was not breathing when Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics responded to a call at his Los Angeles home about 12:30 p.m., Capt. Steve Ruda told the Los Angeles Times. The paramedics performed CPR and took him to UCLA Medical Center, Ruda told the newspaper.

Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.

His 1982 album "Thriller" - which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" - remains the biggest-selling album of all time, with more than 26 million copies.

He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters.

His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks second only to his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.

As years went by, he became an increasingly freakish figure - a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grownup life. His skin became lighter and his nose narrower. He surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, often wore a germ mask while traveling and kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions.

In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him. The case took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.

Jackson was preparing for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13. He was in rehearsals in Los Angeles for the concert, an extravaganza that was to capture the classic Jackson magic: showstopping dance moves, elaborate staging and throbbing dance beats.

Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital as word of his death spread. The emergency entrance at the UCLA Medical Center, which is near Jackson's rented home, was roped off with police tape.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson has just died," a woman boarding a Manhattan bus called out, shortly after the news was annunced. Immediately many riders reached for their cell phones.

In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.

"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend sent to his telephone. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."