So I found the above article kinda interesting but didn't follow any of the links from it, I assume what it says is true but not sure. On a calender at work I thought I saw that today is also the first day of summer what a way to start it off Buffalo Style. Here is the article/blog if the link doesn't work or if you don't want to read it there
Searching for the Origin of Father's Day
by Mike Krumboltz
Searchers have a question they'd like answered: Who started Father's Day? Who do they have to thank for the mandatory bonding time they're spending with dear ol' dad this weekend? Lookups on "father's day origin" and "who started father's day" inspired us to investigate. The results of our research shook us to our very core.
OK, maybe not to our core, exactly. But the story of how Father's Day came to be is still pretty interesting. A blog from a Detroit church explains that most historians credit a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd with creating the holiday. Ms. Smart Dodd was "inspired by her father, a widower and Civil War veteran named William Jackson Smart." She wanted to do something to honor his memory while paying respect to all fathers.
Clearly she was a woman with a plan. Alas, not everybody agreed with her pleas to "give it up for the papas" (our words, not hers). In fact, Ms. Smart Dodd's proposal was often mocked when it first made the rounds. Folks felt it unnecessary. And the all-male United States Congress felt that having a holiday for fathers might look like they were trying to give themselves "a pat on the back."
Additionally, many just plain didn't want the holiday. An article from Inspiration Line explains that, according to an article in The Spokesman-Review, "one group of men conventioneers laughed and said they didn't want a Father's Day. A National Fishing Day would be better, they told her."
Though many scoffed, the holiday was eventually accepted. In 1910, the first local Father's Day was held. It wasn't until 1924 that President Calvin Coolidge "made it a national event." Then, in 1966, President Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the third Sunday of June as Father's Day. President Nixon made it law in 1972.
It's hard to imagine a time when the idea of Father's Day was mocked and dismissed as ridiculous. If it weren't for the tenacity of a grateful daughter, it may never have come to pass.
I don't like the rain and never have. The strange part is I would rather have snow then Rain. The reason is that with snow you don't get wet until it starts to melts, It is possible to be cold but not get wet for like hours in the snow. But what bothers me so much about the snow is the ice, well and that people don't know how to shovel or clean the streets so they leave these giant mountains you have to climb or walk through, that being said I still like summer much more then winter, plus you have the ladies showing off all that skin as an added bonus.
It is raining because you are sad. That does make sense. Life is what you make of it. Who wants to be miserable? I love rainy days and sunny days.
Don't like rainy days but I don't mind getting wet either. Go figure. :) I love sunlight far too much to like cloudy overcast days shrouded with grey.
Sometimes I love the rain, but today, I want sunshine. I feel so unmotivated and bored. Like (e:paul) said, it will be pretty awesome out after the weekend is over.
I'm glad I'm not the only one then.
Its especially depressing when it like 80 and sunny m,t,wed