So After the Art Festival on Saturday I went to (e:Libertad)'s Party. It was a good time. Those dips where really good, I tried the one beans, Cheese and bacon one all where very good. I just wish I wasn't feeling so tired, plus having Mike's Hard Lemonade in a comfy chair on a porch helps make one sleepy. Here are the pictures.
Again it was one great part to a great weekend, thanks.
metalpeter - 06/17/09 19:24 Yeah Know I can see why you would want to have another party, it was a good time.
libertad - 06/16/09 22:24 That was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the pictures. It makes me want to have another party!
06/11/2009 19:35 #48892
Update the weekend Category: potpourri
So first of all if my boss is reading this, thanks for the Baseball tickets and the day off. I'm still in shock that the Bisons won and that it didn't rain. The bisons beat the Durham Bulls. I call them one of the Icon teams. What I mean is that people who don't follow baseball have heard of them. That alone doesn't make them a good team. I think part of the reason they are so well known is from the movie Bull Durham. I admit I have never seen it. From what I heard that movie is more about sex and relationships then it is about baseball. Anyone who has seen it is that true?
So the other night The Penguins won and that means game seven in Detroit on Friday night. That should be a great game. Since the start of the series I didn't think the Penguins could beat Detroit. Both teams are great and have great goaltending. But Detroit is just to good at home, and the home team has won all 6 games. Assuming I do what I want to do, I'm going to miss the game and go to Club Diablo for the Purgatory Fetish Ball, and try not to stay as late as I did last year. Granted I got to see something amazing but going home at that time was weird. I doubt they will have the game on there but I can watch the news and find out what happened. Work will be tough it all ways is after a day off but I'm glad I have something to look forward to.
Weeds and Nurse Jackie started up on Monday. They are both showtime shows. Weeds is pretty good. If you haven't seen it before you can catch up on shotime on demand or maybe even the part where they show what happened might be enough. Nurse Jackie is pretty good or at least the first episode was. I wouldn't call it realistic but I'm not a doctor or Nurse, but I would call it pretty good. I don't know how to say anything else with out giving anything away.
I should really get my camera fixed, it is a little bit messed up, but it still works. Besides we are kinda into that where there is no time because something is going on everyweekend. Taking pictures is fun but it can also be annoying to. You have the downloading and the uploading and the multiple sites and they each act differently. But I'm still doing. I don't know if I'll get any good ones at allentown but maybe I will. Hey if any of you run into me remind me to take a shot of you, I often forget to do that.
This weekend should be busy but should really be a lot of fun I hope everyone has a great time. I hope to have pictures up of the Aud and maybe the party and Allentown and Purgatory up maybe Sunday more like monday or tuesday who knows really.
I know I'm forgetting something but no idea what so ok that is it for now.
metalpeter - 06/13/09 09:34 I watched the beginning of the game and then went to Purgatory, oh what a great time what a bunch of lovely ladies there, yes some of it is the fetish hair and out fits but it was really a good time, and some of the stuff looked really good also, I didn't stay till the end. Then I got later and found out the penguins had won, that was awesome. I can admit the why the red wings have been playing at home I never thought it would happen. Well off to the art festival and Hopefully (e:libertad)'s party all with camera in hand.
metalpeter - 06/12/09 18:37 Well I guess Having a few relationships going on at the same time could be a lot of fun. The other thing I wanted to mention was that the bird scene there was crazy. It is tough to explain how they where all flying all over the place. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
heidi - 06/12/09 12:23 I love Bull Durham. Kevin Costner & Susan Sarandon. I've always identified with Sarandon's character (over-educated, single, with a couple of relationships going on).
06/07/2009 15:58 #48864
Pride Parades Category: holiday
I hope that there are still people out having fun now that both parades are over and that the weather stays nice. It is odd that the sun is out it feels nice then it goes away and out comes the wind and you need a hoodie or Jacket or something. It was nice to run into a few (e:peeps) at the parade also.
Here are the pictures from last night:
Yes the car and flowers aren't from the March but I liked them so I added them into the above Photos. Now for a bunch of pictures from the Parade Sorry (e:PMT) I didn't think to get a shot of your a group shot would have been cool. (for those who don't know when you upload more then one picture at a time then that group of pictures isn't in the order that they where taken, if you want to see them in the correct order then check out my webhots page they should be up around the same time or maybe a few minutes after this is posted)
I guess now is a good time to say that I think it is good to have pride in what ever or who ever you are. That being said I think that when ever you have pride you need to be careful and often check what that really means. yes there are all kinds of pride but often times having pride for who you are is just a way to hate on others but that isn't all ways true. It is very easy slide from being a proud Irish guy to turn into a rioter at a soccer (futbol) game or a skin head. That being said I don't think gay pride is the same type of pride. I'm not gay so I'm not really sure. But to me at least. This type of pride is more of, I'm willing to except who I am, and say who I am, even though I may not be excepted by society and that is why I think gay pride and pride parades are a good thing. Again not being gay myself I wouldn't know but maybe these parades also do good because people see some group they never heard of that helps them live a fuller or better life some how. Ok back to the pictures.
I admit that Pride Weekend isn't really a Holiday but people do celebrate it so that is why I used that. The counter point could be that different Cities have Pride on Different days. So what I say is why not go visit those other places Like Toronto or maybe Boston or where ever and have a good time then. On a side note I got all kinds of Condoms If I only had a nice little cutie pie to use them on (any one want to help me out with that, HA) that would be nice, HA. I hope everyone has and had a good time and I hope you enjoyed this really long post and made it to almost the bottom of it. I have a couple non Parade Pictures. (hope I posted all of them and didn't dupe any of the pride ones).
This is on the Metro Bus Yesterday. I wonder who Put it up and when. I like the message but wonder if this is ok and wonder if the message could also have some what I would consider bad ideas that go along with what this person who ever it was did.
Yes that is a Paper Cross.
A few waterfront and AUD Pictures that if you want to see more of are on my webshots Page.
06/09/2009 18:54 #48878
Is it the weekend yet Category: events
It seems odd that it is only Tuesday and I'm all ready looking forward to the weekend. Not that I partook in any of the Pride activites a few days ago, but that was like only two days ago [PREVIOUS POST HAS PICTURES]
The first part is that On Friday Night I'm planning to go to Club Diablo to go see the Purgatory Fetish 2. I'm guessing like last time there will be some stuff that I like and some stuff that freaks me out. Hopefully I will be close and get some good pictures of the stage. The day before that I'm hoping for good weather since I'm going to the Bisons game. This weekend is also the Allentown Art Festival. I know a lot of people bash them but I like a lot of the stuff people sell there. Granted some of it is out of my price range. Then dealing with the crowds is tough some times. But there is also that other festival that has a name that takes place around all those Allen St. Bars and that is all ways interesting as well. I'm hoping to find some cool art that I like and can also buy we shall see. Then I'm also going to try and go to a party on Saturday night [(e:Libertad)'s] that should be a good time as well. I know looking forward to things that haven't happened yet is often a bad way to go through life. Hey then if you don't make it to one of those things you feel down even though you might still be having a good time. It looks like if I'm able to pull everything off that this weekend will be busier then the one that just ended.
I wish I was going to have time to go see a movie this weekend but I don't see that happening. That Pixar movie UP looks pretty good and not sure what new movies are opening this weekend if any, but I think that will get put on the back burner. Things like Allentown and Prugatory also makes me wish I lived Downtown but if I did I wonder if I would really like it.
06/06/2009 17:38 #48851
Interesting day so far Category: sports
So a bit later I'm going to try and see the Dyke march or as it is also called Dykes on Bikes. It goes by pretty fast. Then come home and watch the Penguins game it should be a great game. If I can watch it all then watch some MMA on showtime. Today I walked downtown to go see "The Hangover" some of it was funny and I'm glad I went it was a good time. After it I walked down to the Aud (hopefully pictures after Pride, not sure where I want to stand, I was going to go to the circle but they moved the start point so not sure where maybe spot maybe corner of summer) and saw that The Aud has a website I had no idea. The first thing I saw was that the AUD is dead for sure now. The roof is on top of the seating area. For those that didn't hear about this all ready they are having an Irish Wake for the Aud on Sunday. It sounds kinda cool, I don't think I'm going to make it though but here is the info for anyone who thinks they might like it . I hope everyone is having and has a great weekend.
Yeah Know I can see why you would want to have another party, it was a good time.
That was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the pictures. It makes me want to have another party!