I do have one problem with the Allentown West Part. That street is so small you can't even move. Well that and some people like to just stand in one spot and not move there feet, bastards!!!!!!!!!

You may have noticed the protesters, again I'm not sure if they are protesting or trying to spread their word there is a difference. That being said those two people protesting the Pill I assume the mean Birth Control pills, It wasn't clear because there is also the Morning After Pill and then there is "The Abortion Pill" RU something and they all are different.
Here is some pictures of the art I bought and it hanging on my walls.

One of the pieces of art that I didn't get that I would have liked to is that Broadway art. The wicked one was just to much. They had some Buffalo ones. I wasn't thinking about how each one is unique so when I went back they where gone. Ok back to the artfestival.

On Sunday I didn't see that much of the Art Festival Really but I did catch some of the Allendale music fest stuff. I some how missed Robie's press conference on music is art, but all in all it was a great weekend.
Yeah Know I can see why you would want to have another party, it was a good time.
That was a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the pictures. It makes me want to have another party!