Here are the pictures from last night:

Yes the car and flowers aren't from the March but I liked them so I added them into the above Photos. Now for a bunch of pictures from the Parade Sorry (e:PMT) I didn't think to get a shot of your a group shot would have been cool. (for those who don't know when you upload more then one picture at a time then that group of pictures isn't in the order that they where taken, if you want to see them in the correct order then check out my webhots page they should be up around the same time or maybe a few minutes after this is posted)

I guess now is a good time to say that I think it is good to have pride in what ever or who ever you are. That being said I think that when ever you have pride you need to be careful and often check what that really means. yes there are all kinds of pride but often times having pride for who you are is just a way to hate on others but that isn't all ways true. It is very easy slide from being a proud Irish guy to turn into a rioter at a soccer (futbol) game or a skin head. That being said I don't think gay pride is the same type of pride. I'm not gay so I'm not really sure. But to me at least. This type of pride is more of, I'm willing to except who I am, and say who I am, even though I may not be excepted by society and that is why I think gay pride and pride parades are a good thing. Again not being gay myself I wouldn't know but maybe these parades also do good because people see some group they never heard of that helps them live a fuller or better life some how. Ok back to the pictures.

I admit that Pride Weekend isn't really a Holiday but people do celebrate it so that is why I used that. The counter point could be that different Cities have Pride on Different days. So what I say is why not go visit those other places Like Toronto or maybe Boston or where ever and have a good time then. On a side note I got all kinds of Condoms If I only had a nice little cutie pie to use them on (any one want to help me out with that, HA) that would be nice, HA. I hope everyone has and had a good time and I hope you enjoyed this really long post and made it to almost the bottom of it. I have a couple non Parade Pictures. (hope I posted all of them and didn't dupe any of the pride ones).
This is on the Metro Bus Yesterday. I wonder who Put it up and when. I like the message but wonder if this is ok and wonder if the message could also have some what I would consider bad ideas that go along with what this person who ever it was did.

Yes that is a Paper Cross.
A few waterfront and AUD Pictures that if you want to see more of are on my webshots Page.

Well there are some states that it could never pass in like ever. If it did pass there would be riots (GA for one and not sure where else), there are still some states that you can't sell sex toys in, and one state alone is what got Tommy Chong (by the way if you have seen the movie he was set up by the FBI in a sting operation) arrested for selling a bong. When he was raided they didn't care that he had weed. I kid you not they cared that he had bongs. I use that as an example to show how crazy this country of ours is some times.
Six down, 45 to go.