i'm confused about this. i'm not sure how i feel about wooden technology. somehow i don't find it surprising that this should come out of russia.
watches---used to be coveted by russian tsars, now they are worth $20,000.

modern computer mouse.

just for the record, this is the first mouse ever created back in 1964. Douglas Engelbart

modern cell phone. ---well..it's not so modern anymore since smartphones came on the market, but still...

and computers.....reminds me of the steampunk versions that are floating out there.

don't forget about my other post below.
Neato.. I like the mouse. that CPU is badass too. I don't know about the wooden gears and stuff though... As long as it works :)
Well I have heard that using wood is really better then plastic wood can be reused and often all of plastic doesn't break down or something not sure if that is true. But there is also a certain look you get with wood that you can't get with plastic. Well that is unless it is the plastic they put in cars to make look like wood. Wow I have said all this stuff about wood and never made any jokes about the other meaning of wood.