Does anyone want to go see Star Trek at the Imax on May 8th (Fri) or May 9th (Sat)? Friday showtime would be around 7pm, Saturday in the early afternoon or evening.
If you're up for it, let me know. If there's interest and we can agree on when, I'll buy a block of tickets when they're available and you can pay me back at the theater. IMAX tickets are $14 for adults. If no one wants to see it at that price I guess I'd be up for seeing it non-IMAX, which would cost $10/each.
Really looking forward to this!
See this post to sign up:
that was amazing.... amazing. i'ma watch it again.
That is completely insane.
And THAT's how the R&B actually sounds nowadays (Cher as well)! If they are using this software, I have to wonder whether they can really sing or not. That's scary.