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04/21/2009 13:39 #48468

Star Trek
Category: outings
Does anyone want to go see Star Trek at the Imax on May 8th (Fri) or May 9th (Sat)? Friday showtime would be around 7pm, Saturday in the early afternoon or evening.

If you're up for it, let me know. If there's interest and we can agree on when, I'll buy a block of tickets when they're available and you can pay me back at the theater. IMAX tickets are $14 for adults. If no one wants to see it at that price I guess I'd be up for seeing it non-IMAX, which would cost $10/each.

Really looking forward to this!


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paul - 04/23/09 15:37
I think we prob want to go to. Either is fine.
heidi - 04/22/09 17:57
I want to go!!! Either is fine.
lilho - 04/22/09 03:01
I want to go! I think its too far of a trip for me though so I will need to find some trekkies out here!
vincent - 04/21/09 22:35
I'd be interested in going.
jason - 04/21/09 15:08
Ohhhh, mannn, I know!! There are some serious geek movies this spring, Star Trek, Terminator Salvation, Wolverine...awesome!!
joshua - 04/21/09 14:51
Daily Mail gave the movie a 5-star review, even being so bold as to suggest that it is "the greatest prequel of all time." :::link:::

The Times, similarly glowing - :::link:::

mrmike - 04/21/09 14:48
I'm enough of a dork that I'm up for it.

04/15/2009 11:24 #48392

No words...
Category: politics

So, Blagojevich gets a reality TV show? *head asplodes*

james - 04/16/09 14:46
"He's making more money than he did as Gov."

Just wait until the trial is over and we will found out exactly how much he made. ^_^
jason - 04/16/09 14:34
I'm speechless. Rod the Fraud gets what, 50k or 60k per episode? He's making more money than he did as Gov.

04/13/2009 15:46 #48377

Bacon Lube
From the makers of Baconaisse


Sadly, only an April Fool's Day joke.
carolinian - 04/14/09 16:21
Could I get that bacon-wrapped?
jim - 04/14/09 08:35
I don't know how I missed that! Thanks Paul.
paul - 04/13/09 20:35
Did you see (e:libertad,48269) I'd tried bacon grease just straight up, you don't need a squeeze bottle. Just be sure to filter out the crunchies. Remember, crunchy as sex never mix.

The fact that so many people talked about it means there is a market. Maybe we should go into business.

04/13/2009 13:37 #48375

Charlie the Unicorn 3

jenks - 04/15/09 09:42
is that from the makers of planet unicorn??
james - 04/13/09 14:42
Oh god.
jim - 04/13/09 14:01
We've got to be sneaky, Charlie!
james - 04/13/09 13:56
Oh no!

04/13/2009 10:18 #48373

Easter AIG Hunt
Go Wallstreet!



From Wooster Collective via miggi