carolinian - 04/14/09 16:21 Could I get that bacon-wrapped?
jim - 04/14/09 08:35 I don't know how I missed that! Thanks Paul.
paul - 04/13/09 20:35 Did you see (e:libertad,48269) I'd tried bacon grease just straight up, you don't need a squeeze bottle. Just be sure to filter out the crunchies. Remember, crunchy as sex never mix.
The fact that so many people talked about it means there is a market. Maybe we should go into business.
04/13/2009 13:37 #48375
Charlie the Unicorn 3
jenks - 04/15/09 09:42 is that from the makers of planet unicorn??
You are either: A person who claims to have experienced God, who says atheism is false because of their experience, or a person who claims to have had no experience of God, who says theism (belief in God) is false because of their lack of experience. Is lack of experience really a good way to form a world view? Atheism is ignorance, nothing more.
How about this.
"You are either a person who claims to have experienced God's non-existence, who says God is false because of their experience, or a person who claims to have belief in God, who says disbelief of God is false because of their lack of experience. Is lack of experience really a good way to form a world view? Faith in God is ignorance, nothing more." -- me, just now
If your argument is such vapid nonsense that you can fill in the blanks with any old abstract thing, maybe you have a problem with rational thought, and the only logic you're capable of understanding is circular.
'Neither have you tasted my Jesus'? I mean seriously. Aaarrgh.
That the argument above is used to justify creationism and Biblical literalism makes my head explode. Ignorance of God is shameful, but not just ignorance but willful ignorance of science is a well formed world view? SCIENCE, HAVE YOU TASTED IT?
I don't think even Jesus ever tasted that Jesus.
drew - 04/12/09 13:32 I didn't watch the video until now.
Not only is it illogical, it is also unbiblical. and kind of annoying.
and James, you are right.
jim - 04/12/09 07:19 And Drew, my point exactly about the reasoning from experience - which is why I contrasted with my own experiential reasoning. Neither of which is very interesting as a starting point for an argument. A discussion over tea maybe :)
jim - 04/12/09 07:10 There are arguments for the existence of God which aren't based on circular reasoning or a priori assumptions that are far from certain.
I am not particularly swayed by them, but I respect them and could spend hours chatting about them.
This one though caught me off guard and made me angry.
james - 04/11/09 23:12 So you can take one of two paths. You can be a Christian or you can be a sinner... This doesn't sound like the Christianity I remember.
drew - 04/11/09 20:49 I (obviously) think a really good argument can be made for the existence of God. But I also think that argument is a waste of time. Especially arguments like this one, which though it states that experience is the primary way that people come to believe, does not offer an experience, but instead attempts to reason.
metalpeter - 04/11/09 16:38 First a little bit of humor. I would like to start a poll. How many years until that girl is doing an adult web cam, HA I say 5.
Here the thing that gets me upset. Everyone looks for answers of why are we here? What is the purpose for Life? and questions along those lines. You have Science and You Have Faith. Now there are many kinds of faiths and beliefs and some are almost the same and some are very far apart. Most of the time you look to answers through faith or through science and some people can combine both. But for a lot of these people on both sides they think the other side are idiots. But all it really is, is a different perspective. What causes people to believe what that do isn't really important here. What is important is to know that most who think there is no god, or one different then yours can't really change. Yes some of there views might change slightly, and over time things they see might change how the view the world. But here is the big thing YOU AREN'T going to be the thing that changes them. I don't mean people shouldn't try to get people to Join their church, or leave it. What I'm saying is that people need to understand that you don't agree with someone's views, but that doesn't mean you should try to change them to the views that in your mind are correct.
I have to admit that have you tasted my Jesus is at first a funny line. But when you think more about it, it makes sense. The teacher should have said sorry I have not but you haven't tasted my science either. What tasting Jesus mean is that he hasn't tried Jesus he hasn't looked at it and seen if it makes sense. The conflict there is that the teacher and the student don't respect where the other person is coming from, hence the debate. Other wise they could just disagree and not waste the classes time.
paul - 04/11/09 16:06 Seriously, you are my athiest hero. You say all the thing I never say anymore because I am tired of fighting.
You should have seen crazy james versus the numerology people. It was hilarious. He is also quite an outspoken non-believer.
jim - 04/11/09 11:16 Also saddened that I read Youtube comments. I am complicit in making my head explode.
"He's making more money than he did as Gov."
Just wait until the trial is over and we will found out exactly how much he made. ^_^
I'm speechless. Rod the Fraud gets what, 50k or 60k per episode? He's making more money than he did as Gov.