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Tinypliny's Journal

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03/23/2009 20:10 #48169

We have a grocery store!!!!
Category: grocery
PS: I am reviewing it this Saturday.

03/23/2009 00:37 #48161

Hello E:Strip!
Category: e:strip
tinypliny - 03/23/09 19:58
Thank you!! My head just grew several centimetres in diameter! :)
libertad - 03/23/09 13:29
Looks good. Mine is terrible.
theli - 03/23/09 10:00
The horror! THE HORROR!

Nah, actually looks great. Mine is chicken scratch.
mrmike - 03/23/09 09:57
Very nice penwomanship! :)
rory - 03/23/09 00:43
OOoh - lovely script TP!

03/22/2009 17:51 #48155

The Pope says what??
Category: science

The Pope on AIDS:
"You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms," "On the contrary, it increases the problem."

Sure, Mr. Pope. Were you wearing your seat belt when you said this? You shouldn't have. You can't resolve air crashes by wearing seat belts. On the contrary, it increases air crashes. You are encouraged not to fly at all. That is the perfect solution for avoiding air crashes. Seriously, stay on that Vatican balcony, wave to people and make all the diseases go away.
metalpeter - 03/23/09 19:59
I don't agree with the Pope. I do get what he is saying from a Belief sense. If you give out condoms it will enforce a behavior that shouldn't be encouraged. It is like saying sex is ok. You have to remember that they believe sex outside of marriage is a sin, they also believe contraception is a Sin. So to him it is like saying ok sin twice and that will stop AIDS. His point is that if you stop the Behavior then no one else will get AIDS. He does have a point. That being said they won't stop and to think they will is silly. But he also can't come out and tell people to do what he thinks is a sin.

03/15/2009 11:54 #48059

Lent can go to hell.
Category: tourism
You know what? I can't take this any more. I ran into (e:paul), (e:matthew) and (e:terry) yesterday and its time I chucked the cultural tourism away.

Oh, and I officially hate the much touted "Slumdog Millionaire". I have a good mind to push Danny Boyle into a pool of poo for ruining my mood and day yesterday. Keep your depressing tales of India to yourself, you oh-I-am-holier-and-more-artsy-than-anyone-and-all-Indians-rot-in-slums-or-are-evil angrez. If this is all you can see in India, then probably you should stay in cold britain and spin depressing tales until you freeze to death.

YES. People live in slums. YES. There are riots - some of which are senseless and religion-based. YES. There is police brutality. YES. There are gangs. But you cannot take *everything* that goes wrong in a country of a billion, filter out all the balancing good and slam it insensitively in everyone's face for two+ hours all over the planet. No wonder Indians don't like this film. UGH.

Do you know what I heard coming out of the theatre yesterday? Some buffalo denizen wondering about the Mumbai blasts and commenting that it probably put the orphans living in Mumbai slums out of their misery. Yeah sure. People in the twin towers were steeped in corporate evil. The planes put an end to their evilness by ramming into their offices. /end sarcasm

Oh and about the Indian head shake - how can you get it right, if you are a Fanny I-am-so-artsy Boil directing a brit born Indian teenager who has probably never been to India before this movie was shot? Nice bit of cultural mocking to add insult to injury. If you found it annoying (e:Paul), I found it morbidly contrived and irritating. :/

I think the Oscar judges are a bunch of masochistic little losers who can't appreciate happiness and hope and probably think negative is a synonym of powerful. To hell with your myopic little twisted world.
tinypliny - 03/22/09 14:09
I really liked the movie "outsourced". I thought it was completely plausible and very nicely done. :)

I also loved Darjeeling Express!
ladycroft - 03/19/09 06:10
Yah, I have to say I felt the movie was really hyped after watching it. I mean, it had an interesting story line, and I laughed out loud on the plane when the kid jumped in the poo - but like you said, perhaps leaned a little to far to one side.

Slightly off topic, have you seen the film "outsourced"? I think it would make you laugh - and shows many sides.

james - 03/15/09 20:01
As a man, pagan in my pleasures, I don't get the utilitarian function of lent. There is enough want without denying ourselves, much like you left each of us urning for more Pliny.

Welcome back.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 19:14
One more point of hate. They start out in Mumbaikar street hindi but suddenly switch to completely alien English?? It totally messes up the flow of the movie and adds to the contrived overall feeling.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 17:17
YAAAAAAYY!! Let the unruliness begin!!! :D
hodown - 03/15/09 16:13
Tiny you're baaack!! Yay.
mrmike - 03/15/09 14:59
Don't see what the big deal is out of the film, but I'm glad you gave Lent the heave ho. Missed you round here
vincent - 03/15/09 14:28
I'm still holding out of facebook. But another month or 29 days seems like an eternity. April 12th can't get here soon enough. Until then I'm here & slumming it on myspace.
metalpeter - 03/15/09 12:30
Well the first reports made it sound like if you where American you where killed and some guy from Europe was let go. I don't know the political stuff of who supports who but after time it was political and religious from what I remember. I admit I don't really remember since I don't see a lot of news.
tinypliny - 03/15/09 12:23
Thanks for your comments, (e:metalpeter). I am glad you liked the movie. You see, that is exactly the kind of image that the movie strived to portray - that there is no mobility among the classes and there is no hope of any. But I see it as an unhealthy dose of negativity.

A vast portion of India IS poor but Indians value education and family - A LOT. We use education as a means of getting ahead. And there was a raw nerve of truth in the mom dressing up the kids and forcing them to school while they were not interested at all. Kids who stay in school do well anywhere in the world. This is true of India as well. There is no one who has to stay that way, if they want to be better! Education has always been free and will be free in India. Of course, a film is all about artistic license but its not equivalent to the license to take hope and positive messages away.

Nice bit of movie making but an unbalanced dose of cultural mocking.

The Mumbai attacks affected the financial well-being of the city and of the country as a whole. If you have been following, what's happening in the subcontinent after that attack, you will realize that it was not about Americans at all.
metalpeter - 03/15/09 12:03
I liked the movie but have never been to India. What I pulled away from the movie isn't that India is poor. I don't know if the class system really still is how it used to be, but from what I learned is there are different classes of people and what ever class you are born into you can't really leave. Again I don't know if that is true anymore. So when I saw the movie I saw that the people in the slums where just that. They where not bad people but they where a class who had to stay that way. That is why the guys beat the kid up, see he is from the low class so he could never know the stuff he knows. He is from the low class so he isn't allowed to get money and move up. When I heard about the Mumbai attacks I thought that it was about not liking americans who might live in that part of the area. I don't know what caused it all but they didn't go after the slums so I guess those people where way off. In terms of how the story was told I liked the style it followed, how on each question they showed that story that taught the kid that. I liked it sorry you didn't.

02/24/2009 23:56 #47882

Give it up!
Category: tourism
I have decided to do some cultural tourism, go to Roswell's Chapel tomorrow, be smeared with some ash and give up a definite addiction for some days. (I am disappointed to learn that its not really human ash - as an officemate tried to make me believe. Man, it was grotesquely entertaining when I did come close to believing what you said! ;))

Since its all about discipline, I am going to try and give up blogging on (e:strip) and non-academic non-essential internet surfing. I really thought about what I would miss the most and what I really indulge in and really... this is it.

(E:strip) is a colossal luxury for me each day, everyday! It's like my personal multiple thread soap opera and dark rich chocolate combined into one. I am obsessed with all of you and all of your lives. I read each and every journal to catch up on the soap story of your life. I may not comment on everything but believe me, I am interested. I am very interested when you tell me something more about yourselves!

So for this bit of cultural tourism, I am going to see what its like to give up my pet obsession for a whole of 40 days. Goodbye for now, and see you at Easter? (Is that right, (e:drew)?)

I will certainly miss you all! Cheers! :)
pmrk - 03/06/09 16:27
what?!? I think you're the only one who actually reads my journal and yes I'm still hibernating. :-)

I hope you come back before Easter.
james - 03/03/09 08:54
Ya! The groundhog saw his shadow, which means the Easter comes next week! Yippy, Tiny can come back now.
libertad - 03/03/09 08:31
OMG tiny you are missing so much great stuff. Don't you want to come and take a small peek?
libertad - 02/25/09 16:15
heidi - 02/25/09 10:22
hmmm.... i see you've tried this before... see (e:tinypliny) tag "simple pliny" or (e:tinypliny,44246)

To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh, "I hope she fails!"

I'm seconding (e:drew)'s point that Lent isn't about giving up relationships. I don't see you often enough as it is.
theli - 02/25/09 10:12
No tinypliny?
Truly? And for forty days?
The world shall go mad.
drew - 02/25/09 08:25
yeah. It's Easter, but being that I WILL be on (e:strip), I wish you've never learned of this.

btw (hopefully you are still reading) if you consider us friends, not entertainment, you really shouldn't "give us up." The purpose of lent is not to cut relationship.
mrmike - 02/25/09 06:32
No TP, till April? wah? Best wishes on your cultural tourism journey. Psst....this is why my catholicism lapsed
heidi - 02/25/09 02:22
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I can't go that long without you!!!!!!
theecarey - 02/25/09 00:23

ok then, see you in exactly 40 days. :)