i really don't want to come to buffalo. this feeling has been building for a while, and now it's to the point where i just don't feel like going at all.
i feel selfish because i should be excited to see my niece, but i feel like it is weird to be excited to see someone i don't even know.
it's so cold there, and the weather here is amazing. i would honestly like to sit by the pool in my bathing suit and read books and go hiking everyday, that's what i feel like doing.
i just can't bear thought of the cold and the awful lonely way it makes me feel. i need the sun!!!!!
maybe i should just go tanning the next few days so i can get my sun in before i leave...
i should definitely be more excited, especially to see all of my favorite people, so i am going to shut up now and force a smile. :)
I think they make good scientific sense. I would go for a pair if it helps me avoid wearing contacts or powered spectacles.
Did you hear that racism is the new black?
The blog that came form is preetty interesting :::link:::
Looks like people like Black Mask, and the Green Hornet way to much, where are the super or is that stuper hero out fits. On a side note that would be awesome to wear when robbing a bank.
Why do hipsters refuse to look like they are ever having fun? A bunch of dour old ladies they are.
Oh no! Looks like NYC needs the return of the dark knight.