Since the end of summer there has been a sign, saying that Zilly Cakes was coming soon. I thought that it might be some chain bakery I had never heard of. Every time I would walk by it I would think to go to the listed website, but forget by the time I got back home. Then I just happen to see an article on them for making an Obama cupcake portrait.

So I go to their website and it turns out Zilly Cakes is owned and ran by Zilly Rosen in our own Buffalo. She has had the garage portion of the building rezoned so she can have a bakery and shop. Check out some of her work

She won a gingerbread house contest in 2007 with this

When she does open she will make cakes to order, teach classes, and sell baked yummy goodness. From the site:
Our retail line includes a fresh cupcake bar, icing shots, naked cakes (rated G of course) and cupcake flights in our special tasting booth that last 1 hour and that you can book in advance. In addition to cupcakes individually or by the dozen, we'll have a small but incredibly artistic and delicious line of decorated cookies, miniature cakes, and little stacked cakes for sale
Yum. Yum.
Ya, cupcakes are so pase. You knew their moment had come and gone when the NYTimes style section dished about them.
Zobar, that is the very blog I saw this in. It is a bright spot in my day.
She just did one for the Smithsonian:
[Aside: Feel free to peruse the rest of Cake Wrecks :::link::: ]
- dpk
PS - I'm glad they're doing something constructive with the building, definitely. Great reuse. It used to just be a place to buy crappy shake.
No kidding. I wonder if she made the chocolate and raspberry mini-birthday cake I bought from Dolci. If she did, oooooooh.
Next time I'm in NYC I definitely am going to one of the cupcake joints.
Thanks for the heads up James!
She's a friend. Her operation springs out of Dolci at the moment. The whole staff is doing a cupcake installation at the Smithsonian of that portrait.
Jason- Gourmet cupcakes are all the rage. Come to NYC there are a million cupcake places here..
Wow, those cakes look incredible. Oh God, not gourmet cupcakes too, sweets are probably the one vice I've been able to control!!!!!