In this exciting game there are 30 minigames. In one, you use your remote to fill a bottle, then hold that remote like a bottle to feed a baby, and to finish it off you make the baby burp!
Then there is baby racing. Where you try to keep your baby standing as they race down an inflated bounce house. You can also jump (babies jump?) to knock down the other babies.

I understand babies. They are cute, they make funny faces and noises. I get it. But this level of role play just creeps me out. At least with the tomagachi you could quietly feed them during math class. But frantically pressing a button to make a fully-customizable burp? That is just sick.
Well everyone knows Babies are cute like Kittens when they aren't yours so when will the Kitten game come out,HA. As an example of this that Baby on the ETrade ads, I wonder if he spits up like in the ad how you clean that up in the game. On a side note on SNL last night they had this funny Fake ad (reminded me of Family guy reference) where a mother can't decide between cloth and recyclable diapers and someone invents an editable one. Some how what ever is in there gets broken down safely and they show a mother cooking them and "he whats that smell" the dad ads mom is holding her little girl and sniffs her and says "dinner" very funny but gross all in one.
I can't wait for the scent emitting adapter so you can experience Baby Party with all senses!
hahaha!!! this actually made me laugh out loud, and i second your wtf! now, i want to play, anyone have this game???
Yeah it sounds weird, but the thing is you can't have baby races with out filling them up with fuel. Just be glad they don't have a baby changing station race.