At the last minute I see patterns in the waves and that changes the place where my step is finally going to take root. I am almost about to place my foot down but I look down and I see its not solid ground.

Its a wild desolate marsh full of exotic colours - they are so exciting and pretty but they are also so foreign I can't name them even if I try really hard! I look up and there is a lighthouse but its lights are too distant and fog shrouds its outlines. Its a hint of hope. Every little thing I see is tinged with hope when what I really want is for them to be fully coloured with bold broad firm strokes.
I think hope is very contextual in its distribution. Its in tune with what we do for a living and what our particular situation in life is. Why does this nonuniform distribution even exist? Why is it that our professional lives are, more often than not, tempered with a heavier dose of hopes and convictions than our perspective of the professional fields that others work in? Does this unequal hope temperance only happen when we have invested a high level of effort and deliberation in choosing and pursuing our professions? It surely does not stand a chance when we hate our jobs, but it thrives when we feel even a tenuous and remote connection to what we do for our living.
Are we merely justifying the work that went into being qualified for a living when we cultivate dreams for its future and believe in them? Or do we think that somehow our "expert insight" into our professions extend to also detecting shiny and hopeful visions of this field in the crystal ball? Does all this also stunt our visions for other professional fields? Is it some psychological one-bird-in-hand grapes-are-sour phenomenon?

New Year Resolution 2. Write down craziness when it occurs. Use writing as a weapon for thought resolution. Check.

Ah ok that clears things up a little bit, thanks. That being said I love the light house picture in this post.
Hey metalpeter - sorry for the confusion. I was specifically writing about hope as it relates to the future of one's professional field versus hope when you think about the future of someone's else professional field (not related to your own).
I agree with everything you said. Hope is extremely important in all circumstances! :)
To me it sounds like you think Hope is something that is made up, if that is what you mean then I kinda disagree. Hope is an emotion and some people don't have it, some people think of everything and dark and all ways think the worst result of anything they do will happen. The fact is that many things in life are uncertain and having hope that something will turn out good is better then being afraid that all hell will break and everyone will die.
Every time I watch sports as an example, I want my team to win. I route for them and I hope that they win or I hope the other team loses.
But a better example is in humans. For example if someone is sick or even has something deadly like cancer often hope is all people really have. Some people have cancer and it is caught and they have chemo and stuff cut out of them and they live and the Cancer never comes back. But see some peoples body that doesn't happen with the same thing happens they think they are clean and they hope that they will be healthy just like the other person and then years later the cancer comes back. Hope can be a very important feeling.