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11/18/2008 09:40 #46734

My iPod is a sad place
Ok, so its not a sad place as in its depressing, its a sad place in that the music on it is awful. I have awful taste in music. This morning I've had an awesome rotation of Mariah, the pussycat dolls, the beatles and Lady Gaga.

I just don't put very much stock in the quality of the music I listen to. If its fun, I listen to it, if its not, I don't. Simple as that. That's why it drives me crazy when I meet people who are like music snobs and only listen to independent label artists who perform on "found" instruments from the war-torn regions of the Gaza strip.

One of my favorite bands of the moment is a pop group from Denmark called Alphabeat. The fact that I like such a random band is completely foreign to me. I'm used to being such a Top 40 lover, that actually liking a band that isn't regularly featured on Kiss 98.5 is weird for me. I think this delving into other music phase comes from the fact that my car stereo doesn't work very well and I really can only listen to 103.3, 97 rock and 92.9 and sometimes 102.5 and 104.1. Whoopdedoo.

I also tend to listen to songs they play at the Arena a lot, like City of Blinding Lights by U2 and I Don't Wanna Be in Love by Good Charlotte. I might be the only person in the world who thinks of Jason Pominville taking shots on net when I hear Joel Madden sing "If you've got nothing left, say I don't wanna be in love..."

Anyway, hopefully Jesse, the new love of my life will be in my next class and I can inappropriately ogle him while my professor talks about Young Adult Literature and I name our beautiful future half-Canadian children.
jason - 11/19/08 15:00
I have to hold onto the things I have good taste in, becuase there are so many things I have terrible taste in, women for example. Ask anyone. Music and Beer, baby!
anne - 11/19/08 13:39
Lauren - your last comment= true story "like what you like and don't let the haters get you down :) the same goes for boys ;)" TRUTH. I hate when someone rips on someone else's taste in a person more than I hate when people rip on someone's taste in music

Jason - Lady Gaga is completely snobby, I agree. She has some good songs, but none of them are revolutionary, that's what makes them mainstream palatable.

Um Barbie Girl is the definition of "so bad its good"

MK - AHHHHHHH!! I will fight you

Jesse - What do you mean you're not in my class or Canadian? Then who the hell have I been ogling all semester?!

Peter - yeah, the Edge used to be a really "elitist" (in a way) radio station and for a while that was totally in, I don't think the "in" thing anymore is that kind of music. I personally only listen to the Edge for Shredd and Ragan,
vincent - 11/18/08 23:13
What I would stress is that being a "music snob" is kind of the thing to be right now. To me being a music snob is an offshoot of being a hipster. Right now it's their time in the sun. It's not that EVERYONE is X during Y time period, but it can be very hard to avoid if it's extremely trendy.

In the early 70's it was being a hippie; late 70's/early 80's an Arena Rocker or a Punk if you were in that subculture. Mid to Late 80's a "Grub" or glam metal person. Early 90's a Grunge Alternarocker. Late 90's a Raver. And early 00's someone into Hip Hop or Rap

It's just what dominates the culture at the particular time. It does kind of dictate which bars people go to for adventure to hook up with someone of that scene.

I don't know that's just my take on it. To me music seems to be just another fashion accessory to a comprehensive product line.
tinypliny - 11/18/08 23:13
"found" instruments from the war-torn regions of the Gaza strip."


I am not particularly selective about what music I listen to but I do draw the line at pop music. I have to argue that being a "snob" is not a choice (at least in my case). I can't think with pop music on. The tunes stick very quickly. You can't do anything productive with catchy little ditties going round and round your hollow head.

So I prefer heavy metal and classical and well.. María Dolores Pradera!!!! and Milva!!!!!!
metalpeter - 11/18/08 19:34
What a great post, I admit I'm a little bit confused I since you say you like crappy music but I kinda get what you mean. That Good Charlotte song is pretty good, yeah I've seen them and am a fan (don't know much of there new stuff other then that). I kinda remember when only The Edge would play them, that used to happen a lot in Buffalo some band would only get played on The Edge they would catch out side of the Alternative scene and then KISS would play them. Then The EDGE drops that band eventually when if they get big enough. I would have no idea who to suggest who to listen to cause I would have no idea who you would like. Hey if pop is your thing go for it. I myself like edgy stuff but it all can't be Angry Music. I think a lot of the Music Snob stuff comes from seeing bands change there music style and then exploding or from not liking the Industry side of it. I just thought Of a Crappy Band that I like Sum 41, and there alter egos Pain For Pleasure they can play guitar pretty good when they want to. Hey you have to like a band who calls them selves a shity Candian Punk band on stage.
jessbob - 11/18/08 19:24
Hate to break it to you anne, I'm not in your class and I'm not canadian.
jason - 11/18/08 18:30
Oh my God, you guys are so wrong!! But I do have my guilty pleasures too as I said, and I ain't gonna name 'em. ;)

mk - 11/18/08 18:04
heidi - 11/18/08 15:22
I tend toward music snobbishness, but Barbie Girl is brilliant!
mike - 11/18/08 13:39
i just want to say Barbie Girl is most likely the best song of this generation! come on barbie, lets go party
jason - 11/18/08 11:05
I feel like I have to defend music snobs here in some way because there is such a thing as bad music. For example that Barbie Girl track from back when - I think everyone has to admit it is crap.

As a music snob I wouldn't tell someone to not listen to something if they enjoy it. That's what music is for. I have plenty of guilty pleasures. Live and let live. I guess that's where I diverge from the people at Pitchfork Media and honestly I question their shit judgment all the time too.

The thing about Lady Gaga is that she is snobby as hell too, talking about how pop will never be lowbrow, referencing Andy Warhol, and the whole time she's rocking outfits that look like they were repo'd from Earth, Wind and Fire's closet, and playing music that is as base, formulaic and without merit as it gets, even in the pop world.

She's a performer - it's about the performance with her, the sex appeal, the style, things I don't have much use for if the music doesn't match the rest of the effort (although, I'm sure it's a very polished and interesting performance). I don't think it's total bunk, but you know what I like more than that? Country. And that's fucking sad because pop music used to be the Beatles, used to be the Jackson 5.

I guess everything has its context. People don't get excited and dance to Sufjan Stevens. I think that's the happy middle ground that I've found. Why not try to find some middle ground too now that you've dipped your toe in the pool? There is some really awesome, interesting stuff out there that you may love just as much as top 40.
lauren - 11/18/08 09:57
ug. i hate music snobs too! i think the power of pop music speaks for itself... but, i guess i don't listen to pop music blindly...i know what it does to people and how brain washing it can be. and i listen to a lot of stuff that isn't popular and that would never get played on the radio. i say, like what you like and don't let the haters get you down :) the same goes for boys ;)

11/10/2008 19:53 #46634

Hey Team
Hey guys!!

So I'm always reading journals but never post my own. Whoops.

Stuff is going well. School is going well.

I have a car, I named him Jarome. Its a 2003 Kia Spectra, its basically the least sexy car you can imagine. It has totally PIMP tinted windows and a stress buffalo in the front windshield.

Not much else is new.

I write a Buffalo sports blog and the other night we had a get together at Fat Bob's and it was lots of fun. The weird part that was in spite of the fact that there are many Buffalo sports blogs written by females, there were only 3 of us there, and 1 of us came super late after the BPO concert. It was a little weird, but all in all a good time.

How weird (yet awesome) is it (for those of us in school or working on a school schedule) to have class on Monday, then no class on Tuesday. I can totally handle 1 day work/class weeks. WOO!!

Good times all around.

tinypliny - 11/10/08 20:23
I agree with you about the 1 day work/class weeks. WOOOHOO! ;)

08/17/2008 15:05 #45351

So its only been since April or so
Soooo I haven't posted on here in MONTHS.

What's new:

I'm heading to Buff State in a couple of weeks to start working on getting my certification to English 7-12.

I moved back in with the 'rents in Kenmore, kitten and all.

I still don't have a new car.

May 16th ended up being my ACTUAL last day of work at Lipsitz Green.

Teaching went really well this summer, it just ended on Friday. I enjoy teaching theatre, but working with nothing but theatre kids all summer is shown me that I will prefer the variety of teaching some NON theatre kids as well. Theatre kids are kind of annoying sometimes, lol. They're mostly great, but sometimes you want to tape their mouths shut.

Good times, how was everyone else's summer?

mrmike - 08/18/08 07:42
Thanks for checking in

04/20/2008 22:23 #44072

So I haven't been here in a while.

Here's what's new:

My car was totaled on March 8, I wasn't inside it at the time, I was sleeping in my apartment and my car was parked in front of the house next door. I still don't have a car, but I know what I want, its just a matter of waiting for insurance and tax return money.

I'm leaving my job basically ASAP. I always hated it but the nice weather has made it even harder not to loathe it. Knowing I'm about to get out makes it hard to go in. I've called in 3 times in the last 3 weeks. That's not a lot but considering in the previous 8 months I'd called in about twice, it's highly above average.

I'm moving back in with Jim and Peg when I go back to school. I'm planning on turning MK's old room into my bedroom and turning my old bedroom into a den/office. I'm kind of really excited about it. As long as I can paint it and decorate it.

I'll be co-teaching at Shakespeare in Delaware Park this summer. I was offered the job on Tuesday and I gleefully accepted it. I'll be teaching acting and Shakespeare as well as assistant directing the student show. It's for high school students.

I, obviously, have to get a 2nd job. I'd like to bartend or something like that, basically because those are the only hours I have free. I would be a terrible waitress, so that's not an option.

The Sabres missing the playoffs sucked pretty hard, but I've actually really enjoyed watching the playoffs this season. My #2 team, the Pittsburgh Penguins dispatched of my #1 least favorite team in 4 games, and for that I am appreciative. I really love hockey, it's kind of an addiction.

Um, did I mention that I really hate my job? I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice on Friday. May 9th will be my last day. Wooo! When I first decided to quit, I declared May 23rd would be my last day, and now I've shaved 2 weeks off of my date. May 9th. It'll be awesome.


02/17/2008 11:29 #43367

Project Runway

Ok, so who watches Project Runway aka formerly one of my favorite shoes ever.

I feel like this season is totally anti-climactic. Last season, I was super duper busy all the time but I still made time to watch Project Runway. From like episode 4 I had strong opinions about each designer, it was awesome. I was biting my nails to see who would make it to Bryant Park and I was crazy excited to see who won.

This season? I didn't even realize it was "decide who goes to Bryant Park" episode until the episode had already started.

I just don't really care. I don't really like Chrisitan but only because he's kind of annoying, he actually is a good designer. I don't dislike any of them, there isn't much tension. They try to create drama with Chrisitian but it doesn't really work. The challenges aren't really that interesting, they didn't travel anywhere, they didn't really have to use crazy material. They had that candy challenge but most people got through it by using fabric from sheets and pillows. It's like this group of designers is really bad and they had to dumb it down. Remember how ridiculously challenging the men's clothing challenge was? That was redonkulous.

Anyway, I like Chris and Jillian. That's sweet.

SIDNOTE. I AM SO MAD. I love the name Penelope. For years I've wanted to name a daughter of mine Penelope. Now this crazy movie about a girl with a pig nose named Penelope comes out. This movie had better be good, and it better not be a huge hit. I hate when things like that happen. Just like I like the name Monica but because of Courtney Cox-Arquette and Lewinsky I feel like I can't name my daughter that. Although James McEvoy is in it, and I like him, same for Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon. Maybe it won't be a big disaster for my future offspring.
fellyconnelly - 02/17/08 12:51
i despise christian with every ounce of my being. I think he is an annoying little prick, and while he does have some nice clothes here and there, i think for the most part his cockiness is enough for me to hate everything about it. *phew* i'm so glad that somebody opened up the way for me to bitch about him on (e:strip)!

i like chris and jillian too. and yes, it does appear to be rather anti climatic but i still can't stop watching it... i'm sick