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11/16/2008 23:56 #46711
Box Tops For EducationSo I don't know if you have noticed but a lot of products such as general mills cereals, pillsbury muffins, betty crocker, pull ups, cottonelle toilet paper and many more products have little pink boxes that say box tops for education on them. Well (e:jill)'s mom teaches at a Catholic school in Kenmore, (St. Pauls) and I have been on a crusade to collect those box tops for them. My mom buys a lot of ziploc bags as anyone who has been in our basement knows, so that was a good start and she saves a lot of them. I now have (e:libertad) in on it, i have checked all his products and he better save those box tops. Seriously I have become slightly obsessed with it , I just signed up online so that I could get five extra box tops and see the progress of the school in reaching its goals. It started as a simple endeavor to help (e:jill)'s mom's class win dress down days and has blown into a full-fledged obsessive passion of mine. So if anyone wants to save their box tops I am totally willing to take them and turn them in for you. Here is the link to the website about it...

10/31/2008 17:49 #46452
Taped and Pinned InI am gonna have to be duck taped and safety pinned into my very shotty craftmanship of a costume and it comes across as more creepy than fun but I like it! Procrastination worked again!
tinypliny - 11/01/08 10:40
I vote creeptastic.
I vote creeptastic.
10/31/2008 10:39 #46444
Time CrunchOK ser, it is getting way to close to the party and I still have no idea what to wear. It is gonna be a huge let downthis year i tihnk. And i don't know what kinda drink to make either, i was trying to find halloweeny drinks but nothing strikes my fancy.......procrastination powers better start kicking in asap... haha i was making a list of tings to bring to the party and I just looked and realized i wrote down "lovely self" cuz that is what (e:hodown) said to bring , i wrote like i have to go to the store and get it.
10/28/2008 16:29 #46389
The Perfect JobI posted this last night but it dissapeared or something. So i tihnk i found the perfect job for me. I love working with people and helping them especially older people and it is at the offical estrip place of employment the one and only roswell park. Now i just need to get my butt in gear and get my resume done!
museumchick - 10/29/08 14:31
I will cross my fingers for you! Good luck.
I will cross my fingers for you! Good luck.
mrmike - 10/29/08 09:49
good luck
good luck
tinypliny - 10/28/08 20:17
I CANNOT wait. I would LOVE to have lunch with you and (e:lbertad) (yeah, I know, I never make good on all this declarations of excitement because my office life is pretty dull. But hey, in spirit, I would LOVE it!).
APPLY NOW!!!!! Do you need me to poke and guilt-trip you till you get your application in?
I CANNOT wait. I would LOVE to have lunch with you and (e:lbertad) (yeah, I know, I never make good on all this declarations of excitement because my office life is pretty dull. But hey, in spirit, I would LOVE it!).
APPLY NOW!!!!! Do you need me to poke and guilt-trip you till you get your application in?
metalpeter - 10/28/08 17:43
I found it odd that a little bit after the show was on and had a fallowing that they made a big raid on one of those sects, it is weird I wonder if the show brought that life style more attention, or if the show used some real facts about some real people.
I found it odd that a little bit after the show was on and had a fallowing that they made a big raid on one of those sects, it is weird I wonder if the show brought that life style more attention, or if the show used some real facts about some real people.
libertad - 10/28/08 17:41
I'm so glad that you found something that would be perfect for you. I know you can get it!
I'm so glad that you found something that would be perfect for you. I know you can get it!
janelle - 10/28/08 16:32
This is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, but do you watch the HBO series Big Love, I think you would love it!
This is totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, but do you watch the HBO series Big Love, I think you would love it!
10/27/2008 23:10 #46378
Costume time?What the heck am I gonna be for halloween? I always procrastinate and then come up with something pretty awesome but this is really cutting it close, considering i work everyday til halloween. Well not friday. Me and (e:jill) had a few ideas whlie out shopping the other day but nothing concrete! What can I be? Oh by the by on the side, my boss at work her daughter who is a freshman in high school and her firends are being the people from Candy Land. I am so freakin jealous. That is waht I always wanted to be but noone would go along with it! Can't wait to see everyone dressed up!!!!!!!!!! i love halloween hardcore. Not the scary part but the fun sparkly short shorts part!
hodown - 10/28/08 10:04
Be Mommy Dearest (one person be Joan one person be the daughter)
Be drunk and bitter (one person be drunk one person be bitter)
Be some sort of B'way show (you know you want to)
Be Mommy Dearest (one person be Joan one person be the daughter)
Be drunk and bitter (one person be drunk one person be bitter)
Be some sort of B'way show (you know you want to)
lilho - 10/28/08 01:34
i would love to be there and wear fun sparkle shorts with you! :'(
i would love to be there and wear fun sparkle shorts with you! :'(
gardenmama - 10/27/08 23:24
I LOVE the Candy Land thing - that is so great! I'm jealous too and I don't even know them.
I LOVE the Candy Land thing - that is so great! I'm jealous too and I don't even know them.
tinypliny - 10/27/08 23:14
I am having second thoughts and uncertainity attacks about whether I can really sew my entire constume on Thurday. I atleast have fabric and wool yarn now. I didn't even have that last week.
But still, I am a bit freaked out.
I am having second thoughts and uncertainity attacks about whether I can really sew my entire constume on Thurday. I atleast have fabric and wool yarn now. I didn't even have that last week.
But still, I am a bit freaked out.
I will drop them off at the 24 when I have them - I think I have some. Have to root through collected recycling...
I use a lot of that kind of junk. I'll try to remember to save them for you.
I think only one item in my kitchen has that. It is yours.