Eating a bagel in Buffalo before out 7 AM FLIGHT!

About to board our flight in Buffalo by the by I did not throw up on the way there

Oustide Dave's mom's house

This cool table in his mom's living room that I loved.

The pool. I WANT A POOL SO BAD. notice how it is caged in. All pools there are cages to keep out wild animals!

The bar by the pool, I DEF WANT ONE OF THESE TOO!!!

Dave in the kitchen

Dave, his mom and his grandma at the beach near their house. Being around his granmda made me miss my grandma so much. There is such a special thing about grandma's that noone else can fulfill in you. It made me sad.

Dave and his mom outside the tiki garden.

Me and Dave

Me and his mom!
AND HERE COME THE DOGS, i took way more photos of them , this is just a few. If you know me you know how carazy it is that i was so in love with these dogs , particularly lenny!!!! i really do miss them already....


Puppers- notice the doggie diaper his mom makes for him

Puppers again

Both Cuties!

They would be so fat if i owned them cuz i could never say no to anything they wanted.

Dave in the Buffalo Airport waiting for luggage

A minute later when I told him he had to pretend he was happy he was with me and not be miserable.
I totally laughed my head off when I saw the Casey Anthony comment. LOL
LOL IMK! No I didn't see any casey anthoney anything there. I dont even know what she did, but I saw her picture in a magazine stand and I mentioned to mike how you are obsessed with her.
So cute!
You two are perfect. :)
I love that you love those dogs. When are you going to show the same love for Lucky and Nicholas... guys look so cute. it looked like the perfect family vacation.
did you guys see all the casey anthony drama down there? are people talking about it there?
OH, I should have posted mine last night too. I don't think I was miserable in that first picture. Maybe a little bit cause our luggage took forever and it was late.