I'm reading a book, "The 48 Laws of Power".
It is by turns interesting and disturbing. Each law has it's own chapter, with historical anecdotes and analysis.
Some are fairly neutral:
Law 5: So Much Depends on Reputation -- Guard it with Your Life.
Others, not so much:
Law 17: Keep Others in Suspended Terror -- Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability. Or, Law 33: Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew.
Now, part of my enjoyment of this book is that it appeals to the inner dictator in me, a side that I never knew that I had. But, hmm... I do. Hate to admit it.
Generally, it's an interesting look at the 'pack of monkeys' part of our brains and culture. Everything I have read so far I can relate to experiences and situations that I've been in. I'm hoping to keep my eyes more open to this side of human interaction, without using it to scheme and plot.
If I ever start to seem unpredictable, though, cower in terror!
The worst is when you find a bug in a platform library only to realize that it isn't practical to distribute and rely on a nonstandard build. [I'm looking at you, Flex 3.]
- Z
Ya, I have no idea why people still buy closed source solutions.