Today is Saturday. The election is Tuesday. I can't wait for it to be over - I can't stop paying attention to it. Will miss it, too, it's very exciting this year.
(from keep an eye out for 'my friends' at the end of the clip)
On a side note, I hardly know what to do with myself while I'm on vacation. I've already checked in with work twice this morning to see if they need me. Sigh...
My goal today is to finish learning map/reduce in CouchDB views, maybe posting that here will be incentive to finish it :)
heidi - 10/30/08 17:46 You're on vacation, don't work! Pretend you're in Timbuktu and can't call work! Don't learn new programming! Eat good food, read silly books, watch movies with Drew... so much to do other than work!
I'm so jealous.
jim - 10/30/08 11:59 That's OK, neither would he :)
drew - 10/30/08 11:57 James might have to do go to school, but I wouldn't say he has class.
jim - 10/30/08 11:51 Tina Fey? But of course I shall come. James has class, however.
drew - 10/30/08 11:46 you come to our house tonight!
terry - 10/30/08 11:28 that's just great, I new I wasn't really having deja-vous. They actually were saying the exact same things every time.
10/29/2008 10:38 #46405
Official! Category: work
My new position is actually a position, instead of some de-facto thing! I clarified that I have the authority to back up my responsibilities, and my Projects Manager title will be made public to everyone next week when my boss gets back from vacation. Happy day :)
tinypliny - 10/29/08 20:28 (e:jim) !! (e:matthew) and I desperately want to know whether you are the zombilicious (e:james) are going to grace everyone with your breathlessly anticipated presence this weekend! :)
tinypliny - 10/29/08 18:25 OMG!!!!!
C>O>N>G>R>A>T>U>L>A>T>I>O>N>S!!!!!! You are the best!! :D
How high to you keep your thermostat? (I know you might not have yours on yet, but I'm talking in general during the winter.)
James only allows me to ever put it at 58 degrees. :)
tinypliny - 10/28/08 20:55 My flat is always cold since there is really no heating. So whenever I am at home (about 3-4 hours at night/evening, I sit and work about 5 inches away from a small 900W heater-air-fan (that is more like a hairdryer) and drink a gallon of hot tea. When I am not working, I dress like an astronaut. I don't have a choice or say in this. :/
jenks - 10/28/08 20:51 Ok so sue me for killing the environment, but one thing I cannot stand is being cold, so mine is set at 66 at night and while away, 71 when home, which often gets bumped to 73 since I'm still cold.
So there- that can make you all feel better about indulging a little, since I'm sure I have you all beat.
libertad - 10/28/08 15:12 I love how there is fighting about the thermostat. What easier thing to fight about than the settings we place it at?
dragonlady7 - 10/28/08 14:02 That is NOT why we got rid of the programmable thermostat! We got rid of it because it was intractable, and started completely losing its shit. Also it would turn on at like 5 am and just blast hot air straight into your face until you got a nosebleed, daily.
My weird little hangups aren't really that weird, dude. They're based on a childhood in poverty, and given my adult life, it's a pretty good show that I have them.
Now you wouldn't be implying that you installed the thermostat off-level, now would you? You know we have another thermometer sitting right on top of the armoire. So I already know what temperature it really is, and whether the thermostat is right.
zobar - 10/28/08 13:38 We had a programmable thermostat, but (e:dragonlady7) is a fiddler and she'd always set it manually and screw up the programming. So we got one of these :::link::: instead, which you could tell by the ridge in the paint on the wall was the exact same thing that was there when the house was built.
Anyway she has weird little hangups about when you're allowed to turn the heater on [Veterans' day?! For real??] and how high you're allowed to set it [60 during the day but only if you're having company over].
But that's ok, it's got a mercury switch which means if it's just a little bit off-level it says 60 but turns on at 65.
- Z
james - 10/28/08 12:50 Why are you trying to arm yourself to fight me? ^_~
Besides, The Ben thinks it is sweltering when it gets above 53 degrees.
jim - 10/28/08 12:38 By the way, this post was inspired by someone asking the same question on Twitter, not me trying to arm myself to fight James over the temperature.
jim - 10/28/08 12:30 SOMEDAY, JAMES!!! SOME. DAY. SOON.
james - 10/28/08 12:28 Come on Jim. In a discussion with friends we admitted we never fight. Do you really want to kill that spark of hope that one day you may be punching my guts till I puke over the thermostat?
jim - 10/28/08 11:50 I think the answer is to get a programmable thermostat :)
james - 10/28/08 10:59 I would let you keep it on higher if you didn't leave it on all night and while you are work. :p
Oh, and the couch says thanks. The living room is really toasty even though no one is there to enjoy it.
hodown - 10/28/08 10:06 In a perfect world it would be 68 at night and 71 during the day.
pmrk - 10/28/08 10:05 62 from 8:00am - 5:00pm
68 from 5:00pm - 10:00pm - sometimes 70 if its really chilly in the house
65 from 10:00pm to 5:00am
68 from 5:00am - 8:00am
we have a boiler so it takes a little bit to get the house warmed up so I don't program huge temp changes as it seems more efficient that way. I swore I crunched the numbers one year as I'm a nerd like that to make sure it was worth keeping the house a little warmer.
janelle - 10/28/08 09:57 We have a programmable thermostat. It's 65 degrees between 5pm to 10pm on Monday through Friday. For the rest of the day it's at 60 degrees.
On the weekends it's 65 degrees in the afternoon and evening and 60 degrees at night and in the morning.
If anyone needs help installing a programmable thermostat, let me know. I already figured out all the things NOT to do when installing one!
libertad - 10/28/08 09:49 58 is a bit too frigid James. Turn up the heat! Yes, I have mine on now. I keep it between 60 to 68 at the highest.
drew - 10/28/08 09:33 Whatever it is set at, I am not allowed to touch it.
I wish I could!