Tomorrow, October 12th, is the second anniversary of the October Storm.
Hard to believe, hard to forget! Here's my yearly look back in photos, to October 12-13, 2006:
mrmike - 10/11/08 12:14 All too familar, especially the Delaware Utica sign, my building is in the background where I was angrily shaking my fist at Timon Towers for being lit up like a christmas tree.
hodown - 10/11/08 09:59 Wow. That makes me not miss buffalo so much.
james - 10/11/08 09:36 I was just thinking yesterday the tree tops looked so un-mangled once again.
tinypliny - 10/11/08 09:03 That is so crazy. I look outside and I still can't believe it ever happened. Awesome pictures. The colours in the first one are so beautiful.
10/10/2008 12:10 #46042
CAPTAIN PICARD Category: trekkies
This video is made of awesome.
hodown - 10/10/08 13:18 I have the biggest crush on Jean Luc. I try not to tell many people that cause it ruins my non-nerd image.
james - 10/10/08 12:18 I am Steve of Borg Burger. How may I take your order? Comply.
10/10/2008 09:45 #46037
Strange Dream Category: dreams
I had a dream last night that I was a run away child of a Yakuza mobster. Drew and Janelle took me in as a foster child.
Then, it started getting even weirder. They kept finding other kids hidden in their house that I'd took pity on and invited over. Like, we'd be in the living room and all of a sudden we'd notice some kid hidding under the couch. Or in closets, just everywhere.
Drew and Janelle were very sympathetic and didn't want to force these kids to go back out on the streets, but by the end of the dream there were like 30 of us kids in their house and they were starting to panic about how to take care of us. They were very aggravated with me for putting them in the position of having to take in all these kids, but were too nice to say anything.
Then I woke up.
james - 10/10/08 23:06 crap! I think Pliny is onto our phantom banana harvesting scheme!
tinypliny - 10/10/08 22:36 Hahaha, join the absolutely outlandish dream club. You and (e:james) were on the terrace in front of my flat window, harvesting bananas from mini-palm trees with sickles in one of my recent dreams. Oh, and of course you were speaking in fluent Tamil. It was so bizarrely real, I had to get up and look out the window just to make sure.
drew - 10/10/08 14:15 I would throw your freeloading ass out. I don't know what Janelle is talking about.
janelle - 10/10/08 11:20 What a funny dream. Rofl. If you were the child of a yakuza mobster, did you look Japanese or were you still white?
The funny thing is that Drew and I would be too nice to say anything about all those kids. We'd just step up and take care of them.
jim - 10/10/08 10:00 I was a girl in the dream too, which I can't remember ever dreaming before.
drew - 10/10/08 09:51 I hope this dream doesn't come true. It's funny, just last night I joked that as the economy collapses, we may have to take some people in. I didn't think it would be you, jim.
there are so many comments I could make, but they all come down to how disgusted I am.
Sick. :/
That is really evil.