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10/08/2008 00:01 #45986

Ten things i miss about home
Category: 10 things
(excluding specific people)

1. Stars
2. Mountains
3. Dirt roads
4. Joneses' Pond (that's what the sign says)
5. Pirate's Rock
6. Feeling like I've accomplished something just about every day
7. Nisha (my dog)
8. Kitten
9. The office
10. The Bear Ass Bar & Grill
11. Cast & Crew
12. My library

Pirate's Rock in October a couple years ago

fellyconnelly - 10/09/08 09:27
i miss stars too... and mountains...
tinypliny - 10/08/08 21:36
HEY! You can't say "10 things" and list twelve instead! Cheating!!! ;-)
tinypliny - 10/08/08 21:34
Out of your ten, I do have something that I miss as well. My library.

That scenery is amazing! :) I hope I can visit this place some time.

10/06/2008 00:26 #45953

Cat sitter recommendations?
Category: pets
I need to be a way for a few days and China Cat Sunflower says she's willing to go with me, but would rather stay here. Anyone have recommendations for someone who would stop by once a day to make sure she's got food and water and give her some lovin' if she wants it? (Allen Street)

tinypliny - 10/08/08 21:38
If you don't find anyone at all, I can drop by and feed your cat as well. I haven't had much luck with caring for plants in my care and never had a pet my entire life, so keep me as last (but definitely as a back-up, just in case everything fails) in your list. :p
fellyconnelly - 10/07/08 22:40
we'll do it! Thanks drew! haha
janelle - 10/06/08 12:25
How nice of you to suggest others as pet sitters, (e:Drew), lol.

(e:Heidi), I would be able to do it, I think. I drive past Allen st. on the way to and from work every day and could stop by after work every night. And it's not too far to drive/bike to over the weekend as well.
lauren - 10/06/08 11:08
When are you going to be away?
hodown - 10/06/08 10:22
Paul might now that he has a new found love of cats..
drew - 10/06/08 09:14
Good pet sitters on (e:strip) include Janelle and myself, Jim and James, Felly and Lauren.

(Hmmm, straight, gay, or lesbian--your choice, but where are the transsexual pet sitters?)

Also, we know a kid that is happy to be a pet sitter and does a good job too. He will want money, but the rest of us work for cookies and/or beer.

Is that a good band name? Cookies and Beer?

10/04/2008 17:57 #45932

Battle at Buffalo
Category: dance!!
(e:Lauren) and (e:FellyConnelly) frequently go to the Battle at Buffalo held at Verve Dance Studio, 910 Main Street, the last Saturday of every month. I went with them Sept. 27 and I'm very glad I did! If you don't know anything about this subculture (like I don't), go with Lauren & Felly. Lauren's a very knowledgeable guide and wrote at least one research paper on breakdancing for which she interviewed studio owner Shane and several b-boys and b-girls. They attend classes at the studio, too.

I took my camera - it was a challenging situation with low light levels and fast action. (Flash photography is a no-no in these kinds of situations - distracting and dangerous to the participants.) I took about 700 shots - if these are the best, you can imagine how bad a lot of them were :-) It's very difficult to capture the "toprock" elements like popping without the dancer just looking awkward. ((e:Lauren) - feel free to correct me on my presentation.) A couple of the dancers looked more like skaterats... is there an intersection between those groups?

Shane, Verve Dance Studio owner, emcee:

The DJs - Miss Shing-a-ling and DJ Simple... I'm finding out that I really like good DJing. I can't describe how awful the DJs are at home.

Interplay between the dancers heightens the sense of "battle"




The youngest (looking) participant held his own among the older dancers.

Teddy Krueger (aka Theodore Krzykowski in his real job at the Buffalo dance company LehrerDance) has amazing flexibility and strength. He won a Lipton Iced Tea competition for this video:

And here's video of another Battle at Buffalo competition between Teddy and Pete Nasty.


Lauren pointed out that observing dancers will slap the floor for technical inaccuracies - Teddy's background in gymnastics, stunts and professional modern dance serve him well in performing complicated, difficult tricks but he gets a lot of floor slaps, too.

Pete Nasty might have been my favorite, but I think I need to go back to be sure :-)

I definitely want to see more b-girls. There were only two that night.


The view from the rooftop outside the studio was great!

tinypliny - 10/07/08 22:42
I keep making plans to go but somehow keep not making it. It just goes to show how lame I really am. And flaky. Don't forget, flaky.
fellyconnelly - 10/07/08 22:41
awesome job on this post! it really shows it all!
lauren - 10/06/08 11:15
Awesome job! :) I wish I could take better stills but my camera sucks so I take crappy videos instead :) My only correction would be that I wouldn't classify those girls as BGirls...mostly because they weren't really doing either breaking or funk styles...(although admittedly the one girl did a sort of six step but everything else is not what I would consider "hip hop")...I think there is a line between modern hip hop dancing and break dancing, although they are clearly related...
gardenmama - 10/04/08 19:26
Cool - It definitely looks like something my daughter and some of her friends would be interested in going to. Thanks.
heidi - 10/04/08 19:06
Good questions :-)

$5 per person. The posters say it's from 7-11pm but things didn't really start until about 9, although if you get there a little earlier, you might score a chair. It's something EXTREMELY appropriate to take kids and teenagers to. Shane is explicit about it being a G-rated event.
gardenmama - 10/04/08 18:29
Is there a cost for spectaters? And at what time does it usually take place? Also, would it be an appropriate event to take teens to?

10/03/2008 10:52 #45917

Dance party tonight
Category: community event

-- quoted --
The first Movement Party jumps off tomorrow night (Friday) at 8 PM, and what a party it promises to be. Here's why you should be there:

1. We've got the best DJ's in Buffalo. If you like real hip-hop music, rooted in the best of the jazz-soul-funk tradition, then Cutler and LoPro are your people. They've proven they can get a crowd moving without sacrificing their creativity and originality.

2. You'll be joining the fight for social justice in our city. The proceeds go to the Partnership for the Public Good--a network of community-based groups working on issues like poverty and the urban environment--as well as Massachusetts Avenue Project, which teaches urban youth about the fruits of urban farming and the beauty of eating local. What better setting than Langston Hughes for a movement party. PPG affiliated groups include Ujima Theater, ReUse, the WNY Homeless Alliance, Buffalo First, PUSH, CEJ and MAP.

3. There will be crumpers and b-boys on the scene to lead the way.

4. There will be a puppet parade led by Buffalo's creative collective (Kyla Kegler, Pat Cain, Gabe Guttierez) at some point in the night.

5. Russell Pascatore, a leading light on the local poetry scene, will bless us with an ode to the absurdities of late-late capitalism. No better way to respond to the financial crisis than with a prayer by Russell.

6. We will DANCE and Flying Bison will flow.

"The Movement"
Friday, October 3rd, 8 PM
Langston Hughes Institute
25 High Street, near Main and High
$5 at the door
This is a 21+ event


10/02/2008 21:09 #45904

Political geekdom: Mapper
Category: geektalk

This app allows you to visually map the connections between rich, powerful & famous people (note the examples of Katherine Graham's funeral attendees and um... Ozzy vs Slayer

(making my contribution to the 25K posts goal.)
paul - 10/02/08 22:44
It is pretty fun to see the connection. What a great use of a flash interface.
tinypliny - 10/02/08 21:23
Looks like hypergraphs :::link::: are making their grand-debut everywhere. :)