Heidi's Journal
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10/21/2008 13:12 #46230
Writing about voting rightsCategory: politics
So, in lieu of interesting constitutional discussion, here's an awesome, heartbreaking video about voter suppression in Ohio in 2004.
10/18/2008 00:45 #46172
Robocalls from McCain's campaignCategory: politics
Hello, I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home, and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee at 202 863 8500.
That's just sick.
The other, received Tuesday Oct. 14 at 3:27 p.m. from 877-431-2572 isn't quite as offensive but still...
Hello, I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats got caught putting Hollywood above America. On the very day our elected leaders gathered in Washington to deal with the financial crisis, Barack Obama spent just 20 minutes with economic advisers, but hours at a celebrity Hollywood fundraiser. Where are the Democrats' priorities? This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee at 202 863 8500.
I hope I received these calls just because my telephone number is still listed in Pennsylvania. You'd think being registered Green would be prevention enough.
Ohio isn't the only place with ignorant people. Here's video from a Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, campaign stop.
I love how its like...hi, im calling for John Mccain... blah blah Barack Obama sucks.
and how can they claim innocence to this terrorist nonsense that is going around with a phone call like that. please.
Those calls are in poor taste. This is tasteless digging of dirt. :/
10/14/2008 13:08 #46110
Politics of hateCategory: politics
wow heidi...this is disgusting. Perhaps someone else said it best:
"Illness has always been an enormous benefit to me. It might even be said that I have learned little from anything that did not in some way make me sick."
Alice Walker
10/08/2008 00:01 #45986
Ten things i miss about homeCategory: 10 things
1. Stars
2. Mountains
3. Dirt roads
4. Joneses' Pond (that's what the sign says)
5. Pirate's Rock
6. Feeling like I've accomplished something just about every day
7. Nisha (my dog)
8. Kitten
9. The office

10. The Bear Ass Bar & Grill
11. Cast & Crew

12. My library
Pirate's Rock in October a couple years ago

i miss stars too... and mountains...
HEY! You can't say "10 things" and list twelve instead! Cheating!!! ;-)
Out of your ten, I do have something that I miss as well. My library.
That scenery is amazing! :) I hope I can visit this place some time.
10/06/2008 00:26 #45953
Cat sitter recommendations?Category: pets

If you don't find anyone at all, I can drop by and feed your cat as well. I haven't had much luck with caring for plants in my care and never had a pet my entire life, so keep me as last (but definitely as a back-up, just in case everything fails) in your list. :p
we'll do it! Thanks drew! haha
How nice of you to suggest others as pet sitters, (e:Drew), lol.
(e:Heidi), I would be able to do it, I think. I drive past Allen st. on the way to and from work every day and could stop by after work every night. And it's not too far to drive/bike to over the weekend as well.
When are you going to be away?
Paul might now that he has a new found love of cats..
Good pet sitters on (e:strip) include Janelle and myself, Jim and James, Felly and Lauren.
(Hmmm, straight, gay, or lesbian--your choice, but where are the transsexual pet sitters?)
Also, we know a kid that is happy to be a pet sitter and does a good job too. He will want money, but the rest of us work for cookies and/or beer.
Is that a good band name? Cookies and Beer?
States with poll watching policies like Ohio really need to ditch them.