Heidi's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/30/2008 17:24 #46431
Vote!Category: politics
10/28/2008 20:45 #46397
Visiting homeCategory: home

with Uncle Dudley at her house,

with A and the kids,

and J&R, and my favorite plumber (picture not appropriate!)...
Then trying to keep the town grocery store owners happy with appropriately responsive property management, meeting with clients... folks who love and appreciate me, in stark contrast to my loneliness and isolation here ((e:strip) helps and I know it takes time to establish friendships, I'm just whining a little). I had my puppy with me the whole weekend!
I took some time away from friends & family to visit one of my favorite spots, a swimming hole called Pirate's Rock. I doubt there were ever pirates on the Tioga River. Nisha fell in the creek (that's pronounced "crick," btw) and had trouble getting out. My goal is to help her be an ATP (all-terrain poodle) and help her feel confident in and near the water so I made her get out by herself. Last summer she swam all the way across!

It was just slightly too late in the day to get sunlight sparkling on the water but the trees were just about peak color. (I'm not particularly happy with the photos, I was having a bad camera day, I guess.)

At the deepest point of the swimming hole, the water is usually slightly over my head. At this point it's at least 3.5', but you can't tell from looking at it.

The next day, also gorgeous and sunny, I went up to the highway (US Route 15) and took pictures from the side of the road.
Overlooking the town "recreation complex" as I refer to it in grant applications, locally known as Island Park. (Not really an island, what's up with these misleading placenames?) It has the high school football field, tennis courts, basketball court, baseball, softball & Little League fields, playgrounds, pavilions and the swimming pool. The football booster club installed lighting to have night games in 1997 ($250,000) and in 2002, I think, new bleachers (another $250,000!). The pool will be undergoing renovation/rehabilitation next year ($600,000 with about $300,000 in state & federal grants).

I just happened to catch a beautiful moonrise.

Here's looking at the mountain ridges south of town.

The middle of this picture is the former borough hall, in use from 1900 to 1999, when it was abandoned by the borough. My friend Brendyn bought it for $1,111.11 and rehabbed it with two retail units downstairs and four amazing apartments upstairs. His mom made stained glass windows for the top of the arched windows and over the big main doorway that used to be where the firetrucks were kept. Both the houses I lived in during the past 5.5 years are in the picture, too!

Nisha really wanted to come back with me and I was very sad to have to leave her in Tioga County.

Sorry, my plumber's name is Bub. When he's being formal, it's Randy. And he's definitely pro-Obama.
And I tried and tried, but just can't help saying this...
You are friends with ***THE** JOE, THE PLUMBER???
(and we all know he hates the publicity now!) ;-)
Nisha = epitome of cuteness. :)
And :( I am sorry I am being so antisocial. I promise we will hang out and cook once this proposal is partway there!!
I love those kind of creeks.
ooh your pix remind me... I drove to ithaca a few weekends ago (to see Andrew Bird, great show!) and got some pretty decent pix of the countryside and the leaves changing... it really was gorgeous. i'll have to post up, thanks for sharing.
"Uncle Dudley" is her online alias and I want to give her some modest amount of privacy!
Anyone ever see Pecker? :::link::: I hesitate post photographs of the people at home...
You're welcome to visit with me, (e:tinypliny). Uncle Dudley has more bedrooms. Be prepared to be the object of much curiosity!
Beautiful pix. It looks glorious!
WOW! I am bowled over! I want to visit this place. And why, pray do you call that sweet woman, Uncle Dudley??!!
10/23/2008 18:03 #46283
Opie Endorses Obama!Category: politics
10/21/2008 13:12 #46230
Writing about voting rightsCategory: politics
So, in lieu of interesting constitutional discussion, here's an awesome, heartbreaking video about voter suppression in Ohio in 2004.
States with poll watching policies like Ohio really need to ditch them.
10/18/2008 00:45 #46172
Robocalls from McCain's campaignCategory: politics
Hello, I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home, and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee at 202 863 8500.
That's just sick.
The other, received Tuesday Oct. 14 at 3:27 p.m. from 877-431-2572 isn't quite as offensive but still...
Hello, I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats got caught putting Hollywood above America. On the very day our elected leaders gathered in Washington to deal with the financial crisis, Barack Obama spent just 20 minutes with economic advisers, but hours at a celebrity Hollywood fundraiser. Where are the Democrats' priorities? This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee at 202 863 8500.
I hope I received these calls just because my telephone number is still listed in Pennsylvania. You'd think being registered Green would be prevention enough.
Ohio isn't the only place with ignorant people. Here's video from a Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, campaign stop.
I love how its like...hi, im calling for John Mccain... blah blah Barack Obama sucks.
and how can they claim innocence to this terrorist nonsense that is going around with a phone call like that. please.
Those calls are in poor taste. This is tasteless digging of dirt. :/
"I can do anything, I was in a boy band" lmao
and "537?? there's more Baldwin brothers than that."
good stuff, I'm passing it along..
"There's more Baldwin brothers than that." ha!