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09/14/2008 14:27 #45678
In Sarah Palin's America...Category: reproduction

09/13/2008 11:54 #45664
Awash in oil $Category: oil

So it is that Big Oil rules Alaska-an enormous land mass with a tiny population of only 630,000, which is only two-thirds the number of people in Erie County.
All that money makes public services in Alaska very cheap, and the oil industry very popular. According to published reports, public opinion in Alaska strongly favors drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve. Alaska public opinion generally favors exploitation of every natural resource. Though Alaska's workforce of a little over 300,000 contains only about 15,000 oil-industry workers, the majority of voters there like the idea of more drilling.
Earlier this decade, a person named Sarah Palin, who is married to a sometime oil-worker, was commissioner of natural resources in Alaska. In other words, she was in charge of Alaska's Office of Oil Affairs.
Now that she is the marquee candidate for vice president, Governor Sarah Palin is front-page news and the front-and-center story for everybody who wants to discuss teenage pregnancy, out-of-wedlock births, Down syndrome and the breathtaking pivot of the Religious Right-which until recently (about three weeks ago, to be exact) frowned upon and fulminated about sex education and out-of-wedlock births.
One cannot help but observe, however, that the longer we discuss Sarah Palin's uterus, the more likely it is that American politics will remain distracted from the central issue of this election: whether the lords of oil will continue to control the United States as surely as they control Alaska.
That is a important issue. But I consider reproductive rights an important health issue as well. :::link:::
The similarities between Palin and Cheney are eerie.
Both are oil people.
Both are secretive.
Both are vindictive.
Both surround themselves with cronies, and both consider loyalty to be the paramount qualification.
And both are frigging liars.
On the other hand, at least Palin can shoot well.
09/06/2008 21:41 #45596
yoga?Category: yoga
I like Shaki Yoga. I found the atmosphere great and the teachers nice and helpful. East meets West is nice, too. I just find the vibe in Shaki a bit better!
Yoga is too hardcore for me. The few times I have tried it resulted in severe soreness for several days
I never got into yoga. My brother practices it like its his job!
My niece is a yoga instructor in NYC and when she comes home to visit she goes to classes at either East Meets West on Elmwood or at Shakti on Lexington (about a block off Elmwood). She said they're both excellent. She really likes the teacher, Michelle, at Shakti. She said Shakti is a little smaller studio than EMW.
There are many on Elmwood. The owner of East meets West is nice. Never practiced with any.
09/03/2008 20:11 #45556
10 things i love about my apartmentCategory: 10 things
2. Location: it's two blocks from the metro.
(Even though the metro doesn't have a "stand to the right" convention, it does have public artwork which the DC Metro system definitely does not have.)

3. Location: There are real live lesbians nearby. I know this sounds very strange but for the past five years of my life, the nearest out lesbians lived at least 10 miles away.
4. Sunny south-facing windows.
5. Hardwood floors.
6. Cute mini clawfoot tub.
7. Full-size range. (e:tinypliny), i know you're afraid of that gaping maw in your kitchen... have you developed a liking for cookies? How about some spicy molasses cookies? (Ginger, cloves, cinnamon...)
8. One very large closet, plus a small one in the bedroom.
9. Dishwasher.
10. China Cat Sunflower lives with me.
Right now she's refusing to come out from under the bed to have her picture taken. She's hanging out with my puppy's turtle.

Just a month or so ago she was happy to be photographed with Nisha:

What I hate about my apartment:
1. The three-prong electrical outlets are ungrounded.
2. There are several two-prong outlets (obviously also ungrounded).*
3. The building doesn't recycle. (this might be a "yet"... but my very large closet is starting to bulge with recyclables. I'm a little obsessive about recycling.)
- The only things of (dubious) value I own are computers and peripherals. In Tioga County, Pa., the electrical service is unreliable, has frequent large power surges, and suffers brownouts, so I have surge protectors on everything except lamps. Without grounded electrical, the very very important surge protectors are useless.
To remedy the electrical situation, I bought some of these adapter thingys:

But the surge protector still reads "ungrounded." (As does the electrical outlet grounding tester that I have. Yes, I'm that much of a geek.)

- grump*
I actually would love to learn how to bake cookies. :) I have just about overcome my morbid fear of the black hole after finding out that it's not very likely to explode (as my gas oven in Rochester might well have).
I worry about grounding all the time! I bought adaptors and a circuit-breaking protector-strip when I first moved here. I am not sure if they are up to the job in an emergency but at least they make me feel (even if falsely) a bit better about plugging my electronics into an ungrounded circuit. I think the only grounded circuits in my studio are the ones in the kitchen for the fridge. I expanded it to plug in the microwave, the rice cooker and the toaster. I don't run all of them at once so they won't short out.
09/03/2008 17:04 #45550
Register to vote!Category: elections

As a recent transplant from Pennsylvania, I haven't figured out what's up with your primary season. Kavanaugh vs. Hoyt?? I definitely didn't get registered in time for the primary...
Randomly: (e:tinypliny)'s only been in buffalo a year and already is the 5th most prolific commenter?? wow!! that's dedication.

Good call Heidi! Actually the deadline is my birthday, October 10.
Also if you want to vote in a primary election and you're not a new voter, you have to switch your party affiliation almost a year in advance. This sounds like a rule that entrenched incumbents came up with, but you have to wait through one election before your party changes. Last year was a local election so I registered Democrat before then so I could vote in the Dem primary.
I'm registered in Erie County but your post made me look at my card, guess I have to re-register since my address changed, what a pain. If it weren't presidential election I wouldn't bother but I guess I'll have to remember to do it.
Okay (e:Heidi), here is a criticism that actually has some merit. I'm on record as saying abortion is a necessary evil, like war. I think it reflects very poorly on us as a civilization, but understand that being naive about how the real world works yields no results. It is probably a billionth on my priority list, seeing as a man my choices are to pay up or to shut up, but nevertheless I'm interested in this case.
The thing that bothers me is the complete inflexibility of the stance, which of course you are burdened with when you solder yourself to an ideology. Even my uncle says "It isn't a perfect world" and he definitely is what some would derisively call a devout Christian. Obama thinks there is common ground somewhere, but I don't really believe it because the special interests are so strong on both sides.
Speaking of Obama, who is actually a Presidential candidate, even the Washington Post called his views on abortion "extreme" - again exposing either a need for political expediency or a questionable adherence to inflexible ideology. I know one thing, when this comes up in the debates, he is going to have a hard time sounding like someone who wants to find common ground.
PS: I really need to do "10 things I loathe about Palin" some day. That woman scares me. Future with her is terrifying.
I find the chart highly inaccurate. They left out the really good "pro-family" parts at the end
1. You're not able to get health care for the baby you were forced to have because she takes an axe to health insurance for children
2. And then Head-start is axed, and without any affordable day care solution to look after the kid while you work, you have to go on welfare to watch after them.
3. Sara Palin in politician-speak calls you a lazy welfare bum for being on the public teat.