So I went out with (e:amanda) who I had not seen in way too long! We went to buttwerwood on main st in williamsivlle and had the chocolate fondue for 2! IT WAS SO FREAKIN BIG AND YUMMY!!! It had banana, carmalized banas, marshmallows, pretzels, strawberrys, pineapples, blueberries, three kinds of cookies hmm maybe something else too. It was soooo tasty and it was sooo good to see (e:amanda) again l. All in all a great night!
Funny story, she was telling me that she put an estrip bumper sticker on her fridge and her mom took it down cuz she thought it was like a stirp club. Funny that her mom thought she would put a strip club bumper sticker on her fridge and funny that estrip does sound liek strip club.
Ok that's all for now chadi
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/17/2008 23:40 #45714
Yummy Yummy Fondue Tummy09/05/2008 10:27 #45586
Regis PhilbinDon't know why I haven't really felt like writing lately though I feel like I have so much to write about but this needed to be written about. Watching Regis and Kelly this morning they had Shannon Daugherty from 90210 and the new 90210 on and like it was hilar watching reeg try to be so exicted, like this is an icon coming on our show, and pretending he was so into 90210. Kelly i could believe loved it in her day but def not reeg. he is such a good faker!
tinypliny - 09/05/08 22:54
You have got to appreciate good fakers. They rule the planet.
No. They seriously do.
But the fact that you detected he was perhaps fakin' it points to the fact that maybe he is not such a good faker as you might like to think!
You have got to appreciate good fakers. They rule the planet.
No. They seriously do.
But the fact that you detected he was perhaps fakin' it points to the fact that maybe he is not such a good faker as you might like to think!
08/30/2008 17:05 #45512
Final Surveys Before the big 2-5SO i am doing online surveys like whoa today just cuz it is the last day i can check the 18-24 box before I am placed in the much more adult 25+ box. My final 7 hours of not being a quarter-lifer. WE are heading ou tto Fugazi tonight prolly around 10 and then not sure whree i wanna go from there, if anyone is out and about and wants to meet us out.
heidi - 08/31/08 03:49
Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday!!!
08/28/2008 13:50 #45485
Happy Birthday Terry!!May that sinister look in your eye bag you lots of innocent ladies today and in the year to come....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

terry - 08/28/08 18:53
Where are all these pics coming from...are you guys saving them for special occasions?
thanks mike, for the bday shoutout...yours in a few!
Where are all these pics coming from...are you guys saving them for special occasions?
thanks mike, for the bday shoutout...yours in a few!
libertad - 08/28/08 18:29
Happy Birthday Terry!!! WOW my computer is super fast now that I installed more memory. YAY!
Happy Birthday Terry!!! WOW my computer is super fast now that I installed more memory. YAY!
metalpeter - 08/28/08 18:03
Happy Birthday to Terry, that is an interesting picture.
Happy Birthday to Terry, that is an interesting picture.
08/26/2008 00:08 #45455
Almost a quarter centurySo in like 5 days I will be a quarter century and maybe quarter life (here's hoping I live to at least 100)! That is crazy, i will be out of the category 18-24 on surveys and that is just plain nutso. by the by I take a lot of surveys cuz i like to and they are fun and so tihs is something I will have to face a lot. Usually I am so like all birthday all the time for the like the weeks leading up but this year not as much I don't know why, not that I am not excited about my birthday cuz I am , I just havne't ought about it as much for some reason. I tink i am wanting to go out and celebrate and party on saturday night but i will keep you posted on any festivities.
I got my frist gift today from my friend Jen who lives in Tennessee, she is like th emost northern gal I kno wand I don't know how she does it , expeically while her busband is in Iraq. Like with all the veg-all in a can, Wal-Marts and confederate flag deocrated cars , I don't know how she survives but she does. She sent me some crazy confederate themed things like a cookbook and stickers and someboy cowboy cheese spraders. My firstest birthday thing was a card from (e:jessbob) featuring the one and only Joan Rivers as a bobble-head , pretty awesome if i do say so myself!!!
I got my frist gift today from my friend Jen who lives in Tennessee, she is like th emost northern gal I kno wand I don't know how she does it , expeically while her busband is in Iraq. Like with all the veg-all in a can, Wal-Marts and confederate flag deocrated cars , I don't know how she survives but she does. She sent me some crazy confederate themed things like a cookbook and stickers and someboy cowboy cheese spraders. My firstest birthday thing was a card from (e:jessbob) featuring the one and only Joan Rivers as a bobble-head , pretty awesome if i do say so myself!!!
springfaerie - 08/28/08 14:04
25 was my hardest birthday. That quarter of a century thing was, for whatever reason, really difficult. 30 has been easy by comparison! Enjoy your Quarter Century birthday, Mike! I know you'll have super fun!
25 was my hardest birthday. That quarter of a century thing was, for whatever reason, really difficult. 30 has been easy by comparison! Enjoy your Quarter Century birthday, Mike! I know you'll have super fun!
tinypliny - 08/27/08 08:22
Yeah, tis time ye joined the club. *hehehe*
Yeah, tis time ye joined the club. *hehehe*
james - 08/26/08 09:30
Happy soon-to-be birthday
Happy soon-to-be birthday
What I want to know is why wasn't your No.#1 stalker invited to this fondue extravaganza?? Hmmm?
@(e:metalpeter): LOL, you crack me up!
If I had the money I would love to open a strip club. But I would do it a little bit Differently it would be aimed at couple or guys and girls in groups. There would be One huge stage on one end the guys would strip and on one end the girls would strip If the people could agree on the same music they would strip at the same time other wise it would go guy girl guy girl and so on. The other thing I would set up is that Private dances you could get a girl or a guy (doesn't matter if you are gay , bi or stright as long as the dancer doesn't mind) or you could get a guy and a girl or couples could go back there. Of course two people would cost more. Who knows I might even hit the stage or at least try to and If I couldn't go through with it have some fun with it since I'm the owner.
do you know how many times people thought i was a stripper because of that damn thing? a lot. but, i love it, (not people thinking i am a stripper), but i love the bumper sticker and i'm keepin it real and lovin the blo!
i've never even been to a strip club. and i don't want to go.
soo much fun...and I put the pic in my journal!