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09/14/2008 19:37 #45682

I got a kitty. He was a stray. My friend found him while she was camping. His name is Maximus. I don't like cats, and I will never claim to be a cat person. Yet somehow in the last year, I have met two cats whom I have very fond of. Strange world.


08/21/2008 17:51 #45398

Google Maps = more stalkerish than ever!
So Google is constantly evolving and dazzling and amazing me. But this is crazy! I was browsing some addresses on Google Maps and I found out that not only when you google an address, it gives you a street view of the address...


But now if you click where it says Street View, you can look at a picture of the house and the entire street!


How freakin cool! I looked at my parent's house and it has my parents newest car, so the pictures must be somewhat recent. Go check it out!

(Apologies to 24 Linwood for stalking you) :)
james - 08/21/08 22:28
My landlord is in the street view in front of his house.
tinypliny - 08/21/08 22:02
Hehehe... My brother and I were are on google maps walking toward Delaware down West-Ferry from the Elmwood-West-Ferry Crossing, carrying a humongous La Nova Pizza box. :) Talk about being caught on camera! Buffalo was mapped last fall (around labour day).
dcoffee - 08/21/08 19:36
Yea, this is helpful when shopping for houses, that's what I'm using it for :) Try going up Elmwood or Allen and see if you recognize anybody. It is a little freaky though, gotta admit.

08/20/2008 15:11 #45378

for Mike
I just spent awhile going through a bunch of old random stuff...always a good time. Anyway I just found this random thing titled "Best Friends Dictionary" and it includes a variety of MK and Mike inside jokes, many of which I probably won't remember. I have no idea when this is from but I'm guessing sometime during college. This will probably not interest any of you except Mike and myself, but read if you'd like :)

A - Alarm clock, Andie, Alice in Wonderland, A LOT
B - Becky the duck, Banana-shaped runts, Behind Closed Doors, Ben Who-fleck?, Bring it On, the Beach, Brave Little Taylor
C - Chicken Lady, Crotchlets, Cats, Cuz it'll be cheap, CTCW, COOL COOL COOL (added today)
D - Diamond Men, Dawson's, Dazed and Confused, Drinking out of tiny water bottle caps
E - Eastern Hills Mall, End of the Road, Early morning lab, Eddie Murphy movies
F - Frogs, Five - When the Lights Go Out, Finders Keepers, Following Lilo
G - Georgia, Gap, Good Day Live, Grape Bubble Yum, Goo Goo Dolls show
H - Hootie hootie, Harry Potter, Handicapped people, "Holy crap I hate when I do that", Holly Hunter (I threw in Holly today. It had to be there.)
I - "If you go down...", I'm sorry Aunt Rhody, If you don't stop, I hope you dance
J - Jessie's Song, Joey Lawrence and other $1 cds
K - Kelsey's, Keep on where you gettin them colors? (I really have no idea what that is)
L - Laura!, Leg lab, Life (the game), Licking random things, Lurid
M - Metal Pit, Missy Blamire pj's, Missy's the poo, Martin Luther King Day
N - Nick W., 9 - 10, "No" (would you ever kiss me), Naked Spot customer pics
O - Ooge, Object of my affection, Overalls, One Moment in time, Online stalkers, Orange chicken, Orange sunglasses
P - Psychiatrist, Pie Day, Passions, Photos of my Wales trip, Pumpkin
Q - Q-pon or Coupon?
R - Rainstick, Restrained, Rufus
S - Smoochy is a smoocher, SBTB, Stopping behind parked cars, Stamp experiments, Shake table, Spot
T - Tully's, Toilet paper in Spot (what?!?!?!?), Tennis, "That would be great".
U - Used worksheets and folders you never throw away, Uncle Farank
V - Violent Cabbage Patch dolls
W - Who that is, With or Without you, Wow you need a boyfriend
X - seX talks
Y - "You can hear my poop a block away"
Z - Zackberry, Zack and Lisa

Oh man what a great trip down Memory Lane. It must not have been that long ago since Good Day Live was during college. There's a lot I can't remember but so many of them made me l.o.l. Good times!!!!!!
mk - 04/04/13 08:30
Haha Mike remember this ???
mike - 08/21/08 09:57
Wow!I was pretty awesome for making that huh? haha. I totally don't remember some like Shake table and Naked Spot Customer pics. I love the additions! I can ony vaguely remember Finders Keepers like i remember there was something about it but not sure what it was.

07/31/2008 12:48 #45199

Hi everyone. I guess it actually hasn't been THAT long since I posted but it feels like a long time. (e:Mike) 's entry made me feel like a bad person since I haven't updated! I'll try harder next time. I just got back from six weeks of living in Chicago working on my Master's. I'll be back the next two summers. The program was really awesome and I learned soooo much stuff. But I missed lots of things here so it was nice to come home. I'm currently being a bum, avoiding school planning as long as possible. I slept in till 11:30 today. Holy crap, that is late. Anywhoooo...what a boring entry, but I feel a little better since I used to be a fairly avid poster (ha) and I have slacked off for toooooo long. BYE!
metalpeter - 07/31/08 17:21
It feels like a long time because it has been 4 months, based on the date of the last post listed. But time is all relative. Sometimes there is nothing to share or anything to write about. Sometimes there isn't time to read and write blogs.

03/25/2008 17:26 #43787

Wegman's, pics, etc.
I just finished some tasty Asian cuisine from yet another Wegman's I had never been to before! I love discovering new Wegman's. Today it was a Wegman's in Depew, on Losson and Transit. Although the Market Cafe did not compare to Alberta Drive or even Amherst St., it was better than the one on Orchard Park Rd. for sure.

Here are some random pics from this weekend. One thing I love about th eiPhone is that I just plug it into my computer and it takes the pictures and puts them right into iPhoto.

We were visiting my grandfather in PA this weekend. This town is sooo stuck back in time, I couldn't even tell you what decade. Fasion-wise early 90's, political/religious views maybe 1960? Haha maybe not. But anyway, I love it there.

Is this a word?
This is a random vending machine in the Treat restaurant aka the home the BEST MILKSHAKES EVERRRRRRR.
These are some of the prizes you can apparently win...
This is Robie. You feed him money. I just love it because that has been there since I was like, 6 years old, and probably before that.
How often can you get Pepsi and Coke from the same fountain thing?
A middle school in the area is putting on "Aladdin Jr." which is funny in itself, but the best was that they took pictures of the kids and imposed them on the pictures of the animated characters.

Ahhh, good times.

I'll be 25 Friday.


Come see Hello Dolly at JFK High School this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. :)

mike - 03/26/08 17:40
why do you go to so many wegmans freako?!? 25 ew