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09/24/2008 16:54 #45785

Walter el perro perdorrero
I went to the vet with Max today and while he was getting his pre-operative bloodwork, I stumbled upon this book in the lobby. After about two pages I was doubled over in uncontrollable silent laughter, and not long after that, tears were streaming down my face. The girl at the desk thought I was upset about something. I found this book on Amazon and I think I might buy it for everyone I know.

heidi - 09/25/08 00:39
I love this book!!!!
tinypliny - 09/24/08 19:38
Hmmmm.. I now have to check it out at the Library. Talk about a deprived childhood! I was reading kid-adapted stories from the Ramayana in my <5 yr days. :::link:::
matthew - 09/24/08 17:42
Walter the farting dog is a classic! All the kids love it. I think it might even have been produced as a live action play.

09/20/2008 16:19 #45739

I have to spend the weekend with (e:Anne) watching my cousins. It's only Saturday afternoon, and we have both come to the conclusion that we are NEVER EVER EVER EVER having children. I mean, seriously give me one good reason. There are enough people in the world. Children are expensive. By the time I retire I will have had hundreds of students aka children I am somewhat responsible for. I enjoy sleeping and weekends. The only reason I may feel bad about not having children is that my parents may never have grandchildren, but is that really a good reason to have children? Seriously. Call me selfish but I am NEVERRRRRRR having children.
tinypliny - 09/20/08 21:07
That is a responsible decision, not a selfish one.

09/14/2008 19:37 #45682

I got a kitty. He was a stray. My friend found him while she was camping. His name is Maximus. I don't like cats, and I will never claim to be a cat person. Yet somehow in the last year, I have met two cats whom I have very fond of. Strange world.


08/21/2008 17:51 #45398

Google Maps = more stalkerish than ever!
So Google is constantly evolving and dazzling and amazing me. But this is crazy! I was browsing some addresses on Google Maps and I found out that not only when you google an address, it gives you a street view of the address...


But now if you click where it says Street View, you can look at a picture of the house and the entire street!


How freakin cool! I looked at my parent's house and it has my parents newest car, so the pictures must be somewhat recent. Go check it out!

(Apologies to 24 Linwood for stalking you) :)
james - 08/21/08 22:28
My landlord is in the street view in front of his house.
tinypliny - 08/21/08 22:02
Hehehe... My brother and I were are on google maps walking toward Delaware down West-Ferry from the Elmwood-West-Ferry Crossing, carrying a humongous La Nova Pizza box. :) Talk about being caught on camera! Buffalo was mapped last fall (around labour day).
dcoffee - 08/21/08 19:36
Yea, this is helpful when shopping for houses, that's what I'm using it for :) Try going up Elmwood or Allen and see if you recognize anybody. It is a little freaky though, gotta admit.

08/20/2008 15:11 #45378

for Mike
I just spent awhile going through a bunch of old random stuff...always a good time. Anyway I just found this random thing titled "Best Friends Dictionary" and it includes a variety of MK and Mike inside jokes, many of which I probably won't remember. I have no idea when this is from but I'm guessing sometime during college. This will probably not interest any of you except Mike and myself, but read if you'd like :)

A - Alarm clock, Andie, Alice in Wonderland, A LOT
B - Becky the duck, Banana-shaped runts, Behind Closed Doors, Ben Who-fleck?, Bring it On, the Beach, Brave Little Taylor
C - Chicken Lady, Crotchlets, Cats, Cuz it'll be cheap, CTCW, COOL COOL COOL (added today)
D - Diamond Men, Dawson's, Dazed and Confused, Drinking out of tiny water bottle caps
E - Eastern Hills Mall, End of the Road, Early morning lab, Eddie Murphy movies
F - Frogs, Five - When the Lights Go Out, Finders Keepers, Following Lilo
G - Georgia, Gap, Good Day Live, Grape Bubble Yum, Goo Goo Dolls show
H - Hootie hootie, Harry Potter, Handicapped people, "Holy crap I hate when I do that", Holly Hunter (I threw in Holly today. It had to be there.)
I - "If you go down...", I'm sorry Aunt Rhody, If you don't stop, I hope you dance
J - Jessie's Song, Joey Lawrence and other $1 cds
K - Kelsey's, Keep on where you gettin them colors? (I really have no idea what that is)
L - Laura!, Leg lab, Life (the game), Licking random things, Lurid
M - Metal Pit, Missy Blamire pj's, Missy's the poo, Martin Luther King Day
N - Nick W., 9 - 10, "No" (would you ever kiss me), Naked Spot customer pics
O - Ooge, Object of my affection, Overalls, One Moment in time, Online stalkers, Orange chicken, Orange sunglasses
P - Psychiatrist, Pie Day, Passions, Photos of my Wales trip, Pumpkin
Q - Q-pon or Coupon?
R - Rainstick, Restrained, Rufus
S - Smoochy is a smoocher, SBTB, Stopping behind parked cars, Stamp experiments, Shake table, Spot
T - Tully's, Toilet paper in Spot (what?!?!?!?), Tennis, "That would be great".
U - Used worksheets and folders you never throw away, Uncle Farank
V - Violent Cabbage Patch dolls
W - Who that is, With or Without you, Wow you need a boyfriend
X - seX talks
Y - "You can hear my poop a block away"
Z - Zackberry, Zack and Lisa

Oh man what a great trip down Memory Lane. It must not have been that long ago since Good Day Live was during college. There's a lot I can't remember but so many of them made me l.o.l. Good times!!!!!!
mk - 04/04/13 08:30
Haha Mike remember this ???
mike - 08/21/08 09:57
Wow!I was pretty awesome for making that huh? haha. I totally don't remember some like Shake table and Naked Spot Customer pics. I love the additions! I can ony vaguely remember Finders Keepers like i remember there was something about it but not sure what it was.