First of all Mike and other that I saw it was nice to see you all. For those of you that I know and didn't see I hope you all had a great time and found some food you liked and didn't break any of my rules from my previous post. It is amazing how many people don't get down on the right back on the right and don't walk towards traffic, with the exception of the circle cause that can be kinda confusing as to where to go. I have to give credit to anyone who is able to do the group thing. It is tough to wait off to the side when someone else is in a line for what can sometime be a long time. The weather was interesting I dressed for cool weather since it was and then it seemed like I was there for about 10 minutes and the sun came out and the wind went away so I was a bit warm. I got one chicken wing from the tap room and it was really good I should have got the bigger size. Then at Tandori I got there kind of wings (baked I think vs smoked and different seasoning) they where so tasty. I went to the Steer twice once to use up my last tickets for cinnamon ice cream and also for an apple crisp that was very good. I tried a lemonade Jack Daniels that was very good. I had Lemon Ice from Anderson's they where out of the loganberry one. I almost forgot this Irish place had Shepard's Pie that was very good. Friday's had some free drink mix that was very good, they mixed it with water or ice and it was very good I wonder what it would taste like with vodka or something else. I somehow all ways missed what ever Dunkin Donuts was giving out except for ice tea once that was good. I also had this Jerk Chicken on Noodles that was pretty good I think the place might have been called Jack's or something like that. I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed there weekend, hey maybe next year they will extend it a block and add like two more booths and that will let there be more space for everyone.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/13/2008 18:39 #45007
The Taste Day 2Category: event
07/12/2008 20:53 #44984
A wicked TasteCategory: events
First of all the taste of buffalo was a good time. That being said I'm glad I got some time in before wicked. Before wicked I got free pork, that is right pork for free it was pretty good. Then there where people handing out some Cereal that is in that middle section and that was pretty good to. I tried a small portion of this soup from Danny's I think that was like beef Kimmelweck that was very good. Then over by one of the stages there was this place Mobay I think it was called that was pretty good I got what was called mobay it was Jerk Chicken (very good) on this huge breed that was pretty tasty. I almost forgot there was a Ghirardelli place giving out free Chocolate how can anyone pass that up. After wicked I didn't stay long seeing as the rain came down in buckets and things where blowing over. It wasn't to to bad but with a paper bag and no one handing out plastic ones anymore I was in trouble quickly so it did wind up driving me home, I'm ok but my bag is pretty shreded. But I did get time to fit in a Chilli Chese Burger from Steer that was pretty tasty. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the place that was giving out free ice tea but it was pretty good. Hopefully I will make it back on Sunday for more food seeing as there is more stuff I must try.
Wicked was fun to see. I did look up online and get the story. Sometimes stories in musicals can be tough to follow. I should not have read Act II it would have been better and then everything would have been a surprise story wise and it would still have been followable. Seat wise I was left of center about 4 seats in and 4 rows back so, I thought it was a pretty good seat. With out going into the story and telling spoilers for those who have not seen it, I won't really tell anything. I'm not a fan of love stories but there was a few love stories in there that was really good. All I will really say story wise is that it is the untold story of the wicked witch. If you take that story and then think about the story of the Wizard of Oz it is kinda not odd but changes you view on that movie. I thought the lighting effects where good and helped the story. I think all the actors/singers did a great job, it really was great, if it came back or if I went out of town someplace and it was playing I would go again.
Wicked was fun to see. I did look up online and get the story. Sometimes stories in musicals can be tough to follow. I should not have read Act II it would have been better and then everything would have been a surprise story wise and it would still have been followable. Seat wise I was left of center about 4 seats in and 4 rows back so, I thought it was a pretty good seat. With out going into the story and telling spoilers for those who have not seen it, I won't really tell anything. I'm not a fan of love stories but there was a few love stories in there that was really good. All I will really say story wise is that it is the untold story of the wicked witch. If you take that story and then think about the story of the Wizard of Oz it is kinda not odd but changes you view on that movie. I thought the lighting effects where good and helped the story. I think all the actors/singers did a great job, it really was great, if it came back or if I went out of town someplace and it was playing I would go again.
metalpeter - 07/13/08 10:22
Hopefully this rain stops so I can go with out getting wet, I at least want to use up my tickets that I have left and would love to try a few other things also, but not a fan of getting wet. Now my camera is screwed up to I now have to look into that as well, but hopefully today can be turned into fun.
Hopefully this rain stops so I can go with out getting wet, I at least want to use up my tickets that I have left and would love to try a few other things also, but not a fan of getting wet. Now my camera is screwed up to I now have to look into that as well, but hopefully today can be turned into fun.
tinypliny - 07/12/08 22:16
Awesome!! I am super-glad you had a fun time... Maybe I will run into you tomorrow. I finally went to replenish my depleted cumin and coconut stores today and bought a lot of other rather unnecessary grocery. :)
Awesome!! I am super-glad you had a fun time... Maybe I will run into you tomorrow. I finally went to replenish my depleted cumin and coconut stores today and bought a lot of other rather unnecessary grocery. :)
07/07/2008 18:31 #44894
Summer TVCategory: tv
So it used to be that in the old days of when I was young or a kid that summer was all repeats on TV. But now stations know that people still watch TV in the summer so they bring out summer shows. I'm not sure who started that Idea really. I remember that Fox started with different seasons like with the OC and then they would have fall shows but I can't give them credit. So hey if it is to hot stay inside and watch some shows or maybe some shows you didn't see last time. There are some shows that are pretty good on Showtime Weeds (great), that call girl show is great and she is so hot, Penn &Teller, and why am I still single. Then On Thursday on USA Burn Notice starts up again, it was so good last year hopefully it is just as good this season. I love 30 days (one person lives as a person who is different from them or in an oppisite sitiuation ) it is really good. They have been showing mini-sodes of rescue me before it. Then of course there is last comic standing. Granted they can't be dirty since it is on NBC but you can still do sex jokes just not graphic. If you like MXC then you might like wipeout (Tuesdays I think) and that is followed by a pretty good reality/game show called "I survived a Japanese Game show" that is pretty cool it really is. I'm not saying people shouldn't go out side and enjoy the weather but if you work someplace hot like where I do you may just want to chill in side.
07/10/2008 19:09 #44921
Wicked taste up comingCategory: events
So in Buffalo during the summer there are lots of events and things to do. This weekend is the taste of buffalo. I know it is all about the food for most. But there are also prizes to win at places and sometimes a company will hand out new stuff like last year those chips made from fruit or was that the year before, very tasty. Then they have that section for kids and lots of other stuff. Yes the portions are small but they are small on purpose. 1) If they where large then they would cost more and then people would buy less. 2) If they where larger you would get full and not try other things. Besides you have to have enough money to get a nice stack of multiple color cups those that drink know what I'm talking about or have at least seen it. I just wish that all these walkers would understand the rules of the road, and why are they not posted.
1) If you want to look fine walk slow don't stop completely
2) Get food on your side only (none of this walking across 400 people getting in everyones way.
3) You wana talk fine walk and talk no standing in the middle of the road
A. No circles with air in the middle
B. If this must be done and you see someone get off to the side of sidewalk
4) Walk down the street on your right and back on your right (none of this walking into people coming your way bullshit)
5) groups walk single file not side to side blocking everything
6) wide body strollers never side by side and all the storage secure, if you kid can't hold onto there cup or teddy bear then they shouldn't have it.
7) no stopping when walking in people traffic
8) except in lines if you don't move you will be moved or kicked by the person or people behind you
> It is fine to move slow and look and talk and decide what you want, what isn't ok is to clog everything up and cause traffic jams if you did that in a car you would get flipped of or in LA get shot. A little common sense people is all I fucking ask for.
I forgot two
9) if you are hot show off that body
10) if you are showing it, it is so people look if you don't like your cleavage, tattoos or crazy hair looked at then don't show it off.
11) Have fun and don't get in others way and everything will be fine
I forgot that Wicked was still in town. I will going on Saturday afternoon and then assuming the weather is nice or at least not a down poor the taste of Buffalo. I'm looking forward to wicked I have heard from two people that it is very good, but the one person thought it was too long. I will be in the side ochestra in the first 10 rows. But I'm a little scared there might be lots of kids because of the show time but it should be a lot of fun. On a side note there is a new show starting on HBO on Sunday that looks really good (mini series) called Generation kill. Has anyone else on here seen wicked and what did you think? Yes I like both Musicals and Cartoons about Metalbands my interests very a lot and sometimes that makes it tough to do what you want or really get into stuff. I didn't get them but I can't believe there wherer $125 dollar tickets to wicked. I'm sorry that is just to much pressure. What I mean is a musical that is good at 30 or 50 or 70 has to be like twice as good based on how much you are paying for it. If I run into any (e:peeps) I hope I don't break any of my own rules, and maybe I'll remember to snap a picture of you. One day early hope everyone has a great weekend.
1) If you want to look fine walk slow don't stop completely
2) Get food on your side only (none of this walking across 400 people getting in everyones way.
3) You wana talk fine walk and talk no standing in the middle of the road
A. No circles with air in the middle
B. If this must be done and you see someone get off to the side of sidewalk
4) Walk down the street on your right and back on your right (none of this walking into people coming your way bullshit)
5) groups walk single file not side to side blocking everything
6) wide body strollers never side by side and all the storage secure, if you kid can't hold onto there cup or teddy bear then they shouldn't have it.
7) no stopping when walking in people traffic
8) except in lines if you don't move you will be moved or kicked by the person or people behind you
> It is fine to move slow and look and talk and decide what you want, what isn't ok is to clog everything up and cause traffic jams if you did that in a car you would get flipped of or in LA get shot. A little common sense people is all I fucking ask for.
I forgot two
9) if you are hot show off that body
10) if you are showing it, it is so people look if you don't like your cleavage, tattoos or crazy hair looked at then don't show it off.
11) Have fun and don't get in others way and everything will be fine
I forgot that Wicked was still in town. I will going on Saturday afternoon and then assuming the weather is nice or at least not a down poor the taste of Buffalo. I'm looking forward to wicked I have heard from two people that it is very good, but the one person thought it was too long. I will be in the side ochestra in the first 10 rows. But I'm a little scared there might be lots of kids because of the show time but it should be a lot of fun. On a side note there is a new show starting on HBO on Sunday that looks really good (mini series) called Generation kill. Has anyone else on here seen wicked and what did you think? Yes I like both Musicals and Cartoons about Metalbands my interests very a lot and sometimes that makes it tough to do what you want or really get into stuff. I didn't get them but I can't believe there wherer $125 dollar tickets to wicked. I'm sorry that is just to much pressure. What I mean is a musical that is good at 30 or 50 or 70 has to be like twice as good based on how much you are paying for it. If I run into any (e:peeps) I hope I don't break any of my own rules, and maybe I'll remember to snap a picture of you. One day early hope everyone has a great weekend.
metalpeter - 07/12/08 10:54
If I run into you and they have anything Vegy I don't think I like I will give it to you, assuming I see you. In any event hope anyone that goes has a great time, and follows all my rules damit!!!! It looks like I might have enough time to see a little bit of the taste before wicked hope everyone has a great weekend.
If I run into you and they have anything Vegy I don't think I like I will give it to you, assuming I see you. In any event hope anyone that goes has a great time, and follows all my rules damit!!!! It looks like I might have enough time to see a little bit of the taste before wicked hope everyone has a great weekend.
tinypliny - 07/11/08 18:40
It was $70 a month back as well. So you have no reason to feel bad about the price. I don't know how I could have split costs. It was $70 (plus tax) per ticket. My dear friend absolutely refused to go in for the tickets that cost $35. She may have had a point but $70 seems like a bit too much when you are just a graduate student on a stipend! (Plus, I admit, I am not a huge fan of goody-two-shoe musicals. I would have considered it more if it had been Avenue Q, for instance. ;))
Haha.. you are lucky I decided not to drive here with my dangerous left-lane tendencies. :) You are surely getting all the non-veg freebies if I run into you!
It was $70 a month back as well. So you have no reason to feel bad about the price. I don't know how I could have split costs. It was $70 (plus tax) per ticket. My dear friend absolutely refused to go in for the tickets that cost $35. She may have had a point but $70 seems like a bit too much when you are just a graduate student on a stipend! (Plus, I admit, I am not a huge fan of goody-two-shoe musicals. I would have considered it more if it had been Avenue Q, for instance. ;))
Haha.. you are lucky I decided not to drive here with my dangerous left-lane tendencies. :) You are surely getting all the non-veg freebies if I run into you!
metalpeter - 07/11/08 18:19
I wish I could make not only one sign but a bunch of them and like sneak to someplace high but where the signs are still readable. Or maybe stand them up at entrance ways to the street.
(e:tiny) I didn't get the $125 ones I got the $70 ones. You should have worked out something with your friend like paying half the difference or something. Since I didn't plan ahead (I did mean to but with the holiday and the trip I had my mind other places) then my tickets with all those fees cost more. If I would have done what I should have and bought them at the box office it would have been better.
(e:tiny) you may hear HEY TINY GET THE FUCK OFF THAT SIDE OFF THE STREET WE WALK ON THE RIGHT IN AMERICA!!!!, then, hey don't look at me like that it is groups of people like you ass holes that don't know how to walk in traffic that clogs everybody up (to other people walking the wrong way). On a side note it would be funny if I saw you and bought you some food, like say a nice juicy burger, HA. Man I wish I could carry a sign with the rules and walk with a megaphone, I wonder what would happen if I did that? HA. It isn't really about what side of the street you walk on it is about going with the traffic as opposed to walking into people. They do sometimes give out free stuff hey if there is meat in it just give it to me, assuming you run into me if not give it to whoever you are with and have a nice time.
I wish I could make not only one sign but a bunch of them and like sneak to someplace high but where the signs are still readable. Or maybe stand them up at entrance ways to the street.
(e:tiny) I didn't get the $125 ones I got the $70 ones. You should have worked out something with your friend like paying half the difference or something. Since I didn't plan ahead (I did mean to but with the holiday and the trip I had my mind other places) then my tickets with all those fees cost more. If I would have done what I should have and bought them at the box office it would have been better.
(e:tiny) you may hear HEY TINY GET THE FUCK OFF THAT SIDE OFF THE STREET WE WALK ON THE RIGHT IN AMERICA!!!!, then, hey don't look at me like that it is groups of people like you ass holes that don't know how to walk in traffic that clogs everybody up (to other people walking the wrong way). On a side note it would be funny if I saw you and bought you some food, like say a nice juicy burger, HA. Man I wish I could carry a sign with the rules and walk with a megaphone, I wonder what would happen if I did that? HA. It isn't really about what side of the street you walk on it is about going with the traffic as opposed to walking into people. They do sometimes give out free stuff hey if there is meat in it just give it to me, assuming you run into me if not give it to whoever you are with and have a nice time.
tinypliny - 07/10/08 20:26
I am going to SO come to the festival and annoy the hell out you by breaking each one of these rules. HEHEHEHEHE
I am going to SO come to the festival and annoy the hell out you by breaking each one of these rules. HEHEHEHEHE
tinypliny - 07/10/08 20:24
Hahaha... I never get the walking on the right rule. I am always walking on the left. Its hard to re-wire the brain. I am sure plenty of people cursed me at the Allentown Art Festival. I think I start on the right but gradually and very unconsciously veer toward the left and then all of a sudden, before I realize it, I have covered the whole festival walking on the left!
Hahaha... I never get the walking on the right rule. I am always walking on the left. Its hard to re-wire the brain. I am sure plenty of people cursed me at the Allentown Art Festival. I think I start on the right but gradually and very unconsciously veer toward the left and then all of a sudden, before I realize it, I have covered the whole festival walking on the left!
tinypliny - 07/10/08 20:21
Did you pay $125 for the ticket? Seriously????? As you might or might not know, I outright refused to pay so much for a musical and currently am at a huge stalemate with my friend who thinks I am just being stingy. :(
Did you pay $125 for the ticket? Seriously????? As you might or might not know, I outright refused to pay so much for a musical and currently am at a huge stalemate with my friend who thinks I am just being stingy. :(
paul - 07/10/08 19:29
You should get his made into a poster and bring it there. Seriously, if everyone followed these rules it would not be so crazy. I am so excited to eat lots of tasty foods.
You should get his made into a poster and bring it there. Seriously, if everyone followed these rules it would not be so crazy. I am so excited to eat lots of tasty foods.
07/06/2008 14:29 #44879
Wanted 4th of july Waterfont JackdawCategory: photos
Before I get into the 4th of July I wanted to mention I saw Wanted yesterday. I thought it was very good. Yes at the beginning the story did start out a little bit slow. But that part of the story was pretty important because it shaped a lot of the movie. For some of the boys and some of the girls yes Angelina looked amazing in this film. I think all the Tattoos helped. Of course it was a shot um up kind of movie so the action part of it was pretty good. I won't say what the plot twist was (isn't there all ways one in the good action movies) but I liked it and thought it was pretty good. Hey if you like That kind of movie or Angelina you should like the movie. Before the movie there was a preview for the new Mummy movie. I'll admit when I heard that their was a new one I thought "Why" but after the preview this one looks pretty good, oh yeah and Jet Li plays the "Bad Guy" it looks pretty sweet.
So on the 4th of July I did make it down to the Marina. I wanted to get there before I did. I would have like to find some food and check everything out and hear more then just Jackdaw, who where pretty good by the way. I like that he did something with the words about the marina and the fire works. A day or two before that they had the "Grand Opening" where they had all the people down there and ribbon cutting and stuff like that with Clinton and the Mayor. But I had seen it before all that. But it was really cool in person to see ship docked down there and over by the waterfalls and under the bridge. I still had a good time and the fire works where great and Jackdaw was great and I'm glad Riverside Park isn't the only place to see fireworks anymore. I still don't think they will ever beat the old days of the LaSalle Park days but maybe in a few years when everything down there is finished up maybe they will.
The Marina


Hey Here are some Fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congratulations on making it to the bottom I hope everyone had a nice holiday and enjoyed the weekend.
So on the 4th of July I did make it down to the Marina. I wanted to get there before I did. I would have like to find some food and check everything out and hear more then just Jackdaw, who where pretty good by the way. I like that he did something with the words about the marina and the fire works. A day or two before that they had the "Grand Opening" where they had all the people down there and ribbon cutting and stuff like that with Clinton and the Mayor. But I had seen it before all that. But it was really cool in person to see ship docked down there and over by the waterfalls and under the bridge. I still had a good time and the fire works where great and Jackdaw was great and I'm glad Riverside Park isn't the only place to see fireworks anymore. I still don't think they will ever beat the old days of the LaSalle Park days but maybe in a few years when everything down there is finished up maybe they will.
The Marina


Hey Here are some Fireworks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congratulations on making it to the bottom I hope everyone had a nice holiday and enjoyed the weekend.
tinypliny - 07/06/08 14:39
That is so pretty! Thanks for posting them! I didn't take any pictures but my friends did. I am not sure when I would get them though.
The sunset at the Marina is the best everyday picnic in downtown. Thinking of going there today and getting an ice-cream.
That is so pretty! Thanks for posting them! I didn't take any pictures but my friends did. I am not sure when I would get them though.
The sunset at the Marina is the best everyday picnic in downtown. Thinking of going there today and getting an ice-cream.
It was cool to run into you twice!
I'm glad you had a good time, I saw that drummer guy yesterday and the food I had there was very good. Now onto the rules for a second if people just used (again that circle area is kinda an exception) common sense and went down on the right and back on the right and looked as they walked slow and didn't just stop and talk in the middle of a crowd then everything would run smothly mostly. The exception is that some of the lines where to wide open so they streched out into the walk way. I wonder if some booths should go on the side walk in areas where there isn't much room like where the street is lost to construction. See there are these people who have to get to their one spot as quick as they can so 7 of them line up and walk towards people and louse everything up. Oh on a side note there sure where a lot of pretty people there. In terms of dunkin it was kinda weird like every so often I guess they would bring stuff out the window of the truck so if you wanted to wait you could get something the one time I was there, there wasn't enough food for me to get one, oh well I got free pork, (e:tiny) I will admit I was kinda hoping to run into you, you all ways have an interesting take on things. That being said it is tough to me at least to do the taste of Buffalo with another person or even two other people.
Hey, I went and missed all of you. It was pretty crowded and there was this bloke playing the Indian Dhol at the Tandoori stall. All the crowds and music took me home for a short while. I had some stir-fry rice from the Singapore stall, and other miscellaneous desserts. My favourite waitress from Panaros wasn't there. Seems she was managing the stall yesterday. I didn't know Dunkin was giving out anything. There was a huge line there though. I was a bit impatient to cover the whole thing so I didn't wait. I broke all your rules because no one was following them anyway. I think if I had followed the ruled, it might have taken 4 hours to cover the festival instead of 2!! :)