So currently I'm relaxing in Cary NC relaxing about to go out to a Buffett. For those that read my previous Journal I got to the Biltmore eventully and we only went to the house. It is truely amazing. I can't really explain the detail of the wood and how fancy it is inside, and you can't take in door pictures but when I get back I will post the ones of the outside it really was amazing. Then later that night was my cousins weeding and that was pretty nice to. I don't dance so the after part wasn't as fun for me as it was for others but still had a good time. Then the next day there was a nice brunch and I enjoyed that and we got to see ashville it looked like there was a pride Celebration in one of the town squares but that isn't the only thing a rainbow means. Oh I think the most interesting or funny thing was a lady and guy who had cute little dogs at the builtmore and one had pearls and they shared their ice cream with the dogs wish I had a picture of that. Well hope everyone had a great weekend.
Metalpeter's Journal
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06/29/2008 17:25 #44820
I'm in Cary NC that isCategory: travel
06/27/2008 10:34 #44800
Posting when I don't want to be....Category: travel
So I'm in Ashville NC for a weeding, well if we ever get there. The reason I'm on (e:strip) using the computer in the lobby is because the CAR died. I hate cars sometimes and don't even drive. We are waiting to see if someone from road side service shows up to check it out. Be are supposed to go to the Butimore (how ever you spell it) Estate and it looks pretty cool, but first they have to get here and see if they can get the car to work, maybe soon I hope. I hope it is something simple and can be fixed quickly so we can be on the way. It is odd that last trip we got locked out of the car so it is a little frustrating. But other then that so far NC has been good. Flying isn't to bad just going through security can kinda blow. Oh yeah they lost my bag but it was found and the airline dropped it off at the nice hotel free of charge. It is odd right across from the hotel there is a Church. That is not the odd part, it just sticks out with kinda the suburb feel of things to the left and right of it with lots of room and some crosses. I wish I was more clear kinda sorry. On the flying I just wish you where allowed to use electornic devices during landing and take off cause that is when pictures would be the best. Hopefully when I get back I will post pictures of some of NC. In terms of the built more I think out pictures are fine but not interior well we shall see. Well we shall see.
06/23/2008 19:01 #44760
DethklokCategory: concerts
So again for anyone that reads my blog like the last one I have to say sorry for no photos but maybe some people who took pictures last night will post them on the web a search will bring them up. I called about 4pm and they didn't know if cameras were allowed since it is up to the band. No since I don't live in Downtown Buffalo nor do I have a car if the policy is no Cameras then I would be screwed so I just didn't take it. I have to admit that the lineup before the show was pretty interesting, in a you had to be there kind of way. The concert sold out as I was in line.
I wish I knew enough about music to do a pro write up and say what kind of metal everything was. The first band was Soilentgreen I thought they played pretty heavy and where pretty good, oh yeah and they have some cool looking merch also. The second band was Chimaira who I have heard of any I would guess knew one of there songs and they where really good also. I wish I knew how to describe there sound. There was a lot of head banging and people in the pits and crowd surfing and all that good stuff you get at a metal show. The Headliners where Deathklok. By that time my hearing was a little damaged and understanding vocals was pretty tough. That being said Dethklok was amazing. The players from the show where on stage with the cartoon on a screen in the background you mostly saw the screen but you could tell the players looked nothing like the band, but that was still cool. They did have a story about the band playing the concert and a couple times had Deathklok on stage and then when they left the players left also. The only thing is from where I was standing the screen on stage looked like it had a middle section that was different then the other two sections but it didn't hurt the cartoon that much. I was surprised that I didn't see anyone at the show in costume. There were some other little cool parts that I won't give away. That being said I think that after season two they should tour again. The other thing that I would like to see is one of there concerts on DVD that would be cool maybe even make it into a movie where you see the animated band backstage and stuff. The band was awesome and the show is awesome and I had a great time. Yes there where mostly dudes and most ladies where with dudes but I'm sure there where some who weren't with guys. I would advise any one who can go see Dethklok to do so it is a pretty cool tour.
I wish I knew enough about music to do a pro write up and say what kind of metal everything was. The first band was Soilentgreen I thought they played pretty heavy and where pretty good, oh yeah and they have some cool looking merch also. The second band was Chimaira who I have heard of any I would guess knew one of there songs and they where really good also. I wish I knew how to describe there sound. There was a lot of head banging and people in the pits and crowd surfing and all that good stuff you get at a metal show. The Headliners where Deathklok. By that time my hearing was a little damaged and understanding vocals was pretty tough. That being said Dethklok was amazing. The players from the show where on stage with the cartoon on a screen in the background you mostly saw the screen but you could tell the players looked nothing like the band, but that was still cool. They did have a story about the band playing the concert and a couple times had Deathklok on stage and then when they left the players left also. The only thing is from where I was standing the screen on stage looked like it had a middle section that was different then the other two sections but it didn't hurt the cartoon that much. I was surprised that I didn't see anyone at the show in costume. There were some other little cool parts that I won't give away. That being said I think that after season two they should tour again. The other thing that I would like to see is one of there concerts on DVD that would be cool maybe even make it into a movie where you see the animated band backstage and stuff. The band was awesome and the show is awesome and I had a great time. Yes there where mostly dudes and most ladies where with dudes but I'm sure there where some who weren't with guys. I would advise any one who can go see Dethklok to do so it is a pretty cool tour.
06/21/2008 16:55 #44742
Hatebreed And MoreCategory: concerts
So last night I got to go see some Heavy Music and I had a good time. Do to the timing of it I didn't get to take my Camera but turns out I could have but didn't know that before hand. I would loved to take pictures of people in the pit during Hatebreed, it looks pretty wild and I did see a few people and this one cute chick take a pretty hard slam of course I don't know how hard to floor really is. So for those of you who read my multiple blogs or look at my pictures sorry I didn't get any it would have been good to have some at least of some of the fine ladies and I don't just mean the thin as a rail ones or the hottie bar tender.
The opening band was I guess a hardcore band from Cleveland called Scalrea. I liked them but think maybe I've seen them open up before but not sure. they were followed by 3 inches of blood. I only knew one of their songs but they where really good. I guess they way to describe them is the singers sound high pitched like Rob Halford and the guitar is really good, the one guy kinda looks like a young James Hatfield from the early days of Metallica. I don't know how they sound On a CD but live they where amazing. The two Headliners where Type O Negative and Hatebreed. I used to listen to Type O but it has been some time, I don't know how to describe there sound really it is kinda I don't know but it was a good time. I talked to someone before they came on and had a nice time, hey if you are reading this is was a nice time. The reason I say that is there where some people there who looked like I have seen them before but that I don't know aka FF or Famiiaur Faces. Even though I was loosing my hearing at that point Hatebreed was really good. And it was nice to rock out get some exercise and watch people in the pit. Hey don't join gym go find a hard rock show every weekend and go run in circles and crash into other people. I admit it isn't my thing but it is really pretty good for you. All 4 bands where good to listen to and Hatebreed was awesome and I got to see Type O Negative and had a great time. The lizard man was pretty cool between acts also. Then On Sunday I get to do it again and go see DethKlok.
The opening band was I guess a hardcore band from Cleveland called Scalrea. I liked them but think maybe I've seen them open up before but not sure. they were followed by 3 inches of blood. I only knew one of their songs but they where really good. I guess they way to describe them is the singers sound high pitched like Rob Halford and the guitar is really good, the one guy kinda looks like a young James Hatfield from the early days of Metallica. I don't know how they sound On a CD but live they where amazing. The two Headliners where Type O Negative and Hatebreed. I used to listen to Type O but it has been some time, I don't know how to describe there sound really it is kinda I don't know but it was a good time. I talked to someone before they came on and had a nice time, hey if you are reading this is was a nice time. The reason I say that is there where some people there who looked like I have seen them before but that I don't know aka FF or Famiiaur Faces. Even though I was loosing my hearing at that point Hatebreed was really good. And it was nice to rock out get some exercise and watch people in the pit. Hey don't join gym go find a hard rock show every weekend and go run in circles and crash into other people. I admit it isn't my thing but it is really pretty good for you. All 4 bands where good to listen to and Hatebreed was awesome and I got to see Type O Negative and had a great time. The lizard man was pretty cool between acts also. Then On Sunday I get to do it again and go see DethKlok.
tinypliny - 06/21/08 21:47
Hey, I was wondering about this concert... But all these bands are slightly away from the type of metal I listen to.
Thanks for posting an update. :)
Hey, I was wondering about this concert... But all these bands are slightly away from the type of metal I listen to.
Thanks for posting an update. :)
06/18/2008 20:48 #44709
More From the Dinner and marinaCategory: photos
The dinner was very nice and it was great that there was a good turnout. Some of the pictures where to dark to fix at all and some come out kinda crazy looking so here are some updated or edited pictures. OH yeah I think someone wanted to know how that beer things works it is pretty cool. It costs a certain amount and then you have different choices of beer and it has a little spout at the bottom it is a really cool idea. I also wanted to add that I did see a couple other cameras I do look forward to seeing other people's pictures posted allso.

I figured in stead of heading all the way home changing quickly then heading back to DT Buffalo why not go to the marina and here are some of my pictures from that.

Hope everyone likes both sets of pictures. I wish I was better with my camera at low level light stuff. I think one interesting thing is it seemed no mater what I did if the TV was in the background that tv part didn't change at all unless it got super bright so I'm guessing that has something to do with why things came out dark.

Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(

I figured in stead of heading all the way home changing quickly then heading back to DT Buffalo why not go to the marina and here are some of my pictures from that.

Hope everyone likes both sets of pictures. I wish I was better with my camera at low level light stuff. I think one interesting thing is it seemed no mater what I did if the TV was in the background that tv part didn't change at all unless it got super bright so I'm guessing that has something to do with why things came out dark.
(e:carolinian) That is a funny acronym and I'm sure it fits pretty well since the people who know are from the Buffalo Area orginaly. They say they are from the poor part of Cary, not that they are poor but that their nice how is poor by comparsion to other parts. I haven't seen much of cary but I did see some places that looked fancy as we got lost trying to get here. Hopefully I will see more of it today.
(e:vincent) I did get a picture of that starbucks there is a McDondalds I wanted to get to that I saw on a show about the most unieque McDonalds, but didn't get in. I guess the inside is made to look like the biltmore. I have to admit I never saw the movie Alphville so I don't know why the car freaked you out.
HEY TINYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In terms of the dogs (man I wish I got a better picture then I did) they were so cute on the chair. The blond lady with them had that rich young white lady/paris hilton look, not as hot as her of corse. She carried her dogs in her arms or maybe one of them was one of the people's with her. It was funny that she would lick one side of the ice cream and the dog would lick the other I wish I got a picture of that. I wonder if that is more common then people think it is. The one guy set his dish on the table and the dog went right after it, not sure if this was on purpose or not but it was interesting to see. I know somepeople do give animals people food, and I have heard of dog treats and dog desserts but I don't think I've seen this example happen before.
Back home the joke was that Cary was an acronym that stood for
Area for
I remember going to the Starbucks right outside of the gates of the Biltmore a few years back. My girlfriend at the time was originally from Asheville & we just decided to pass through on the way back from FLA. Anyway the one thing that really messed with my head there was a 60's Black Ford Galaxy in the parking lot. Although it really only has significance if you saw the movie Alphaville...
Nice! That is a crazy picture you just described. I am trying to visualize a HUGE LADY in chokers with tiny dogs sticking out her purse, eating ice-creams...