Hopefully the above link should lead you to all the pictures that I posted of the Biltmore. I wish i could explain all the detail that goes into the wood inside and how huge the dinning room is and all the cool old books they have and there is a pool inside. The place is really amazing inside. Then of course there is the outside as well and the gardens. There really is a lot to see there, not to mention we just went to the one area. I know I can't post all the pictures here but here is what I hope will be a good random sampling with a bunch of pictures.

I guess I should try to explain that there are statues kind of next to the house and I forget what that is called. Then there was the italian garden where they had the stuff growing and different statues. Then there is also the walled garden and conservatory I think they called it. But Knowing how to take pictures of that is kinda tough. Do you take a long shot that shows everything or do you go for the close up on the flowers and plants. In any event it is a cool place to check out and have fun taking pictures. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get them all printed, HA, not to mention all the wedding pictures and pictures of the sky and from the plane, then post wedding pictures. Ok here are some more pictures.

It was kinda interesting leaving Cary not Carey yesterday. I thought I saw a couple developments with her last name on them, or at least it looked like it was close enough at high speed. There are some really nice houses in that area. I do wish when in cary we would have done more like go to Durham or Reliegh but it was also nice to not do anything also. The first day with all the getting lost and travel would have needed to be mellow anyways. It was nice to run into (e:Libertad) it would have been nicer if I wasn't in the Baggage area, since the airlines lost my mother bag, it was found and delivered today. I thought I saw (e:matthew) going down summer on his bike but is was quick so I wasn't sure. All in all it was a good vacation when I have more time I would like to put up my cloud pictures from the plane.
In terms of the statue I'm not sure if the pillars and the top represent anything, it could but I don't know the history. For some reason statues you like all ways bring the greeks or romans to mind. All I know for sure is that it is a tribute to someone and I forgot who sorry.
those pictures are awesome! I'm glad you had a nice time on your trip.
What is that last structure supposed to represent?? The stone henge with a grass thatch??
Wow!! Beautiful buildings and landscaping!! The main building design is very reminiscent of some church buildings in Prague! It almost looks as it this were some European setting.
Very nice... thanks for posting them all, (e:Metalpeter). It's interesting to see somewhere i have been through your eyes... makes me almost miss the south. ;o)