Info on the Buffalo Garden Walk

I would suggest getting a map from someplace but they do have a PDF map online that you can check out if you don't feel like going to get one.

Here is a link the the garden walks gallery

I will admit that it used to be the event that just brought everyone into "My Hood" and on a Sunday it was very weird. But now I like going and hope the weather is nice for it. On a side note kinda I have to reflect back and say that I first meet (e:tinypliny) (who will always be Tiny since I can't pronounce your name, not that it is hard to pronounce but it is to me so I then forget it since I can't say it so you will allways be known as tiny) at the Garden walk last year. It doesn't seem like a year ago. Wow that year went fast it really did. It will also be close to year to when I first sort of met (e:Fellyconnelly) and (e:Lauren) who are Felly and Lauren to me. It is weird how some (e:peeps) go by there name and some by there user name. Well it isn't weird really it is more like how some people get called by there name and some people get nick names and then sometimes you might get called by both. I just meet Ralphie for the first time the other day. I have to admit he is smaller and cuter then I thought he would be I see why he is "The Famous Ralplhie" . I have also meet a few new (e:peeps) recently and seen a few this spring/summer that I haven't seen in a long time (e:ladycroft)'s dinner comes to mind quickly in that regard. I don't really like to refer to (e:peeps) as New Peeps and old peeps but sometimes I do. I refer to myself as an old (e:peep) but not an originator at all, there where plenty of people who where here before I was. The point I'm trying to get at is (e:strip) is a community online and also one off line. But as new people join or other people are still part of the community but maybe don't post then the dynamic of the community changes. It is kinda like I hate to say high school but I will. When you start out you are a freshmen and meet people and if you are in clubs or sports some people are in different grades but as seniors leave you move up so some of the people you know are the same and some people change as the new freshmen come in and they meet new people. We don't change as much as highschool and we don't kick you out in four years but it is kinda the same in some ways. Do I have a real point not really, other then the group dynamic kinda changes over time, I'm not saying that is good or that is bad it just is. I like the old peeps and the new peeps and the middle peeps and we often view things differently and want to fist fight on a blog, but that doesn't mean I won't pour you a drink at a party or bar or some place. oh yeah Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha.. I remember the garden walk most vividly. I was walking with (e:PMT) and out of nowhere you appeared. It was a cool experience. I wonder if they would be willing to do it with me this year after last year's fiasco. My stubby legs and poor exercise tolerance couldn't keep up with their long legs and we kind of ended up not covering everything we wanted to. :)