Peterazzi is safe and was helped by a few people and he thanks you. He still isn't sure what new equipment to get and has to do some research still. He is hopeful to make a choice and get what he needs by the time the fair starts but who knows. The Garden walk Photos will be a bit delayed but he homes that anyone who went had a good time and maybe has some photos they may wind up posting. The reason for the delay is now that he uses film for a bit, the place that he would get it developed is having some problems of its own. Peterazzi is glad that he made it some places he never made it last year. On of those streets he finds odd called Cary. It isn't that the name is odd it is that he has gone past it and with knowing someone named Carey and with knowing people who live in Cary, NC he doesn't know why he didn't notice that name before. That being said he is very happy he got to see those nice houses and gardens up close. Around that same area he was very impressed that this one little area had there own flags that said Rabin Terrace on there homes. He also went to the Johnson park area and that was very nice. He also thought there where a lot of nice places on North Pearl and doesn't remember ever being on that st or Park st. prior to yesterday. Hopefully with some luck he can have pictures made and put on a disc and post them and hopes every one had a great weekend.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/27/2008 17:58 #45167
Peterazzi DelayedCategory: peterazzi
07/26/2008 13:13 #45150
Garden Walk so far is funCategory: event
So far I have just seen a few places around my area and there are some really nice gardens and flowers. I'm heading back out and one place I'm going to is a place to I think 3 (e:peeps) used to live. It really looks nice out in front of it. Hopefully my camera continues to work and by the end of the weekend or Monday I can have some pictures up. I saw someone giving a tour and that is pretty interesting. I forget how much and how quickly one goes through film. It also seems so weird to not be able to see what the pictures will look like, you get so used to that with a digital camera.
07/22/2008 18:07 #45105
Garden Walk and refelecting backCategory: event
So I'm not sure how the weather is going to be this weekend but on Saturday and Sunday form 10am to 4PM is the garden walk. I know if you check out their website you can find where to get maps before the walk and where to get them during the walk. I know that the senior center on Summer is where I'll go they are open during the walk, Plus if you donate money then you can get something for that money (that also means you can't claim it on your taxes or at least it used to be that way).
Info on the Buffalo Garden Walk

I would suggest getting a map from someplace but they do have a PDF map online that you can check out if you don't feel like going to get one.
Here is a link the the garden walks gallery

I will admit that it used to be the event that just brought everyone into "My Hood" and on a Sunday it was very weird. But now I like going and hope the weather is nice for it. On a side note kinda I have to reflect back and say that I first meet (e:tinypliny) (who will always be Tiny since I can't pronounce your name, not that it is hard to pronounce but it is to me so I then forget it since I can't say it so you will allways be known as tiny) at the Garden walk last year. It doesn't seem like a year ago. Wow that year went fast it really did. It will also be close to year to when I first sort of met (e:Fellyconnelly) and (e:Lauren) who are Felly and Lauren to me. It is weird how some (e:peeps) go by there name and some by there user name. Well it isn't weird really it is more like how some people get called by there name and some people get nick names and then sometimes you might get called by both. I just meet Ralphie for the first time the other day. I have to admit he is smaller and cuter then I thought he would be I see why he is "The Famous Ralplhie" . I have also meet a few new (e:peeps) recently and seen a few this spring/summer that I haven't seen in a long time (e:ladycroft)'s dinner comes to mind quickly in that regard. I don't really like to refer to (e:peeps) as New Peeps and old peeps but sometimes I do. I refer to myself as an old (e:peep) but not an originator at all, there where plenty of people who where here before I was. The point I'm trying to get at is (e:strip) is a community online and also one off line. But as new people join or other people are still part of the community but maybe don't post then the dynamic of the community changes. It is kinda like I hate to say high school but I will. When you start out you are a freshmen and meet people and if you are in clubs or sports some people are in different grades but as seniors leave you move up so some of the people you know are the same and some people change as the new freshmen come in and they meet new people. We don't change as much as highschool and we don't kick you out in four years but it is kinda the same in some ways. Do I have a real point not really, other then the group dynamic kinda changes over time, I'm not saying that is good or that is bad it just is. I like the old peeps and the new peeps and the middle peeps and we often view things differently and want to fist fight on a blog, but that doesn't mean I won't pour you a drink at a party or bar or some place. oh yeah Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Info on the Buffalo Garden Walk

I would suggest getting a map from someplace but they do have a PDF map online that you can check out if you don't feel like going to get one.

Here is a link the the garden walks gallery

I will admit that it used to be the event that just brought everyone into "My Hood" and on a Sunday it was very weird. But now I like going and hope the weather is nice for it. On a side note kinda I have to reflect back and say that I first meet (e:tinypliny) (who will always be Tiny since I can't pronounce your name, not that it is hard to pronounce but it is to me so I then forget it since I can't say it so you will allways be known as tiny) at the Garden walk last year. It doesn't seem like a year ago. Wow that year went fast it really did. It will also be close to year to when I first sort of met (e:Fellyconnelly) and (e:Lauren) who are Felly and Lauren to me. It is weird how some (e:peeps) go by there name and some by there user name. Well it isn't weird really it is more like how some people get called by there name and some people get nick names and then sometimes you might get called by both. I just meet Ralphie for the first time the other day. I have to admit he is smaller and cuter then I thought he would be I see why he is "The Famous Ralplhie" . I have also meet a few new (e:peeps) recently and seen a few this spring/summer that I haven't seen in a long time (e:ladycroft)'s dinner comes to mind quickly in that regard. I don't really like to refer to (e:peeps) as New Peeps and old peeps but sometimes I do. I refer to myself as an old (e:peep) but not an originator at all, there where plenty of people who where here before I was. The point I'm trying to get at is (e:strip) is a community online and also one off line. But as new people join or other people are still part of the community but maybe don't post then the dynamic of the community changes. It is kinda like I hate to say high school but I will. When you start out you are a freshmen and meet people and if you are in clubs or sports some people are in different grades but as seniors leave you move up so some of the people you know are the same and some people change as the new freshmen come in and they meet new people. We don't change as much as highschool and we don't kick you out in four years but it is kinda the same in some ways. Do I have a real point not really, other then the group dynamic kinda changes over time, I'm not saying that is good or that is bad it just is. I like the old peeps and the new peeps and the middle peeps and we often view things differently and want to fist fight on a blog, but that doesn't mean I won't pour you a drink at a party or bar or some place. oh yeah Happy Tuesday everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/21/2008 18:56 #45093
Buffalo Test Updated Dark KnightCategory: peterazzi
Well this is a test to see if or how the Peterazzi will ride again one of these pictures is from the disc section of previews and one is from pictures. The problem is that (e:strip) doesn't generate a preview from the disc so they have to be added to my computer so that I can see them.

Here is one that has been added to my computer lets see what happens here.

Ok what I suspected was correct that the files where to big so any picture I add here I will have to resize it or crop it as a way to resize it. Lets make sure the pictures in the preview works.

I did learn that my photo software can see the pictures on the CD so I guess that can be used as a reference point. These pictures are not the best of me but that is ok cause this is more of a test anyways. That being said if all my pictures are of one thing like say gardens then I could post them all with out knowing what ones they are since there aren't different kinds of pictures since they would all fit into the post, hmmm.
Also wanted to add Yesterday I went to go see the Dark Knight and it was very good. Yes it was dark and the joker came off as dark and like he was unsure of himself in how he talked and Bales vocals where really good and Two Face was awesome and then there where some Actors I like in it that I didn't know where in it.

Missing Image ;(
Here is one that has been added to my computer lets see what happens here.
Missing Image ;(

Ok what I suspected was correct that the files where to big so any picture I add here I will have to resize it or crop it as a way to resize it. Lets make sure the pictures in the preview works.

I did learn that my photo software can see the pictures on the CD so I guess that can be used as a reference point. These pictures are not the best of me but that is ok cause this is more of a test anyways. That being said if all my pictures are of one thing like say gardens then I could post them all with out knowing what ones they are since there aren't different kinds of pictures since they would all fit into the post, hmmm.
Also wanted to add Yesterday I went to go see the Dark Knight and it was very good. Yes it was dark and the joker came off as dark and like he was unsure of himself in how he talked and Bales vocals where really good and Two Face was awesome and then there where some Actors I like in it that I didn't know where in it.
07/19/2008 18:54 #45077
The Death of PeterazziCategory: peterazzi
Well the Peterazzi is dead. It was a shocking death as the storm blew in from no where and the bullet riped right through him and left him dead in the street. Or so the shooter thought. Cause all though he is down out and out and slowly bleeding and could die very soon he is slowly crawling dragging himself down the street looking for help and looking to hide as he tries to figure out what to do next. He slowly tries to think about what he will do and fix his problem. But it is so hard when his protection didn't work and now he doesn't know if he can really get any good help from them as he lays there alone on the street. Will he me able to survive or will he just give up and die, or maybe he can be resurected or be returned to his glory. Only time shall tell.
I'm not sure if metaphor is the correct term for that piece about how I'm feeling right now. For those who don't know last week I went to the taste of Buffalo and got soaked in the rain. That would really be much of a problem except so did my camera. When I get home I can take pictures and it works still. So the next morning I go to the taste and my screen is dead. I can still take pictures but with out a screen there is no way to know how the picture looks, if you change setting you have no idea what you are changing them to. If you go to walgreens you can download them on a disk and have them printed but since you need the camera screen you wouldn't know if you where deleting pictures. So yes I could take pictures and then just keep buying new memory cards but that would be pretty costly. But see here is where no one will help me I bought my camera at office max and they have this great warrenty but it doesn't cover anything until my kodak one is over and that isn't till like Dec. Hey maybe I'll wait and see what happens then. Guess what kodak doesn't cover water damage, those fuckers. On line it would be like $80 to fix they think, argh on a $200 camera, plus I might have to pay for the shipping, fuckers, argh..... Then they have this thing where you can trade in a damaged camera and get 15% at there store, that is it I pay $200 and then I would still have to get another one and that is all they give me. But if I have to get a new one anyways that might not be a bad idea. Except that I don't like how there software works. I'm not saying it is bad software it just isn't my style and takes forever to do things. Then if I send it away what do I do for pictures till it gets back. My advantix camera is shot, found that out today, and I have another old one that might be shot or might work to test out. It is so tough to pick when all decisions are wrong or seem bad, isn't the garden walk next week I would really like to take pictures there and I have no idea what to do.
On a good note Maybe UFC tonight on spike tv will be good. I had a good time at the Italian festival. I tried Ziti with Pesto that was very good and so was the Deep Fried Resses (they had other things deepfried also) and then there was Penne with vokda sauce, yummy.
This morning I didn't get to the movies in time to see any of the early "Dark Knight" showing but I did see the 10:45 showing of hell boy and it was very good. Who knows maybe there will be more adventures of peterazzi to come.
I'm not sure if metaphor is the correct term for that piece about how I'm feeling right now. For those who don't know last week I went to the taste of Buffalo and got soaked in the rain. That would really be much of a problem except so did my camera. When I get home I can take pictures and it works still. So the next morning I go to the taste and my screen is dead. I can still take pictures but with out a screen there is no way to know how the picture looks, if you change setting you have no idea what you are changing them to. If you go to walgreens you can download them on a disk and have them printed but since you need the camera screen you wouldn't know if you where deleting pictures. So yes I could take pictures and then just keep buying new memory cards but that would be pretty costly. But see here is where no one will help me I bought my camera at office max and they have this great warrenty but it doesn't cover anything until my kodak one is over and that isn't till like Dec. Hey maybe I'll wait and see what happens then. Guess what kodak doesn't cover water damage, those fuckers. On line it would be like $80 to fix they think, argh on a $200 camera, plus I might have to pay for the shipping, fuckers, argh..... Then they have this thing where you can trade in a damaged camera and get 15% at there store, that is it I pay $200 and then I would still have to get another one and that is all they give me. But if I have to get a new one anyways that might not be a bad idea. Except that I don't like how there software works. I'm not saying it is bad software it just isn't my style and takes forever to do things. Then if I send it away what do I do for pictures till it gets back. My advantix camera is shot, found that out today, and I have another old one that might be shot or might work to test out. It is so tough to pick when all decisions are wrong or seem bad, isn't the garden walk next week I would really like to take pictures there and I have no idea what to do.
On a good note Maybe UFC tonight on spike tv will be good. I had a good time at the Italian festival. I tried Ziti with Pesto that was very good and so was the Deep Fried Resses (they had other things deepfried also) and then there was Penne with vokda sauce, yummy.
This morning I didn't get to the movies in time to see any of the early "Dark Knight" showing but I did see the 10:45 showing of hell boy and it was very good. Who knows maybe there will be more adventures of peterazzi to come.
tinypliny - 07/20/08 21:27
Peterrrrrrrrraaaaazzziii can never die!!!!
Peterrrrrrrrraaaaazzziii can never die!!!!
metalpeter - 07/20/08 18:18
(e:dcoffe) first of all thanks for that link I have only checked out a couple of cameras so far and it seems like a pretty good site. The thing that is tough for me is inside pictures (ones at sporting events or outside pretty much come out ok on there own). But inside lighting can be tricky you have to be close enough that the flash gets everything but then some settings that give more light to help you gives the picture that yellow look. Thank you for the advice also. It feels silly to try and pay $80 for a $200 camera to be fixed. I wonder if when my kodak time runs out if I get can office max to fix it for free, then have it as a back up just encase, but I can't wait that long really. Hopefully for now my non digital one works ok, I'll know on monday. Again thanks for everyones imput.
(e:dcoffe) first of all thanks for that link I have only checked out a couple of cameras so far and it seems like a pretty good site. The thing that is tough for me is inside pictures (ones at sporting events or outside pretty much come out ok on there own). But inside lighting can be tricky you have to be close enough that the flash gets everything but then some settings that give more light to help you gives the picture that yellow look. Thank you for the advice also. It feels silly to try and pay $80 for a $200 camera to be fixed. I wonder if when my kodak time runs out if I get can office max to fix it for free, then have it as a back up just encase, but I can't wait that long really. Hopefully for now my non digital one works ok, I'll know on monday. Again thanks for everyones imput.
dcoffee - 07/20/08 15:56
That sucks. I probably wouldn't bother with repairs, maybe if you can do it under warranty. If you can afford it, dump the kodak and get a canon or sony. You're right about the flash too, you may want to check and see if the camera can use an external flash, some inexpensive models use a radio signal to trigger a compatible external flash. If you want mad camera info you can go here :::link::: Hope everything works out.
That sucks. I probably wouldn't bother with repairs, maybe if you can do it under warranty. If you can afford it, dump the kodak and get a canon or sony. You're right about the flash too, you may want to check and see if the camera can use an external flash, some inexpensive models use a radio signal to trigger a compatible external flash. If you want mad camera info you can go here :::link::: Hope everything works out.
metalpeter - 07/20/08 10:21
(e:imk2) All I can say is Doh, Doh, Doh, Doh, Ha. On a side note all those guys who take pictures for hustler, penthouse, playboy or even better yet Suicide Girls are so lucky. That does make me want to go out and take some classes and be a pro not that I could ever be that good. Even if I got that good the guy with the camera is the one that directs the poses not the model or girl putting her pictures on line or sending them someplace.
(e:ladycroft) You do make a very good point about me having trouble with the flash. I think I found one way to fix that. I think one of the problems was that flashes are on professional cameras above the camera and on non pros as I call them on the right of the camera but I've noticed lately (not only on my kind of kodak) the flash is near the zoom lens. To be that makes no sense yes the flash should make it past that but the flash also looks very small on all these new cameras. My birthday isn't till december but I'm now maybe thinking about do the trade in thing and go for a cheap camera but still not sure. Thanks for the advice.
(e:libertad) thanks.
On a side note I tried my advantax Camera it is shot and doesn't load the film. I did find a camera that does work now and will work for now. But I have to get the film developed once I finish it and see what happens and see if I put the pictures on a disc if they will be uploadable to (e:strip) (i have a funny fealing they will be to big). Also assuming it takes pictures ok who knows how long it will last. This is an old abused camera so we shall see. Hopefully the Peterazzi will ride again.
(e:imk2) All I can say is Doh, Doh, Doh, Doh, Ha. On a side note all those guys who take pictures for hustler, penthouse, playboy or even better yet Suicide Girls are so lucky. That does make me want to go out and take some classes and be a pro not that I could ever be that good. Even if I got that good the guy with the camera is the one that directs the poses not the model or girl putting her pictures on line or sending them someplace.
(e:ladycroft) You do make a very good point about me having trouble with the flash. I think I found one way to fix that. I think one of the problems was that flashes are on professional cameras above the camera and on non pros as I call them on the right of the camera but I've noticed lately (not only on my kind of kodak) the flash is near the zoom lens. To be that makes no sense yes the flash should make it past that but the flash also looks very small on all these new cameras. My birthday isn't till december but I'm now maybe thinking about do the trade in thing and go for a cheap camera but still not sure. Thanks for the advice.
(e:libertad) thanks.
On a side note I tried my advantax Camera it is shot and doesn't load the film. I did find a camera that does work now and will work for now. But I have to get the film developed once I finish it and see what happens and see if I put the pictures on a disc if they will be uploadable to (e:strip) (i have a funny fealing they will be to big). Also assuming it takes pictures ok who knows how long it will last. This is an old abused camera so we shall see. Hopefully the Peterazzi will ride again.
ladycroft - 07/20/08 08:47
well, you had issues with your flash didn't you? maybe this is your sign that it's time for a new camera? when's your birthday? ask for one :)
well, you had issues with your flash didn't you? maybe this is your sign that it's time for a new camera? when's your birthday? ask for one :)
imk2 - 07/20/08 04:43
gosh, peter...this really sucks. i was just about to call you this weekend to come over and take naked photos of me for this dirty website i was thinking about making. i was actually thinking about making you the official photographer.
shucks, i guess i have to look for someone else now.
we would have taken some beautiful pictures together peter...
gosh, peter...this really sucks. i was just about to call you this weekend to come over and take naked photos of me for this dirty website i was thinking about making. i was actually thinking about making you the official photographer.
shucks, i guess i have to look for someone else now.
we would have taken some beautiful pictures together peter...
libertad - 07/19/08 23:26
Sorry Peter. That really sucks.
Sorry Peter. That really sucks.
Hahaha.. I remember the garden walk most vividly. I was walking with (e:PMT) and out of nowhere you appeared. It was a cool experience. I wonder if they would be willing to do it with me this year after last year's fiasco. My stubby legs and poor exercise tolerance couldn't keep up with their long legs and we kind of ended up not covering everything we wanted to. :)