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06/15/2008 13:13 #44655

Low Wall Vaulting
Category: goals
My daily route from home to office includes jumping down a low concrete wall around 3.5 feet deep. I am fascinated by this particular wall. It has gradually grown to a point where I am conscious of the irrationality of it all. Nevertheless, I cannot get rid of this jumping OCD. It saves me a whole minute of having to go around the wall, like civilized folk might. Instead, I take wild pleasure in leaping off the damn thing every single day.

It took me a while to get addicted. I used to be the civilized around-the-low-wall-walker last July. By August, it dawned on me that I was being wimpy. More importantly, the extra minute of sleep I might earn from this simple gravity-friendly maneuver became very attractive. I took the plunge in early August and haven't stopped since then. I leapt in the sunlight, in the rain, in the snow and also on the ice (and nearly broke my knee when I slipped and skidded over the ice on my knees, propelled by the force of my leap, but that's beside the point now that its summer!)

In my 9 minute walk to my department, this is the high point I look forward to. It's almost like a drug. The wall beckons me to free-fall once more. Those 2 seconds are awesome. I transform into an astronaut repairing a space toilet on Mondays, a soldier jumping into the enemy trenches for a hostile ambush on Tuesdays, a long-distance marathon runner from Nigeria jumping into a final ditch before the victorious lap on Wednesdays, a showgirl on the set of a musical in a dramatic heart-wrenching moment on Thursdays and an adventurer jumping into treacherous quicksands in the amazon forests on Fridays. I can be whoever I want to be those couple seconds. There are no limits. Time stretches into the infinity of chaotic possibility.

But coming back home, it's a different story. I cannot vault the low wall. I just don't have the grace or the skill. It has tormented me for so many months now. I want to be able to vault over the thing with a one-armed maneuver like they do in the movies. For the thirty seconds that I walk around the wall, I gaze at it longingly and wish that I were able to vault it... every single day. This might seem like a tad bit unhinged of a life-goal but I checked and found that souls all over the interweb seem to have similar lofty goals.

There's even a DIY about it!!!

It's a nifty little move. First you put your hand over the fence/wall and hoist yourself up over it using your arm to balance your weight, swinging both your legs to the other side. Incredibly sexy. And I am nowhere close to being able to do it. Not for the lack of wishing, because I do *that* everyday. I think I need to start trying at least. The skinned wrists and palms will be worth every minute of the glory of being able vault the wall some day! Got any tips for me?? :)
drew - 06/16/08 09:23
We should start a short commute club. (even if I don't think I break the 10 minute mark, I do feel glad that my walk takes less time than most people's drives.
james - 06/15/08 21:38
Just dive into it Ms.Pliny. A few scrapes, bruises, and fractures are just part of the game. ^^
paul - 06/15/08 21:07
and I thought my 5 minute walking commute was long. How do you make it that far - with a wall jump as well.
janelle - 06/15/08 20:20
Really, you ought to be a writer...screw this cancer research thing and write the Great American Novel!
boxerboi - 06/15/08 17:48
That is an awesome commute--9 minutes walking.

06/10/2008 21:42 #44608

Bike sans Brakes
Category: cycling
I have the prettiest bicycle on the entire planet. No... make that the sexiest bicycle in the entire solar system. It's coloured a rich striking blue of copper sulphate with a metallic sleek grey accent. It's an aerodynamically designed complex machine with precision gears and a derailleur that looks as if it might be a futuristic part that broke away from the Kibo module. You lay your eyes on it and you know that you just want to ride it.

ALAS, appearances can be deceptive. The deception, in this case, is that I (the most non-mechanically oriented freak there ever was and will be on the planet) put it together! That means that the brake pads are not evenly spaced from the wheel. They rub and grate on the wheel every time I try to cycle. The sound that emanates resembles a sickening friction rub of... well, a warped brake assembly. I have tried many many tricks and tactics to make them not behave in this bizarre manner but as can be expected, I am having no luck fixing them.

Does any (e:strip)per have a fair idea about how to rectify this brackish situation? Do they know of any person or establishment within walking distance of downtown (~2-3 miles) who can take a look at my bike and tell me what I need to do, without charging $45... oh, and is likely to be available on a Saturday or a Sunday??!!

My ghost-of-the-biking-future shall be eternally grateful for any ideas, hints, directions, general advice etc..

(**this is where you think of someone and enthusiastically type away comments to this post. NUDGE NUDGE. Ahem.**)
tinypliny - 06/15/08 13:15
TWO not Tow. Aaargh
tinypliny - 06/15/08 13:14
Tow votes for each shop... I am torn!
jenks - 06/11/08 20:48
i was going to suggest campus wheelworks too. They'll probably charge you something, but they're good guys and they seem to go good work at fair prices.
chico - 06/11/08 09:14
I've heard good things about Rick's and now that it's in the old Neo space at Allen and Franklin I'm even more in favor of going there. My next-door neighbors said that Rick's does good tune-ups etc. for fair prices.
boxerboi - 06/10/08 22:10
campus wheelworks on elmwood and cleveland. They fixed my flat tires last summer on the spot for like 10 bucks.
mrmike - 06/10/08 22:10
Rick's on Allen is pretty good

06/09/2008 23:52 #44603

The Crazy Dragonfly Office Freakout
Category: office
A HUMONGOUS blackish dragonfly flew into our office today morning. I had the official freakout of the year. I ran out promptly, slammed the door to the corridor and shut my officemate in the office with the ginormous dragonfly. I am SO not the ideal officemate. He probably hates me now. I couldn't help it!! Metallic loud buzzing coming from a HUGE insect that FLIES is very disconcerting. I believe I was reading about genomic mutations when it made its royal loud entry through the window. I admit that the subject matter may have had some effect on the insanity level of my freakout.

It looked somewhat like this:

My department administrator was in the corridor for some reason and I dragged her into my office. I think I might have coerced her into climbing the table and chasing the dragonfly out the window using a yoghurt box (that smelled like some very good coffee from Guercio's, in case you were interested.)

After it left, I googled it and initially thought that it might have been the Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea), but a friend who saw it up close didn't notice any blue on its body or colourful markings.

OR it could be the Giant Dragonfly - Petalura gigantea. The article says that two species exist in North America. The picture above is from this page:

Or it could be this species from Malaysia - Tetragynacantha plagiata. Do you think someone brought it in their suitcase from somewhere??

It blows my mind on many levels.
a) That could have been an ENDANGERED species we chased out!!
b) It could have been a bonafide Malaysian or Australian insect!!
c) We could have caught it and donated it to the zoo/or the local insect greenhouse!!
d) Damn, that was ONE TOTALLY ridiculous officemate alienating freakout.
e) Yep. I still hate metallic buzzing flying HUGE insects. They can ONLY be one of these adjectives... NOT ALL!! That is just unfair! Arrgh.

tinypliny - 06/10/08 22:57
LOL. I am so glad you were not around to witness my wimpiness and backstabbing and coercion tactics. :) I am SO not the person you seem to think I am. I am just a good liar and drama queen. Hehehe...
boxerboi - 06/10/08 22:11
aww man i miss all the fun!
paul - 06/10/08 18:28
The just grow here. I see them around the campus now and then.
jenks - 06/10/08 08:34
hehe... they are huge, but they don't scare me b/c they don't bite or crawl on me. sorry you were traumatized.

06/06/2008 01:39 #44560

Holy Poppin
Category: dance
Hey Felly and Lauren,

Is this what you do Wednesday evenings on the floor above the art shop on Main Street?!!!???

Consider me bowled over! :)
ajay - 06/06/08 11:19
Reminds me of this commercial: :::link:::

(bad video quality, unfortunately)
fellyconnelly - 06/06/08 07:24
well sorta yes and sorta no. This guy is definetely a popper, and while that is featured at the monthly battles, its not really what we are doing. I'll post a little something in a few minutes for you...

06/08/2008 12:42 #44586

Dropping Sizes or Getting Vain?
Category: whine
Three years back, I didn't wear jeans or trousers on a daily basis. I never wore less than 3 colours at a time. My daily dress was a salwar kameez.

It's a sort of fluid adaptable dress that comes to your rescue if you want to be ultra formal or ultra casual. But then I became a grad student here in the US. The cultural change has been massive. I not only went the unkempt daily-jeans route, but also turned completely monocolour. I have no idea how this happened. I look at my wardrobe and all I can see is miles and miles of:

WHAT THE HELL?? I had all the colours in the rainbow and additionally, several other vivid and wild shades in my wardrobe. I seem to be trapped in blue-scale now, too fashion-unconscious to get out.

Anyway, that is only a tangential point of the story. (Yeah, leave it to me to start at a tangent!) With the change in attire, new hair-splitting avenues have popped up. I never had to deal with the alien concept of SIZES before.

Three years back, my idea of trousers was a multi-pleated billowing cotton/satin/silk salwar worn under a long kameez (hindi/urdu for shirt). I guess that explained why I ended up picking size 12 jeans and ended up looking like the next-door rap star/pimp in my first year here. I had enough of the whole hanging-by-mere-faith-and-nothing-else-on-your-booty style the next year and went for a comfortable size 10. Last christmas, I was still comfortable at 8. Yesterday, I found out that for a pair of shorts to fit well and not look like a tent and yet be comfortable, they need to be size 6.

Did I just drop SIX sizes over the past two years?????? Considering, my weight has been constantly hovering at same figure over these said two years, the size drop is highly suspect. Apart from my perception of what a trouser should be, nothing else has changed. I think it would be safe to say that I have been tricked by vanity sizing. After my initial fascination with the in-da-hood baggy style, I have been the same size. It is just called "10" at walmart, "8" at old navy and "6" at Dots. Does it then mean that the more "upscale" a shop gets the more abridged their size-chart? Are these stores pandering to the egos of their respective clienteles?

The sizing mystery doesn't end at clothes. It extends to shoes. I am 7.0 in timberland, 5.0 in Hush-Puppies, 5.5 in adidas and 6.0 in reebok. Does this in some way reflect the average shoe size of the customers of these shoe-brands? Are marketing ploys employed to carefully profile the average customer and make them feel better.. for eg. if you are a die-hard hiker, you probably don't want to be told that you have feet sized similar to a dainty Japanese lady across the planet.

Well, in all their planning, they obviously left me out. This crazy sizing is driving me nuts and I am confused like hell. I am like an electron at many different places - stretched out from sizes 6 to 10 and my feet are nebulous clouds of feet-matter from 5.5 to 7.0. I am not vain. I am a size-monster.


Hahahaa... if you thought I looked like the girl in the salwar kameez, the vain joke is on you, sucker!
tinypliny - 06/09/08 23:06
@metalpeter: You were young and needed the money, eh? LOL

@libertad: You know what? I am going to bring a caseload of salwar kameezes over when I visit home (after my proposal). Then you will see me ONLY in salwar kameezes! Hahaha... fitting in? Who wants to do that??!

@Ladycroft: Would you be coming to Buffalo any time soon and wearing your lovely salwar kameez!!!???? I would LOVE to meet you!!

@museumchick: You need to try one of them. :) You can create a faux-salwar kameez effect by wearing a knee length kameez/shirt - maybe a tie-dye one and wearing jeans/trousers under them.

museumchick - 06/09/08 11:29
the salwar kameez looks amazing! I think that would be awesome to wear that instead of jeans.
ladycroft - 06/09/08 02:21
Dude! I just had my first salwar kameez made a few weeks ago! It looks awesome and all the ladies in the office went nuts over it. I'm bringing it with me to wear at my conference in Orlando :)

Don't get me started on sizes! I seriously have to carry around a chart here. Some shops carry European sizes, some carry British sizes, some carry munchkin's impossible to shop! And all shoes seem to stop at size 40 and I wear a 41. Figures!
libertad - 06/08/08 18:48
I would love to see you in the salwar kameez. You can bring your culture here. No one says that one must wear blue jeans to fit in. Not that you would fit in even in blue jeans ;)
metalpeter - 06/08/08 15:27
Hey tiny hook me up with that girl, she is smokin hot, oh yeah. Here is the thing with sizes. Men's clothes are done in inches the waist and legs so they are standard. But womens clothes are not done in inches they are in sizes. I can hear what you want to ask "Pete How do you know about girls sizes" and I would respond "hey I was young and I needed the money", HA. Well I do have a sister who is about your height and went shopping once with her as a family, wow that was a mistake. What you said is true that each brand or what ever you call that sizes differently. Now where things get interesting is that they have sub sizes like petite or what ever. This is true of sneakers as well some are normal and some are wide. I think another thing about sneakers is that sizes are different in say the UK so if you look at the inside they have the size conversion but I also think that where the shoe is made effects how the shoe is cut. It is possible to be a large kids size and a small adult size based on the shoe company.