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Metalpeter's Journal

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03/07/2008 15:52 #43577

So I'm still sick and Hopefully will be better for Saturday nights Bandits game, I'll still go but can't chance yelling. The burn that was in my throat I don't really want to come back again. I'm not a big a sleep person but leaving work early yesterday to sleep all night and then not going in today and all most getting 24 hours worth (of course breaks from it so about 24 hours of rest) sure did feel good. I feel good now but I think a lot of that is from the medicine. I hope everyone has a great weekend. That being said the sleep really felt good and I think I will be sleeping some more soon again.

03/05/2008 17:40 #43562

Crappy Renter
(as a side note 63 guests wow). I hate being sick I really do it is not fun at all. Plugged ears, Head, and chest and (now 72 guests) sore throat. It doesn't help that my place is kinda messy. It doesn't help that my stove has gas pilot lights. It doesn't help that I have stagnet air that just sits there but at least my place is warm. Then On top of that I have a mouse, well I have only seen one but my downstairs neighbor has seen and caught about 10 of them. No of them have gone into my traps at all (3) Maybe I don't have enough or have bad bait not really sure. (96 and 6 bots wow). But that being said I not hope to much with going on line and working and then I watch a couple hours of tv and go to bed or pass out. I am one lazy fucker when not at work I really am. I need sleep I need to clean, ah what to fucking do. Argh, Maybe sleep or maybe clean some more. Sometimes I really hate my life, not that I would ever do anything crazy.
libertad - 03/14/08 22:45
I'm glad you wouldn't do anything crazy peter! What is wrong with your gas pilot lights? Are they making you sick? You could open your windows from time to time even in the winter. People freak out when I do that, but I believe in getting some fresh air from time to time.

03/02/2008 14:32 #43529

Category: lax
Well Saturday stared out with a trip to Target for a New Watch and to get Beowulf. I did watch it but so far the directors cut looks just like what I saw at the movies so I'm confused. When I stopped watching it I set up the Timer for George Carlin on HBO I got home from the Bandits game in time to catch the end of it. But I couldn't stay up for SNL. Why is that when I want to watch it I can't stay up for it. And when I'm up it is one I have seen or I have something else on at the same time.

I hadn't really eaten all day so I got a Burger Basket and Buffalo Bites at the game. Other then the Bandettes the Early part of the game was rough it really was. The wings got out to an early lead and wound up being a head like 6 to 1. The bandits though are tough and changed goalies and then came back and tied it up and then when on a head and Kinda ran away with the game I really had a great time, even though it didn't start out that way.

Here are some random Pictures from the game:


One thing that isn't clear really from these pictures is that for this game when Dave Played the Bag Pipes and they did all the intros that the lights where on. What happens most times is the lights go off you hear him play and then the spot light goes on him. Not sure what way I like better. The normal way is more dramatic but pictures do come out better this way.

<embed src="" flashvars="" menu="false" quality="best" width="425" height="384" name="WebshotsSlideshowPlayer"base="" wmode="opaque" allowScriptAccess="always" loop="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed><br /><br /><a href="">Bandits Vs Wings March 1st </a>

Not sure if this will work or not but I thought I would try it and see.
metalpeter - 03/03/08 17:08
Yes there are always some of them they come out before the game then between 1&2 then Half time and then between the 3&4 Period during the intro the come out and form the line the or pathway the guys run through. I also get a lot of pictures of them.
The code that appears I didn't think would work it is a webshots slide show. My pictures from this game can be seen on my webshots Page or a on myspace.
mrmike - 03/03/08 13:23
AMazing how the cheerleader pics always come through.

02/29/2008 19:23 #43511

Stats and Sabres
Category: stats
So on Saturday I'm going to see the Bandits game (season tickets) and so I'll take pictures so I decided to wait to download my Sabres pictures until after that game. I had a great time and got to see all kinds of rough housing, fights, people trying to fight, Peters gets a goal "the new Guy" gets two goals and an asisit. I also had a good time at the Buffet before the game. Hope they win tonight.

So (e:drew) wrote about his stats so I figured why not write about mine and see what it says about views and stuff. If I click on the stats it opens up a new page so I'll just go with what I have on my stats bar.
I have 958 Journals I can't believe I have written that many it doesn't seem right and I also have 312,182 views again that seems very high so that works out to about 325 views per journal. That doesn't mean anyone read what I had to say it just means they looked at it, or maybe they did a picture search and found my pictures. I have 721 comments that averages out to about .75 comments per journal. That being said that looks like I don't have very many comments but there where a lot of journals written before comments was a feature.

I forgot about the Tab feature in firefox in terms of most journals I'm #2 currently. That being said (e:paul) has more then twice the number of posts I do and it looks like it is close to 3 times as many there is a big gap there. In terms of most viewed again I'm second to Paul. But I'm so far behind it isn't even funny if you where to ad and round up me to 500,000 he would still have tipple the amount I have. I do lead the #1 spot in comments I have made I guess I have a lot of stuff to add to what others say. I have 721 comments received up top I said how low the average was and had an a reason for it, but over all I'm 13th there.

I guess my general point is that Stats don't lie. But that they can be used to prove the point of the person trying to prove a point. Here I wasn't really trying to prove or say anything really. But I think that when ever you see stats in an article or what ever you should understand that there are different ways of measuring them. There are also factors that if you don't know them could throw them off. For example (e:Paul) has a lot more Journals then I do and that would also explain why he is also so far ahead of me in views. Another factor in that is I am not an original on the site. I can remember sometimes Paul would have 3 journals that where unrelated to each other in the same day. So when ever you read stats you should believe them but also remember that if someone has an agenda they can make it so the stats make it look like one way when it isn't. Here is a great example if I have a Penny and I find a little bit of money I could give you some huge number of how much of a percent how much money I have then you say "Dude you are rich lets go out on the town" then I say "I think I just have enough for a candy bar". Hope everyone has a great weekend.

metalpeter - 03/01/08 14:39
That is an interesting reflection. I don't read them from others point of view so I only know how they look to me (not counting all my crappy spelling and sometimes using the wrong there as an example). I often times don't know really how they are going to come out myself. This is a good example of that. I wasn't going to really write anything and then (e:drew)'s journal got me started. I also know that this isn't my first journal about stats I remember doing at least one other one when (e:Paul) first put them up. I also thought that I would use just the stats page but then the link took me away from my journal. So I thought that was going to kill my post all together and then I remembered that Firefox has that cool tabs function so what I was writting was changing in front of me. On a side note that Forrest Gump was a great movie and now I Kinda want some Cocolates. I wish there where some other stats that might be interesting to post here but I can't think of any.
ladycroft - 03/01/08 02:41
Peter. Your posts are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna git.

02/25/2008 17:58 #43458

Oakland Marjiuna Colleger
Category: drugs
I was going to post something that was going to be not stupid but something that seems like it doesn't matter or something but as soon as I saw this article I was like wow I have to post this. I can now say that maybe I should go back to school. I really don't want to but this would be a cool place to go and learn. Even though it might be risky for some legal reasons maybe if I did well enough in school I could stay in California and live there. This was on Yahoo.

Oakland school turns out pot club pros

By LISA LEFF, Associated Press Writer 43 minutes ago

OAKLAND, Calif. - You know you're in a different kind of college when a teaching assistant sets five marijuana plants down in the middle of a lab and no one blinks a bloodshot eye.

Welcome to Oaksterdam University, a new trade school where higher education takes on a whole new meaning.

The school prepares people for jobs in California's thriving medical marijuana industry. For $200 and the cost of two required textbooks, students learn how to cultivate and cook with cannabis, study which strains of pot are best for certain ailments, and are instructed in the legalities of a business that is against the law in the eyes of the federal government.

"My basic idea is to try to professionalize the industry and have it taken seriously as a real industry, just like beer and distilling hard alcohol," said Richard Lee, 45, an activist and pot-dispensary owner who founded the school in a downtown storefront last fall.

So far, 60 students have completed the two-day weekend course, which is sold out through May. At the end of the class, students are given a take-home test, with the highest scorer - make that "top scorer" - earning the title of class valedictorian.

Before getting to Horticulture 101, the hands-on highlight of Oaksterdam U, the 20 budding botanists, entrepreneurs and political activists at a recent weekend session sat politely through two law lectures and a visiting professor's history talk.

In the lab, Lee measured plant food into a plastic garbage can and explained how, with common sense, upgraded electrical outlets, a fan and an air filter, students can grow pot at home for fun, health, public service - or profit.

Lee explained to his students how to prune and harvest plants, handing the clipping shears to a woman who wasn't sure how close to the stalk to cut without damaging it. He offered his thoughts on which commercial nutrient preparations are best, as well as the advantages of hydroponics, or soil-free gardening.

During a discussion of neighbor relations, he warned against setting boobytraps to keep curious kids out of outdoor gardens.

Students gave various reasons for enrolling. Some said they were simply curious. Others said they wanted tips for growing their own weed, although judging from the questions, a few were ready for the graduate seminar Lee recently added to the curriculum.

Jeff Sanders, 52, said he has been buying medical marijuana since 2003, but wants to open a dispensary in the San Joaquin Valley because he doesn't like having to drive up to San Francisco and paying the markup.

"I see it as a good thing. You are giving back to the community," Sanders said.

Patrick O'Shaughnessy, 37, said he started smoking pot regularly for the first time about a year ago to treat his chronic migraines, depression and anxiety. After attending class, he said felt more confident about growing his own, which he wants to do because the dispensary he frequents often sells out of his favorite strain.

Oaksterdam U draws its name from the jokey nickname for a section of Oakland where some of California's earliest medical marijuana dispensaries took root. The nickname in turn was inspired by the city of Amsterdam, in Holland, where pot use is tolerated.

At one point, the Oaksterdam neighborhood had at least 15 clubs and coffee shops selling pot, a number that dwindled to four when the city started issuing permits and collecting taxes from them a few years ago.

California was the first of a dozen states that have legalized marijuana use for patients with a doctor's recommendation. Despite periodic raids by federal drug agents and the threat of prosecution, clubs and cooperatives where customers can buy the drug of their choice have proliferated; California has 300 to 400, according to advocacy groups.

Entry-level workers are paid a little more than minimum wage, while "bud tenders," can make over $50,000 a year, and owners and top managers more than $100,000, Lee said. But there's also a certain amount of risk - and not just financial, but legal.

Michael Chapman, an assistant agent in charge with the Drug Enforcement Agency's San Francisco office, said authorities are aware of Oaksterdam U and don't see any reason to shut it down. Talking about marijuana is not illegal, and while a small amount of pot is kept on the premises, the DEA tries "to concentrate our case work on the most significant violators," he said.

Still, Chapman said he doesn't like Lee's effort to wrap cannabis education in a cap and gown.

"I think they are sending the wrong message out to the community and it's something that could only facilitate criminal behavior," he said.

I just thought of something else. Does anyone know if for the medical stuff you can cross pollenate. The reason I wonder is that there are weeds that (from what I heard) have been crosspollenated so they kinda taste like apple or peach as in Peach Melba. I wonder where I could find that on line, maybe for fun I should look that up. If the DEA raids me more looking stuff up you'll know when I'm not online for two weeks. I wonder when the Medical stuff will go to the supreme court. It seems like if a state says it is legal the feds can't say it is illegal that violates the Constituiton or maybe if it is allready that way then the states can't make it legal. If it ever goes or goes again (more research for if I ever have the free time) I hope the states win.
metalpeter - 02/26/08 17:48
I didn't even know you could use the Wii to go online. In terms of being in the wrong field of work, if you judge it by money only then why not trade work as an escort or sell drugs Or better yet do both. However if you are saying you are in the wrong field because of what you would rather do then that is different. I have to admit it does sound kinda interesting and maybe fun. the fact that i would be doing something that state wise is legal but that the feds can come in any time and bust and lock me up kinda freaks me out though.
paul - 02/25/08 23:26
I am so in the wrong field.
enknot - 02/25/08 23:07
Yeah I read about this story on my Wii first. You figure why can't Nintendo put some player vs. player on their system when I get full color shots of a cannabis folder and a ton of stories that'll learn you all the pleasures and woes of adult life at the touch of the "A" button? Sup wit dat?