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02/24/2008 13:05 #43448

SNL's Kingdom
Category: entertainment
So some I know gave me an Illegal copy of "The Kingdom" I liked how it started out with a history of oil and politics. All in all I thought it was a very good movie with lots of action and suspense. That being said the one problem (I assume it was filmed wrong and that the movie wasn't this way) was that their where no subtitles when "middle easterners talked to each other". I can understand it when there are Americans and a guy who translates but it would have been nice to know what was going on like in an intearagation scene. I finished watching it after I caught the end of the hockey game. I wish the Sabres would have won but it was still a great game.

I wanted to stay up and Watch SNL it was new with Tina hosting and Huckabee as a guest. I did tape my Adult swim Animee. But I passed out on the news. That being said I did go to and I did find some funny stuff that was on last night. I don't know if they have a way to download the clips, and even if they did I have no idea how to put them in a journal so... From what I saw it looked like the show was pretty funny. I think that some people think the show sucks or did suck, but most of those same people I think would still like Weekend update. For some reason I think that has all ways been funny. I also think that if not for the success of that segment John Stewart and Colbert wouldn't have a show or maybe they would but I'm sure that was an inspiration for there shows (I assume).

For those of you like award shows or just want to see who wins the Oscars are on tonight. I find it odd that most years I haven't seen most of the movies nominated but that isn't all ways true. I hope (unless it is up for other movies I like) No country for old men wins everything. I wonder if Sweeny Todd being a musical or Enchanted got nominated for anything they where both so different but both so good. On a side note I hate fucking mice.

02/21/2008 20:06 #43421

Problem with Bloging and BuffNEWS
Category: philosophy
First of all (e:ladycroft) don't take this as me bashing you because I'm not at all. I think you are pretty awesome and I'm sure you are great at your job. With the news post about the stalking and your post it got me thinking about something. I like blogging and reading blogs but there is a problem with it, and with the the Buffalo News also.

The problem is that it is one sided. First with the news. Yesterday The Buffalo News put a picture of those two Tiger Cubs and a little blurb about it. They should have had a short article below the picture. If Buffalo had another Daily news paper maybe there would have been a full article that gave all the facts. So since there is only one paper source if you only read the paper you only get their side of it and you don't get the entire story.

Blogs are kinda the same way. Well it depends on the subject matter of course. I will do something that I maybe shouldn't do but will anyways and use my work as an example. There is this guy who i have now named "Coffee Boy" and there is a good reason for this. When this dude works he comes right in and gets a coffee then talks to everyone in the office then at some point makes it out to the floor. What he does next isn't all ways the same but it is all ways not doing any work or seeing if there are any orders to fill. He walks around like a big shot like he owns the place and just starts talking to someone who is busy working as he fucks off. If he was a boss then no big thing but it isn't like he is figuring out how to run things that day or anything he is just lazy and doesn't want to do anything. The thing with this is it is an everyday thing and it is very annoying take my word for it, it really is. If I where to read someone else say this I would think what an ass how do you put up with this guy, and why hasn't he been fired or something along those lines. But the thing is that you are only getting my side of it, he doesn't get to present his side. In this case i don't know of much he can say really, well he could say it takes him 5 minutes and I make it sound like 2 hours. But the point is you only hear my side so it is kinda unfair.

I guess the Better example is the other day I ripped into him pretty good. Don't get me wrong I like the guy but work wise he has a long way to go. Now there is nothing wrong with goofing off, Bullshiting, breaking on each other or even playing pranks. But there is a difference between doing that as you work and making that the focus. I can tell you for sure that he puts that before doing his work and that is what leads to most of the mistakes he makes. I know people make mistakes and that is fine. But when the mistakes you make are because you are concentrating on other things instead of picking that is unaceptable. I ripped into him because I didn't want him helping me because he comes over and starts talking and talking and talking and just not doing anything and causing me to get a headache. Sometimes he just needs how to shut the fuck up and do the orders right. So he gets mad at me, fuck him. Then for the reason I didn't want his help for he goes and does. He made a mistake that was really stupid but is easy to do, I have done it myself but have caught myself. The reason I got caught is cause I pay attention. Then the next one was so stupid I couldn't believe he really did it. Now when he comes over and fucks off all he does is fucking make my job that much harder he isn't a help at all really he just winds up being a hinderance. Again with this story you would think what an ass Pete no wonder why you are so tired all the time and don't ever want to interact with people when you work with an asshole like that. But the problem with that is you don't know his side of the story. I'm sure he would say that he makes mistakes and it is no big deal that everyone does it and he might have a good point and might have a different reason for his mistakes like someone picking on him or something.

Wow that felt good to vent like that. I guess what I'm try to say is that when you read a journal entry you should remember that it is only one persons view of what happened and that there is at least another side to the story. I have heard that there are 3 sides to every story you have the side of each person telling it and then the truth somewhere in the middle. I'm not saying to not believe people but to just remember you only have the facts that they present, unless you have something to do with the story.

metalpeter - 02/22/08 17:23
I thought that maybe I should put this journal into draft mode since it is about work. But I decided I wont. The reason is that I don't say where I work or the persons name. The other factor is that I'm using it as an example and not saying it as a story. Thirdly I have said that since you only have my side you should understand that it is only one side of the story so for those reasons I have kept it here. I also wanted to say that I do like hearing other people chime in like you (e:ladycroft). I also wanted to say I'm not really bitching about work. Yes things do drive me crazy there, but that doesn't mean I don't like my job. To be honest I do have it pretty good. Yeah I do work hard most of the time, but I think I get rewarded for that. I also think it is important to work hard because you have a good work ethic and not because of what it brings you. It is kinda like Karma that if you do things for the reason of getting good Karma instead of doing things for the right reason then you won't get good karma.

I also wanted to add that what I said about the trouble with blogs is also true of when you talk to people. They tell you some story about how someone was a dick but they don't tell you how they where a dick also. Or they tell you about how bad the sex was but they don't tell you that they didn't tell the person that the sex position they where in doesn't do anything for them and they need to be in a certain position to get off. So what I said is true off of the web also.
ladycroft - 02/22/08 03:45
No worries Peter :)

You are right, there are two sides (or 3) to every story. It's OK for you to vent your frustrations.

Don't worry about me and my situation, it's not a personal fight. I learned a great lesson from it, it just made me sad that she did not.

02/18/2008 18:04 #43384

Old NIght American day off
Category: movies
So I could have worked today and got some nice overtime, but since the boss said I didn't have to I enjoyed the day off. One reason I wanted it off was so that I could watch a movie or something. This morning I watched "American Gladiators" it was the Grand Finale and that was pretty cool to watch. The male and Female winner get lots of cash and truck and get to Be American Gladiators. Oh yeah and the Ali lady is pretty hot, does she still box? Secondly I got to watch Knight Rider. My take on it is that it was good, but... Kitt was kinda a little bit to much of "I don't have Feelings" I also thought the voice choice could have been better. All in all I liked it. I think they wrote it so that if they wanted to the could come out with a new series. I have no idea if there will be any plans to, but I think at sometime they will just based on all the ads. Besides they keep canceling everything that follows Heroes. The reason I taped these show is I watched the WWE PPV it was fun and there where a few things that surprised me. Like the return of the Big Show and then that lead to some Boxing Champion hoping over with tons of security and fighting him. Yes they have had other boxers and wrestlers compete and even had them wrestle each other. But I don't think they have ever been champion at the same time (maybe I mis heard), they sure did make it look real assuming that it wasn't staged, something real does happen once in a blue moon.

Today I got to see a movie that I have wanted to see for months "No Country for Old Men". I really liked it a lot. Yes it was violent but it also had a story I like and had some very interesting dialouge. The only thing is that at the end of the movie things weren't all tied up neat like they do a lot. There was also a little bit of not knowing what happened. That being said I think that can be a good thing also. I think that even though the ending was not what I expected and made me think is it really going to end after the credits role. I think it is important for people to make movies the way they see fit and not all formula and I did like how it ended I just wish one question was answered and if the guy is still on the run, but I have a guess as to what happened based on something that was said but not sure. I do see why people including myself liked it and I would say if you like that violent type of movie to go see it.

02/17/2008 12:39 #43370

Bandits and pictures
Category: phones
The reason for me writing is because the Bandits won last night. I had a good time and it was a great game and very close. On a side note tonight is the final of American Gladiators and then that is followed by the Night Rider Movie. I wonder if they will try to spawn that off into a new series. Then I think at 6pm there is a Sabres game on also. So many choices. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment

Ok I admit there are mostly pictures of the dance team the bandettes but if anyone wants to see all my pictures form the game they can go to my webshots page. Before the game there was a presentation of a "Cup" to John Tavares he broke the all time goal record at the last home game.


Since I'm putting up pictures I thought I would put up a few more of buffalo.


I hope everyone that went to the Dinner last night had a great time. I hope the rest of everyones weekend is great. I also hope that you can enjoy your long weekend. I could have worked monday and got like 8 hours OT well it might not be a full day but I need a day off. Plus I'll get the WWE PPV and then watch the stuff I taped and maybe fit in a movie or something who knows.
ladycroft - 02/17/08 16:34
American Gladiators! Rock on!

02/16/2008 13:25 #43359

Valentines Diablo
Category: holiday
So for Valentines Day I did buy myself some candy. Thankfully I didn't have time to eat it on Valentines day. I went to Club Diablo. I have to admit that is one cool club. That is off course unless you hate devils or at least pictures of them. Before I even heard any of the bands they had this wild movie with vampires and naked chicks and blood it looked old but cool. I was just happy to see it wasn't an all guy fest and to be not be at home by my self. Music wise I had heard kryst, End of an Era, and As Summer Dies music only on line. I liked all 3 bands and thought they where all very good. Plus of course there where lots of cute ladies there, well maybe cute isn't the correct word but there was some hotness there. That was the other thing that worried me was that with it being 16+ show that there would be a bunch of young kids. Yes there where a few but wasn't bad. Some of them got to go up on stage and sing with "As Summer Dies" that was pretty cool and you gotta give props to hardcore fans like that. Back to the ladies my age I don't know what it is about Tattoos that are hot (not that they where all tatted up). I find it all most impossible to talk to ladies at a show for a few reasons.
1) The reason I'm there and (I assume them to) is to see the show not pick someone up
2) When the band is playing you are watching them and paying atention to that, plus I don't know much about the bands
3) often times people there are with the band or know them so hitting on someone who knows the band or could even be dating someone in it would be bad
All that being said I had a good time and it was fun and I would sure go back again for another show.

There was also a show after words. Soma was one of the DJ's and was up first. I have to admit I didn't think I would like electronica but it was very good. I wish I could have stayed for it. But I made one mistake and that last drink had a nasty effect on me so I had to go. And there where two cute ladies out side smoking. I bring that up because I should have said hello but with how I was feeling that could have gotten nasty. But sometimes girls smoking is kinda sexy. I know I shouldn't encourage that but some girls the way they do it it looks hot. It is also hot on an emotional level or maybe it is on the thought lever (hey if they will put that nasty thing in there mouth then I know there is something else they will, or I got something white that will taste better then that for them to put in there lips) Yeah it kinda sick but I can't help it I don't try to be that way those thoughts just come to my mind.

I hope everyone has a great time at the dinner tonight. I'll be having fun at the Bandits game, hope they win. I hope everyone at the very least did something nice for Valentines, and also has a great weekend.
soma - 02/23/08 16:29
Thanks for showing up MetalPeter.. Sorry i didnt get to chat much w/ u before had to take on those decks.. if you like soem of the stuff i spun i can give you some samples or at least steer ya in teh right direction.. my goal was to see t he bands play earlier but.. well i didnt happen... anyway good to see ya and stay in touch i miss seeing some of you (e:peeps).. some of you alot.. but thas for me to know and them to find out/inquire

kryst has a guy named Newt who also does stuff in Digital Geist who are my friends and he's an all round good guy plus DIablo is one of my hangoutscos' i miss Off the Wall.. and they're closed..
anywho.. if ya wanna meet out for a drink its usually there I am! on certain nights..

have a better one
