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02/10/2008 14:57 #43268
Across the target universeSo today on the way out to target to get a gift for the sis's birthday we went out Best to Walden. Is it just me or are there lots of boarded up houses that are in need of a good fire? Of course that isn't really a solution since often there is a lived in house next to them. I wonder if someone was to buy one of those and assuming it hasn't all ready been done take out all the wood and pipes and stuff like that if you could turn a profit doing that. The odd part was when we passed a field and I remembered that someone I used to know (ok still know them but it seems like forever since I've seen them) lived in a house where that field is now. I'll admit that I don't have a good idea to how to fix the empty boarded up house problem. But I do know that there should be some way to help make the nieghboorhood better then just letting them sit there with smashed windows.
Now to contrast that we wound up going to a 2nd target. Yes 3 targets in two days, yes. Bye the way I love all there ads. Like the ones that everything is in red or all those new converse great converse ads where at the end the quickly mention to buy them at target, great smart ads. They have those ones where everything is red or blue or green. One of them even uses a cover of a Beatles song I think. The one we got the gift at was on transit wow it is big there is tons of frozen food and they have breed and all kinds of stuff. But what I found interesting is that they had a Starbucks inside. Granted I'm not a Coffee person my self. But what makes it more interesting is that they also sell starbucks coffee inside and that they also sell the little bottles in 4 packs. Where things get kinda ironic is that they also have a little pizza hut place next to the starbucks and get this in the cooler they sell those little cold starbucks drinks.
I hope everyone had a good weekend, and that the work week isn't to bad. I think I will go to a concert for Valentines day. Hope everyones else does something nice even if it just buying a giant box of candy turning on cable going to adult on demand and getting a nice porno movie as you drink a bottle of wine or maybe Jack Daniels and sing Janis Joplin songs or even better yet watch "V for Vendatta" "300" and "Valentines Day" or some other violent movie.
02/07/2008 19:45 #43236
Valentines day Sex question and moreCategory: sex

Sometimes there are things that I think about and go "I wonder". It isn't that I'm looking for deep meaning it is that they just come to me. I thought that most Escorts are paid for my married men or guys/gals in relationships(I assume this is the case with call girls, hookers, or even street walkers). Yes single men also use that. But I assume that for single men the bar is an easier way. I also assume this cause lets say I liked being raped that is something I can't tell the women she might leave me, or say to never mention it again. But now say there is this thing that really gets me off but the women won't do it so I have to find someone to pay to do it. I know that some hotels have these romance packages for couples. I think that is a nice idea and they even have specials. But what I'm wondering is that since business is brisk on Valentines day do Hookers or anyone is the sex trade run Valentines day specials as a way to draw more people in and make up for all there lost business? Or is it just the other way that they figure that single guys won't want to be alone so they can charge them more? Hey if anyone knows I would love to know the answer to this. I'm not saying I'm going to go get one, I just think it is kinda interesting. I will admit it does sound kinda fun, except for the STD Dangers and the fact that if you do an artvoice ad what if she shows up and you aren't into her. I also wonder what would happen if you offered the person a box of chocolate? Or maybe even came up with some interesting thing to do with them?
Like I said I don't try to think of stuff like this it just kinda comes to me out of nowhere.
To me I don't think Buffalo has street walkers. To me a street walker is those girls who walk the steet with thongs and hig healed shoes and are very obvious. A hooker on the street would be someone who comes up to you and asks you. I have been propositions by this black girl with the largest breasts I think I have ever seen they looked natural and she wasn't really fat, it was before my (e:strip) days when I had no money, so that was a no. A call girl I guess would be some one you call to have sex with and not to go to a party and then have sex. I'm not saying these are real definations but they are my definations.
There is one factor that I didn't think about. That is that some couples who want to try a threesome might go looking for girls. Maybe that is some guys or girls gift to the other person. I also didn't think to factor in strip clubs. I wonder if they try to get single guys in on V-day or maybe even right after work before they go home to get romantic with their lady.
uuummm, email me
I didn't know there was subtle distinction between call girls, hookers, or street walkers.
02/02/2008 15:13 #43147
Canisius ClimaxThen it was off to Nietzche's for a Hip Hop show. Yes I the "God of Metal" used to listen to Hip Hop A lot. I'm not a metal god really I just like Guitar and some angry music. Some CDs or tapes I have from the past Run DMC, DR Dre, NWA/metallica (one on each side of the tape), Raven Simone (yes the girl from the Cosby show who is now a Disney star had a kids rap ablum), Snoop, Eniem, Too Short, ICP, Beastie Boys, Salt N' Pepa, MC Lyte, and Luke are some that come to mind. My cousin is in a band called Constant Climax (what a great name) but they where performing with another band called Dali's Ghost (not hip hop from the little bit I've seen not sure how to classify them maybe ska since they have horns). When they perform like that they are Known as dali's climax. I thought they where very good and there where a few other bands that I liked as well but to be honest not sure of there names. I had a good time.
In terms of pictures I may post some once they are downloaded. I'm holding off cause I might go see Jackdaw tonight. Or I might stay in and not battle the ice and the getting cold and the going home late at night, but if I do go maybe I'll post pictures of a weekend recap or something. For anyone reading this I guess I should also mention the Queen City Roller Girls have a bout tonight. Hope the rest of everyones weekend is great.
01/30/2008 15:59 #43095
Legal MarijunaCategory: drugs
Vending machines dispense pot in LA
By DAISY NGUYEN, Associated Press Writer Wed Jan 30, 8:47 AM ET
LOS ANGELES - The city that popularized the fast food drive-thru has a new innovation: 24-hour medical marijuana vending machines.
Patients suffering from chronic pain, loss of appetite and other ailments that marijuana is said to alleviate can get their pot with a dose of convenience at the Herbal Nutrition Center, where a large machine will dole out the drug around the clock.
"Convenient access, lower prices, safety, anonymity," inventor and owner Vincent Mehdizadeh said, extolling the benefits of the machine.
But federal drug agents say the invention may need unplugging.
"Somebody owns (it), it's on a property and somebody fills it," said DEA Special Agent Jose Martinez. "Once we find out where it's at, we'll look into it and see if they're violating laws."
At least three dispensaries in the city, including two belonging to Mehdizadeh, have installed vending machines to distribute the drug to people who carry cards authorizing marijuana use.
Mehdizadeh said he spent seven months to develop and patent the black, armored box, which he calls the "PVM," or prescription vending machine.
A sliding fence protects the tinted windows of his dispensary, barely distinguishing it from a busy thoroughfare of strip malls, automobile dealers and furniture shops. A box resembling a large refrigerator stands inside the nearly empty shop, near a few shelves stocked with vitamins and herbs.
A guard in a black T-shirt emblazoned with the word "Security" on the front stands at the door. A poster of Bob Marley decorates a back room.
The computerized machine requires fingerprint identification and a prepaid card with a magnetic stripe. Once the card and fingerprint are verified, a bright green envelope with the pot drops down a slot.
Mehdizadeh says any user approved for medical marijuana and registered in a computer database at his dispensaries can pre-purchase the drug and then use the machine to pick up.
The process provides convenience and privacy for users who may otherwise feel uncomfortable about buying marijuana, Mehdizadeh said.
At the Timothy Leary Medical Dispensary in the San Fernando Valley, the vending machine is accessible only during business hours. An employee there said the machine was introduced about five months ago, and provides speedy service.
"It helps a lot of patients who are in a lot of pain and don't want to wait around to get help," Robert Schwartz said. "It's been working out great."
Mehdizadeh said he sought the advice of doctors, and decided to limit the amount of marijuana per user to an ounce per week. Each purchase from the machine yields 1/8th or 2/8th of an ounce. By eliminating a vendor behind the counter, he said, the machine offers users lower drug prices. The 1/8th ounce packet would cost about $40 - $20 lower than the average price at other dispensaries.
A spokesman for a marijuana advocacy group said the machine also benefits dispensary owners.
"It limits the number of workers in the store in the event of a raid, and it'll make it harder for theft," said Nathan Sands, of The Compassionate Coalition.
Marijuana use is illegal under federal law, which does not recognize the medical marijuana laws in California and 11 other states.
The Drug Enforcement Agency and other federal agencies have been actively shutting down major medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state over the last two years and charging their operators with felony distribution charges.
Mehdizadeh said the Herbal Nutrition Center was the target of a federal raid in December. He said no arrests were made and no charges have been filed against him.
Kris Hermes, a spokesman for advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, said the machine might benefit those who already know how much and what strain of marijuana they're looking for. But he said others will want to see and smell the drug before they buy it.
A man who said he has been authorized to use medical marijuana as part of his anger management therapy said the vending machine's security measures would at least protect against illicit use of the drug.
"You have kids that want to get high and that's not what marijuana is for," Robert Miko said. "It's to medicate."
I would be an A+ candidate for a medical marijuana card. Of course, the federales would rather people suffer or die instead of receive relief that works for them, because of some laughable moral objection. Patients first, my ass. More like Big Pharm first.
Personally, like with anything else, medicine included, I am interested in what I am putting into my body. If you are paying X dollars, you want to make sure you are getting your money's worth and not getting the shittiest, cheapest stuff possible that gives you headaches, doesn't last, or doesn't work. That would make their industry more like Big Pharm.
I saw that episode and it was really funny. If I remember in the end He and everyone on the movie or was it a show where all getting high on his stuff.
I would agree that anger management is a bit of a reach. I would think you would have to take come classes or learn some coping skills first. Because if you didn't and you ran out of pot you would not get angry right away but once the pot whore off you would. But often in this country of ours we fix the outside or the symptoms instead of the cause so I could so see doctors giving out scripts for anger instead of trying to fix the problem the right way first.
Not really sure about the seeing and smelling of the weed part really. But I do think that with some stuff there is placeblo effect or as one who believes in "eastern thought" might say It is a mind over matter thing. I think that part of drugs effectiveness (and non effectiveness) is in the mind. I really do think that it can have some effect. I also think that the smell might be able to trigger something. Kinda like when I walk past KFC and I smell the biscuits and Chicken I then have no desire to eat there because I now have the taste in my mouth so it is like I ate it. I know at concerts I love the smell of weed, but the times I have tried it, it didn't really do anything for me. But maybe that was because I wasn't in a bad mood and ready to kill someone.
i'm all for legalizing pot, but I just love some of these people's "diagnoses". pot for anger management? not that I have a problem with it- just seems like a bit of a stretch.
seems to me that if it's really just "medicine" you wouldn't need to "see and smell" the weed before getting it, or be really specific as to what strain you're getting.
did anyone see the episode of entourage where drama was trying to figure out a diagnosis that wasn't too embarrassing that would get him some weed? He ended up going with anxiety.
01/28/2008 18:58 #43066
Busy up comming weekend?On Friday Night after the game I want to go to Nietcehes (I won't even try to spell it right I'll never come close) for a hip hop night. Pete listens to Hip Hop, not really. I used to a lot, my cousin is in one of the Bands They will be backed up by another band so that should be interesting, assuming I don't lame out. If you want to listen to there music or get more info the band is called Constant Climax and I have them listed on my myspace top friends.
I just read that there is a Sat. Queen City Roller girls bout. That would be really fun to go to. I know just like all the other ones I won't go. Not because I wouldn't like it but that "tonawanda area" is kinda like the old west to me. I have no idea how to get there and once I did I wouldn't know what Tonawanda I was in or how to get any where. But I encourage the other people to go. Also Saturday night there are two shows I would like to go see. Of course this Assumes I don't lame out. I really want to see Jackdaw it seems like a long time since I've seen them, they are playing at Club Diablo, only been there once and never seen a show there. Hopefully I go and take some (I'm sure they will turn out dark anyways) pictures. But the same night there is a band at Mohawk place that I Haven't seen In a long time called the Rabies. I was going to get to see them about 6 days ago but Rob Zombie canceled his concert, not sure why exactly.
Of course Sunday Is the "The big Game" Of course we all know it isn't really called that. But if you advertise stuff you have to pay allot of money to call it by its real name. That brings up an interesting point. I was at Burger king today and they have NFL on some of there stuff and talk about the playoffs but nothing about the superbowl. I find that odd, you would think that if they were willing to pay for NFL they would shell out the extra cash for Superbowl. But maybe they understand no one is really going to buy Burger King for the Super Bowl. I'm the kind of person who looks at it as an event and not just a game. But that is because I have seen an ad that aired before the game that was pretty cleaver and I never saw it again. I have also seen some pretty cool musical performances before the game also. I have seen some pregame stuff that wound up being better then the game. I have seen some pretty cool profiles and stories before hand also. That being said I so understand why lots of people just tune in to watch the game. No parties for me that I know of. I really should think about what I want to eat during the game. I hope that everyone who bet on "The Pats" lose there money. I'm not saying I want the G-men to win. I want them to lose really but by less then 12 so we have a great game. The last time the two teams played it was really a great game. How can you not like "The Pats" really. I also hope that they have lots of funny ads and maybe even some rude ones. Like maybe some guy chugs down a drink quick and a buddy goes "Dude Stop", "what", "You didn't notice Jerry didn't get up from his seat all day" Jerry goes "Yeah I didn't want to miss any of the great ads, that was extreme" as the guy gets it and washes his mouth out a tag line would come in "extreme taste, but not that Extreme" or you know something like that. I want complaints like the one with the farting horse. You would be surprised at what offends people when they are watching with there kids, as opposed to with kids watching the same thing in a different room, you'd be amazed.
Yeah V was a pretty sweet movie, I have to admit. I do have it on DVD but haven't watched it in that form yet. On a side note I listened to the across the universe CD and really like it also. I do hope that everyone even those that are not a big fan of V day do have a good one. In case I forget the Bandits play this weekend so those at the dinner have a great time (and take pictures to that way those who can't go can kinda live through those pictures).
I love V for Vendetta!