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01/21/2008 17:53 #42977

Bandits game
Category: lax
I can't believe I forgot to post about this yesterday. On Saturday I went to the Bandits game Vs. New York Titans . I had a good time and thought it was a great game and in the end the Bandits won an exciting game. John Tavares (not sure if that is correct) tied and then broke the all time goal record and has 597 goals. I put up some random pictures at random. If you want to see all the them they should be on my webshots page by some time on Tuesday and hopefully tonight. Afterwards I did go to the Boom Bash at the tralf and had a great time that was fun to. In terms of those of you sports fans who say what is there to watch this weekend, there are allways sports on and starting Thursday the winter X games start or at least on TV sometimes at you can watch stuff on line.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I have to admit I like the Titan's jerseys with the out line of NYC and then they still have the titan mask on them, I think Last years was just the mask and I liked them last years also. Indoor lacrosse is so fun to watch it really is. Plus you have the Bandettes and the fun intro at the beginning of the game.

01/19/2008 17:09 #42957

Category: movies
I admit that I liked Cloverfield a lot. It was what I expected mostly. The best way to sum it up with out giving away anything is to picture Godzilla or Some Alien Invasion movie. But the entire movie is filmed from some one with a camcorder (yes there is a foot shot). To call it Blair Witch like is also a good way to say it, but it isn't as grainy and there is action and it is full color. I also liked the music on the end credits. Before the movie I saw a few previews for a few movies that look really good "Iron Man" and "Hell boy 2" look really good. The one I need to look into is there is a new Star trek movie in the works. The intrigue is that Nimoy is the one that is doing the talking. I don't know if he is just doing that to get the Buzz going, if he will guest star as spock, or if they are going back to the original crew or what is going to happen, that I'll have to look up.

01/17/2008 18:50 #42929

Busy Weekend up coming

Assuming we don't get a Blizzard like in the above linked YouTube video of the Blizzard of 77 then I have another busy weekend. On Saturday I'm hoping to go see Cloverfield (looks pretty good and I like that it has that gritty home video look in some parts, hope it is good). That night is The Buffalo Bandits Vs. Titans (new york) lacrosse game at HSBC. At the same time there is the Art Voice Boom Battle of the bands at the tralf. I will get to see the end of it. Hopefully I'll get to see the last two bands and maybe get some pictures also. From what I understand there will be some surprise guest or band after all the competing bands. I'll be meeting some other people there. Should be a good time. Then on Sunday There is some (I assume ) Playoff Football. Friday the Sabres play it would be nice if they could win a game some time soon. I think I'm having dinner with the family.
metalpeter - 01/18/08 17:30
(e:felly) I'm sure you will have a great time in suites. I have only been in one of those once it was for wrestling and I felt like I wasn't part of the crowd. But in wrestling the chants are really a big part of the show. I'm sure you will have a great time. I'll be pounding on the glass next to a bunch of other guy bandit fans. I admit I don't know all the rules so I have no idea how to really explain it. Basicly it is kinda like hockey and there is a 30 second clock shot clock like in Basketball. Some fouls will cause you to lose control of the ball and some will put you in the penality box (sorry for my crappy spelling). If one of the other team gets a penialty the chant is B O X B O X to the box To box to the box box box. I hope you have a great time.

(e:imk2) Thanks, that means a lot. One thing you need to take into consideration when you say that is that one of the reasons I can afforod to go to the Bandits game or sabres games or even concerts is because I'm single so I only have to pay for myself. Don't get me wrong that is fun but and it is nice to have that freedom. But at the same time it would be nice to go with some (little hottie but not to little or some sexy slightly older and wiser dame) Chick and then go have fun afterwards also at her place or mine or out and about.
fellyconnelly - 01/18/08 10:21
hey i'll be at the bandits game too!
imk2 - 01/17/08 21:25
gosh, i wish i had your life, peter.

01/15/2008 20:05 #42899

Taking off..........
Category: philosophy
First of all I want to say that there is all ways people who you see and think there are parts of them that I wish I had. Sometimes it is confidence or how they are able to sleep around and not care. You only think of the good. Today the person that I wish I had some of her Characteristics is (e:ladycroft)'s ability to move around and make new friends and travel. As I'm walking home from walgreens (this happens every so often) I think. Man I wish I could sell or store or give away or give my stuff to someone to hold and hope on a bus or train and start out fresh in a new city. Maybe some place warm like Carolina (either state) away from the water so no huricanes. It would have to be a city. At first this thought was just another part of town and then grew. Yeah I like Buffalo, but there are some parts of it that are really messed up. Sometimes I just want to start over some place else. Of course if I did I would still be part of . I wont do it, it is to much work, to much of a chance, takes to much planning, and I'm to lazy but it does sound like a good idea. Oh yeah the new user picture was taken by (e:ladycroft). I like how I'm looking at her. It kinda looks like I'm kinda anticapating it but with the two shots taken it went so fast that I couldn't think about it.

01/18/2008 18:02 #42940

New Worls Record
Category: elmwood
For the last couple of days I was going to talk a little bit about how different people live there lives differently and why but I didn't have enough really to get into it. But then today I saw in the Buffalo news that New World Record is going to close. I think a good part of the article and the part that I find interesting is how the rent on Elmwood was so high and how tough it is for indie record stores what is below I didn't write it is a blog from there myspace page, I take no credit for it and admit I'm borrowing it. I hope the elmwood area learns something from this and gets better and doesn't drive out buisness anymore

Friday, January 18, 2008

Going Out In Style

Hello Friends -

You may already have heard, but just in case you haven't, it is with sadness that we tell you that we have decided to close New World Record. We've started a store closing sale, and we'll be wrapping things up over the next 2-3 months. We expect to really and truly close some time in March or April. In case you haven't seen the article in today's Buffalo News, it's here (

We plan to make the next couple months a celebration of what has been a great experience for us. In that spirit, we are encouraging all the bands that are currently booked for the Thursday Local Showcase to go right ahead and play them, and we're getting some other stuff lined up as well. Some old friends have reached out to us about doing "thank you" instores, and we'll be keeping you posted about that.

Some more stuff you'll want to know:

  • The Store Closing Sale has begun - everything in the store is 10% off, except for tickets and consigned goods.

  • Cobra Starship will be playing live (and free) in the store next Thursday, January 24. You won't want to miss it. (And stick around afterwards for local lovelies A Hotel Nourishing.)

  • Special Orders - there's stuff you're looking for, and sometimes you have a hard time finding it. You know we're not going to leave you high and dry - please let us know about the hard-to-find treasures you seek. If we can help you, we will.

  • Club Cards - we will continue to honor club cards through February 18. (We won't be giving out any new ones, of course.)

We want to give our sincere thanks to those of you who have patronized New World over the years and who have wished us well. We love the many friends that the store made over the last 23 1/2 years, and will continue to cherish the memories of all the midnight sales, in-stores, debates, top ten lists, and surreal music conversations we have had. Also we thank the many, many staffers that have made NWR what it was, especially our current crew (Eric, Paul, Laura, Mike, Andrea, and Josh), which has seen us through more than any industry should have to go through.

We look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks.

A note to Bands & Artists:

If you have anything on consignment with us, please send an email with the name of your band, your mailing address, and all contact info (including who the payee is) to That will let us know that it hasn't been abandoned. Please understand that we have literally thousands of consigned titles in the store right now, and hundreds of them are for defunct bands, or people who have left the area. It will take time to clean it all up.

metalpeter - 01/18/08 20:06
If you read the Buffalo news article it sounds like it was a better location and it was good for them. But it wasn't good enough and they are going to wind up closing.
james - 01/18/08 19:52
So, how is that new location working out for them.... ouch