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01/09/2008 19:13 #42809

sports weekend
Category: sports
So this weekend there is a lot of sports. First of all I read in Sunday's paper that at the Allbright Knox they are going to have NHL trophies there on display and there is some first come first serve kind of passes to see the Stanly Cup. I don't think I have time to go I wish I did. That night is The Bandits Home Opener "Lets Go Bandits". Then on both Saturday and Sunday is the NFL playoffs. The teams I like Have lost or didn't make the playoffs. But there are 4 teams that I like to watch. First of all I'm a fan of Brett Farve but no really the packers. Same thing can be said of Dallas I'm not a fan of there's but they are fun to watch with Romo and TO. Then you have Indy who you have to watch cause of how good they are and can be. Then how can you not like watching the Patriots with all there weapons on offense and oh yeah and they have a few good players on defense also. So for me there should be a lot of sports going on to watch.

01/08/2008 19:49 #42795

Valentines Day, Be Mine, HUH?
Category: holiday
So I know it is super early to talk about my hate no that is to strong of a word dislike with some aspects of valentines day. But I think In my last post I said I would talk about it in my next one. So then after I do this one then I can talk about how this weekend all four football games have a team a like to watch (different then that I like). I was trying to look back at my post about it and did find that I some how put sports in at least one of them. As I was looking back I also saw some pictures from (e:paul)'s birthday pajama party. There was the bubble machine and the bubbles there was a joke going around that at Midnight it turned into a wear what you sleep in party but that never happened that would have been funny or at least very interesting. Back to the Topic of Valentines day. This year I'm going to try to embrace it not that it will work. I'm not sure what day it is on even other then that two people that I know have birthdays right around it so that is my inspiration well kinda at least. There is this band that Was part of one of the QCRGs events (or maybe they where both at the same event with Art & Body Tattoo) that I didn't go to called "As Summer Dies" who I have never seen in person, I all ways miss there shows. But on myspace they sound pretty good. If what I heard is correct they are having a Valentines day eve show so that might be a good time. So Valentines day by My valentine. For those who don't know my gripe here it is generally: Valentines day is supposed to be this day where you go out and Buy something special (spending money is implied the more the better) or do something super romantic to show how much you love the person you are with because of a day. But it implies that V-day is the only day to do that. Shouldn't you do something special for them because you care about them (any day) not because it is an obligation. That is what V day has been turned into is an obligation and that kinda sucks. That being said I want to change my user picture. That is if it is ok with (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) but I don't know how to do what I want to it. I want to have that same picture inside of a heart of some kind. it could even be one of those broken hearts or something. Or maybe I could go negative again and do the dark rose. Trying to stay "on the positive tip" here as they say in the hip hop world, not sure that it is possible.
metalpeter - 01/10/08 20:52
Light up decorations for Valentines day sound like they went way overboard. I for fun if I had time would walk down richmond so I could see it and get a picture but I won't have time. If it where any other street I would say it was a business. But richmond is all zoned non comecrial. You can't have a business and also it is illegal to drive comerical vechiles on richmond, well I guess except the metro.
jenks - 01/10/08 20:05
i saw a house on Richmond yesterday with big light-up heart decorations up already. BARF.
There are still christmas trees on the curb (or up and still decorated, ahem cough oops) for chrissakes!

Not to mention, I don't consider valentine's day a big decorating holiday.
museumchick - 01/10/08 08:18
I agree with you about Valentine's. It means a lot more to do things for someone you love just because than as an obligation for one day out of the year.

01/06/2008 18:20 #42771

Sunday Nights
Category: tv
I have all ways found Sunday nights kinda upsetting TV wise. It seems like there have all ways been show I like that conflict. Tonight you have American Gladiators 9-11. Then you have the return of one of the best shows or at least very gritty and truth full "The Wire" I assume this years season will be great, if you live in a city it is a much watch. But also if you live in the city then you need to watch about the crazy suburbs hence a new "Desperate Housewives" then if you are gay or just like hot Lesbian sex or like love stories or like to see the envelope pushed "The L Word" Returns. At least there is HBO and Showtime in demand and those episodes repeat. But when things really get interesting is next Sunday and Monday when "The Sarah Connor Chorincals " is on fox for Two Hours. The Terminator gets a TV show that is going to be so awesome, I hope. It looks like the girl who played river on firefly will be part of show. I hope FOX keeps it on. I'm not sure if it will lead into prison break or not but I think that would be a great combo. It seems to me like there is either nothing I'm interested in or two things I am all the time now. I'm not saying there is nothing on because there are tons of great things on lots of channels but they just don't interest me. Ok time to go back and watch Football hopefully I didn't miss to much of the game. Oh yeah kids Valentines day stuff is on the shelfs that may be my next post, who knows.
metalpeter - 01/07/08 16:24
I watched the season premeire this morning before work and it seems like this season could be interesting. I tryed to burn Desperate Housewives but something went wacky with the disk. American Gladiators seems to be kinda the same but with a few new games it was a good time to watch. I think it is good that one a show like the wire you can catch the show in repeats cause if you miss a show you could miss an iportant part to the story. I saw an ad before the wire about a new daily half hour drama on HBO about being in therepy I guess each day will be a different person and then the shrink has a shrink also. That is a different route for HBO. That could be interesting.
james - 01/06/08 20:38
I have been watching the Wire on DVD. Oh man, it is so good. Ridiculously good. Everyone should watch it.

01/05/2008 13:40 #42757

Experiment with last posts
Category: photos
So for those who may not have seen the post below it is about (e:ladycroft)'s Goodbye Dinner. The last time she left she didn't get to have one so it was nice to have one this time. The first thing of pictures are ones that I edited today and hopefully they look a little bit better then they did before; of the dinner.


Missing Image ;(


I am starting to learn how to use my new software to edit pictures. I think it was something either mrmike or ladycroft said at dinner about using software on pictures. So I figure I might as well start how to use mine and make the pictures look better or at least different. I wanted to try it on all the dark one from New Yeas Eve but there where just to many. Hey I gotta have time to watch those two football games I'm a redskins fan and a Steelers fan and hope both teams win but wouldn't be surprised to see them both lose Hope They Both win but we shall see. So here are some Edited Pictures from New Years Eve.

Missing Image ;(


Missing Image ;(


Missing Image ;(


Missing Image ;(


The other reason why i didn't do more pictures was at one point I kinda lost the point of what pictures I had and hadn't edited. Not to mention the fact that I need to go pick up my photos and add them to my photo books at home. I hope everyone has a great rest of your weekend and I on a side note I can't wait till timika has time to put up all her pictures I know they will be great. That last group one should be pretty cool not to mention other pictures that I wouldn't know about since I wasn't with her.
libertad - 01/06/08 14:29
I should definitely add that I was just kidding around about putting patches on (e:jim) while he is sleeping. I wonder if someone wanted to kill their spouse they could just put a bunch of nicotine patches on them while they sleep and then after they had the heart attack just remove them. "I told him to lay off that bacon!" Would they get away with it? I wonder?....hmmmm *sinister laughing*
jim - 01/05/08 19:08
I think my heart would explode from a nicotine patch!

Even just smoking half a cigarette while drunk I felt like I was going to pass out.
metalpeter - 01/05/08 18:28
Jim got caught after the original post. All I did was crop them and ad light or make them brighter I don't know how to do effects like that. Hopefully I will learn how to use my camera better so I won't need effects. I got my pictures back today and most of the dark ones looked ok in print form. Ok it is time to go back to football and then watch the second game. That reminds me I have seen two ads for shows that are returning to NBC "American Gladiators" and drum roll please "Night Rider". I think Gladiators will be pretty good. The thing with Night Rider is as cool as kit was and as futuristic as he was it was all about how he and Micheal got along. I don't see how they re do that now hey but when ever it is on I'll check it out and see if it is any good.
libertad - 01/05/08 18:28
Somebody needs to call 1-866-NYQUITS! OR (e:james) could just put a few nicotine patches on (e:jim) while he's sleeping.
james - 01/05/08 17:52
I am so going to kick your ass Jim
jim - 01/05/08 17:41
LIES dirty dirty lies, Peter must have photoshopped those images.
paul - 01/05/08 17:26
Jim got caught on film smoking cigarettes!
museumchick - 01/05/08 14:47
I love the photos! I hope you are having a great new year.

01/04/2008 18:40 #42751

The Croft Dinner
Category: party

The pictures of the Ladycroft dinner are kinda in reverse order and still kinda dark. So look at the bottom ones first then scroll up. I did take about 5 pictures out side. On my camera you can tell (not sure in the picture or not) that Pier 1 is no longer there. Then the two other pictures are of the christmasy lights on the the trees. I don't know if my pictures really show this but (e:ladycroft) looked amazing I also really liked that skull and crossbones shirt and how it looks on you (or would that be how you looked in it). I thought the food was good. I wish I could have gone more the pasta route but my insides would not have allowed that with how I was feeling (sometimes us people with high metabolism get it where it moves a little bit to quick if you know what I mean). That is the same reason why I didn't have any alcohol. But I still had a good time and good food and I hope everyone else did. And (e:ladycroft) thanks for the drop of at the house. On a side note to (e:mrmike) it is funny how you where talking about the snake and the handlers and then it was in the Buffalo News today I forget that news paper news moves kinda slow sometimes (I didn't have time to read the entire article). It was nice to see everyone there also. Even though there where some empty chairs it was nice to see most of them get filled. I just wish my pictures where a little bit better (including pictures of the bar) and that I had more to add to the conversation.


I don't really have much else to say other then (e:ladycroft) I hope you enjoyed your time here and got to see everyone you wanted to (not sure when you are leaving so you still may have time). I also want to add that I can't wait to see all your pictures once you get time to post them and I wish you a safe and happy trip home it was great to see you again you really are a pretty awesome chick (bad term I know), but you really are.. It was also fun to see a bunch of you other peeps to.
libertad - 01/05/08 18:24
EWWW maggots in ketchup! I gotta say my french onion soups was disgusting. My veggie mushroom sandwich was awesome though.
metalpeter - 01/05/08 13:30
That sounds gross glad I didn't know about that before I went. My food looked fine and I didn't see anything wrong with it. I wonder how many people they could have handled like what if it would have been 25 people and all. In any event it was a good time and it would have been cool to see more people show up.
jenks - 01/05/08 11:36
looks like fun; sorry I couldn't make it. :( But timika it was great to see you- what a surprise! And have a safe trip back.
paul - 01/05/08 00:26
PS Although now that you are done eating there, I can tell you (e:jim) didn't want to go because the last time he was there, there were maggots in his ketchup - yuck!
paul - 01/05/08 00:25
Sorry we didn't make it.