Assuming we don't get a Blizzard like in the above linked YouTube video of the Blizzard of 77 then I have another busy weekend. On Saturday I'm hoping to go see Cloverfield (looks pretty good and I like that it has that gritty home video look in some parts, hope it is good). That night is The Buffalo Bandits Vs. Titans (new york) lacrosse game at HSBC. At the same time there is the Art Voice Boom Battle of the bands at the tralf. I will get to see the end of it. Hopefully I'll get to see the last two bands and maybe get some pictures also. From what I understand there will be some surprise guest or band after all the competing bands. I'll be meeting some other people there. Should be a good time. Then on Sunday There is some (I assume ) Playoff Football. Friday the Sabres play it would be nice if they could win a game some time soon. I think I'm having dinner with the family.
(e:felly) I'm sure you will have a great time in suites. I have only been in one of those once it was for wrestling and I felt like I wasn't part of the crowd. But in wrestling the chants are really a big part of the show. I'm sure you will have a great time. I'll be pounding on the glass next to a bunch of other guy bandit fans. I admit I don't know all the rules so I have no idea how to really explain it. Basicly it is kinda like hockey and there is a 30 second clock shot clock like in Basketball. Some fouls will cause you to lose control of the ball and some will put you in the penality box (sorry for my crappy spelling). If one of the other team gets a penialty the chant is B O X B O X to the box To box to the box box box. I hope you have a great time.
(e:imk2) Thanks, that means a lot. One thing you need to take into consideration when you say that is that one of the reasons I can afforod to go to the Bandits game or sabres games or even concerts is because I'm single so I only have to pay for myself. Don't get me wrong that is fun but and it is nice to have that freedom. But at the same time it would be nice to go with some (little hottie but not to little or some sexy slightly older and wiser dame) Chick and then go have fun afterwards also at her place or mine or out and about.
hey i'll be at the bandits game too!
gosh, i wish i had your life, peter.