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01/17/2008 18:50 #42929

Busy Weekend up coming

Assuming we don't get a Blizzard like in the above linked YouTube video of the Blizzard of 77 then I have another busy weekend. On Saturday I'm hoping to go see Cloverfield (looks pretty good and I like that it has that gritty home video look in some parts, hope it is good). That night is The Buffalo Bandits Vs. Titans (new york) lacrosse game at HSBC. At the same time there is the Art Voice Boom Battle of the bands at the tralf. I will get to see the end of it. Hopefully I'll get to see the last two bands and maybe get some pictures also. From what I understand there will be some surprise guest or band after all the competing bands. I'll be meeting some other people there. Should be a good time. Then on Sunday There is some (I assume ) Playoff Football. Friday the Sabres play it would be nice if they could win a game some time soon. I think I'm having dinner with the family.
metalpeter - 01/18/08 17:30
(e:felly) I'm sure you will have a great time in suites. I have only been in one of those once it was for wrestling and I felt like I wasn't part of the crowd. But in wrestling the chants are really a big part of the show. I'm sure you will have a great time. I'll be pounding on the glass next to a bunch of other guy bandit fans. I admit I don't know all the rules so I have no idea how to really explain it. Basicly it is kinda like hockey and there is a 30 second clock shot clock like in Basketball. Some fouls will cause you to lose control of the ball and some will put you in the penality box (sorry for my crappy spelling). If one of the other team gets a penialty the chant is B O X B O X to the box To box to the box box box. I hope you have a great time.

(e:imk2) Thanks, that means a lot. One thing you need to take into consideration when you say that is that one of the reasons I can afforod to go to the Bandits game or sabres games or even concerts is because I'm single so I only have to pay for myself. Don't get me wrong that is fun but and it is nice to have that freedom. But at the same time it would be nice to go with some (little hottie but not to little or some sexy slightly older and wiser dame) Chick and then go have fun afterwards also at her place or mine or out and about.
fellyconnelly - 01/18/08 10:21
hey i'll be at the bandits game too!
imk2 - 01/17/08 21:25
gosh, i wish i had your life, peter.

01/15/2008 20:05 #42899

Taking off..........
Category: philosophy
First of all I want to say that there is all ways people who you see and think there are parts of them that I wish I had. Sometimes it is confidence or how they are able to sleep around and not care. You only think of the good. Today the person that I wish I had some of her Characteristics is (e:ladycroft)'s ability to move around and make new friends and travel. As I'm walking home from walgreens (this happens every so often) I think. Man I wish I could sell or store or give away or give my stuff to someone to hold and hope on a bus or train and start out fresh in a new city. Maybe some place warm like Carolina (either state) away from the water so no huricanes. It would have to be a city. At first this thought was just another part of town and then grew. Yeah I like Buffalo, but there are some parts of it that are really messed up. Sometimes I just want to start over some place else. Of course if I did I would still be part of . I wont do it, it is to much work, to much of a chance, takes to much planning, and I'm to lazy but it does sound like a good idea. Oh yeah the new user picture was taken by (e:ladycroft). I like how I'm looking at her. It kinda looks like I'm kinda anticapating it but with the two shots taken it went so fast that I couldn't think about it.

01/14/2008 19:12 #42883

Update on Sarah Connor
First of all A correction from last post. I said Thompson was the back up we was the guy who got pulled but he and the bandits did wind up winning the next night in Rochester. I'm glad they stopped there long winning streak. Football wise it was a great weekend with a some great games to watch. Maybe the highlight of the weekend was the start of Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicals (how ever you spell it fuck). Yes the second part of the premiere is on after Prison Break tonight on Fox. It is only one episode so far but so far I like the action and the story line and acting. I do have to admit that as I'm watching it I'm thinking it is to bad about the writers strike because then 24 would have been able to start (all the episodes weren't written before the strike) and that we might have to wait an entire year to see the next season. That being said Till then I think this series should be pretty good or at least fun to watch. I admit I will burn it on disc and watch RAW but maybe I will catch the second hour of RAW only, not sure yet. I may feel differently after I have seen the next episode tonight. I hope the series stays good and stays on and isn't canceled like how fox likes to do it. How awesome is that there is a terminator show? I never thought I would see it and so far I'm happy that I have.
metalpeter - 01/15/08 18:51
I thought that the show last night was great. I have to admit that I'm not sure if they are going to follow the time line of the movies. Or if they are going to not follow that and go out in another direction. Or if they will go in another direction and then when it doesn't seem to make sense use the fact that through time travel what happened in the movies has now changed. In any event it was very good. I burned it and prison break and watched both of them and Skipped American Gladiators, I was going to watch it but if something went wrong with the DVD then I would rather not take the chance.
mrdeadlier - 01/14/08 21:10
ohhhh now it makes sense ... "you died two years ago -- you died"
mrdeadlier - 01/14/08 20:52
yeah dude that show was pretty sweet last night. i went into it excited but still trying to temper my expectations. i wasn't blown away but they did a goob job of keeping the feel of the original movies.


maybe i'm confused though but where does T3 (2003 -- or at least that's when the movie itself was released) fit into the equation if they jumped from 1999 to 2007? maybe that'll get answered tonight...
jason - 01/14/08 20:32
Argh, I am mourning 24.

I caught the Sarah Connor show. I loved the Terminator and T2. Haven't seen T3. Naturally I had high hopes for this show, and I thought the first hour was pretty entertaining.

You know what else I thought about? How Sarah Connor's role would be portrayed. They soften her up somewhat, and I'm glad for it, because it is very easy to overdo the cliche of a chick who kicks ass. It's pretty clear that John is her world.

I hope the second hour is just as good.

01/12/2008 14:25 #42855

Bandits Sports weekend
Category: lax
I wish I could have made it to that Hockey thing at the Knox last night but I didn't have time with the bandits game. I did Have a good time at the game and the Buffet before hand. The bandits started out close and then the Knighthawks ran away with the game. The Bandits switched goalies and did come back but couldn't catch up in the end and lost by 3 goals. They might have won if the Backup Thompson had played the entire game but it is hard to know really. Tonight the Sabres are playing at home. I will check in on that game every so often as I watch "The Pats" play. I think that could be a really good game tonight. In terms of Pictures I will put up some random pictures from the game and hopefully they are good.


I guess that is plenty of pictures. The intros are allways dark and fun to watch they changed it up a little bit this year. Pearl st. is a cool looking place to have the Buffet and the place was packed. All in all I had a great time and look forward to there next home game, a week from today. Hope everyones weekend is great.
mrdeadlier - 01/14/08 20:53
nice pics, thanks for sharing!

01/09/2008 19:13 #42809

sports weekend
Category: sports
So this weekend there is a lot of sports. First of all I read in Sunday's paper that at the Allbright Knox they are going to have NHL trophies there on display and there is some first come first serve kind of passes to see the Stanly Cup. I don't think I have time to go I wish I did. That night is The Bandits Home Opener "Lets Go Bandits". Then on both Saturday and Sunday is the NFL playoffs. The teams I like Have lost or didn't make the playoffs. But there are 4 teams that I like to watch. First of all I'm a fan of Brett Farve but no really the packers. Same thing can be said of Dallas I'm not a fan of there's but they are fun to watch with Romo and TO. Then you have Indy who you have to watch cause of how good they are and can be. Then how can you not like watching the Patriots with all there weapons on offense and oh yeah and they have a few good players on defense also. So for me there should be a lot of sports going on to watch.