The pictures of the Ladycroft dinner are kinda in reverse order and still kinda dark. So look at the bottom ones first then scroll up. I did take about 5 pictures out side. On my camera you can tell (not sure in the picture or not) that Pier 1 is no longer there. Then the two other pictures are of the christmasy lights on the the trees. I don't know if my pictures really show this but (e:ladycroft) looked amazing I also really liked that skull and crossbones shirt and how it looks on you (or would that be how you looked in it). I thought the food was good. I wish I could have gone more the pasta route but my insides would not have allowed that with how I was feeling (sometimes us people with high metabolism get it where it moves a little bit to quick if you know what I mean). That is the same reason why I didn't have any alcohol. But I still had a good time and good food and I hope everyone else did. And (e:ladycroft) thanks for the drop of at the house. On a side note to (e:mrmike) it is funny how you where talking about the snake and the handlers and then it was in the Buffalo News today I forget that news paper news moves kinda slow sometimes (I didn't have time to read the entire article). It was nice to see everyone there also. Even though there where some empty chairs it was nice to see most of them get filled. I just wish my pictures where a little bit better (including pictures of the bar) and that I had more to add to the conversation.

I don't really have much else to say other then (e:ladycroft) I hope you enjoyed your time here and got to see everyone you wanted to (not sure when you are leaving so you still may have time). I also want to add that I can't wait to see all your pictures once you get time to post them and I wish you a safe and happy trip home it was great to see you again you really are a pretty awesome chick (bad term I know), but you really are.. It was also fun to see a bunch of you other peeps to.
EWWW maggots in ketchup! I gotta say my french onion soups was disgusting. My veggie mushroom sandwich was awesome though.
That sounds gross glad I didn't know about that before I went. My food looked fine and I didn't see anything wrong with it. I wonder how many people they could have handled like what if it would have been 25 people and all. In any event it was a good time and it would have been cool to see more people show up.
looks like fun; sorry I couldn't make it. :( But timika it was great to see you- what a surprise! And have a safe trip back.
PS Although now that you are done eating there, I can tell you (e:jim) didn't want to go because the last time he was there, there were maggots in his ketchup - yuck!
Sorry we didn't make it.