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The movie we saw was the new Chipmunks. I thought it was funny and really enjoyed it more then i thought I would. Some of that might be because I'm a Jason Lee fan. Yes I did think they where a touch to much high pitched but it was still a fun movie to see.
Yesterday I saw I Am Legend. I admit I did like it. I don't know if there was a surprise ending or something after the credits that changes everything cause i couldn't stay through the credits. I like that it was sort of a zombie movie with out Zobies and had a good time watching it. That being said I would have liked it if there was more to it. What i mean by that is that if "God didn't do this we did" if that got more into the story and if there was a little more philosphy oh yeah and violence also. All in all a good movie.

I know that doesn't really show all of the place, but it does look pretty cool inside i think. Oh I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend and a great Holiday and can at least maybe get some time off away from work. Hey unless you like work more then your family in that case I hope you have lots of work to do and stay away from your family. And yes there really are people like this and they do request to work the holiday for that reason, that doesn't mean that there are any (e:peeps) like that but if that is you and that is your thing go for it.
Happy Birthday Peter!
Happy belated birthday (e:metalpeter)!
Thanks (e:chico)
(e:jenks) I didn't notice that ad, but that is funny at least they both have a sense of humor.
So to update last night I raped gifts and watched a great sabres game. The game was really good and came down to a shoot out, Sabres won. Then I watched this cool futuristic violent movie called "Children of men" it was pretty cool. I also watched some of "havoc" I had seen part of it before but it would be worth it just to see Bijou Philips and Anna Hathaway or what ever her name is both completely nude. Yes that is the girl from Devil Wears Parda and she plays teens a lot. Then today is Football Sunday as I call it. Oh I forgot between movies I caught the End of yet another violent movie "Smokin Aces" I had seen it before but didn't catch the end of the movie. If hit men attacking each other and shoot outs is your thing you might like it. I admit I'm kinda a Ryan Renolds and a Jermy Piven fan my self. If memory serves correctly it goes back to the "Two guys a girl and a pizza place" and "Darma and Greg" man Jenna Elfmen is hot.
Happy Birthday, (e:metalpeter) !!!
my favorite is the ad for the plastic surgeon who does "body sculpting"- on the page facing the desserts.
Ok putting a comment on my own journal isn't cool I know but now I'm more confused. When I first posted none of the pictures showed up so then I shrunk them and added them now I have some double pictures. Oh well hope you enjoy them or at least it makes this one less dull.
Ok pictures didn't show they even at only 5 mega pixels must be to big. If you have never been there it is a cool place. It is odd that they have ads on the menu, but one of them is for Room on Elmwood so maybe that is a good thing.