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12/22/2007 17:30 #42616

I Am Alvin
Category: movies
I won't know really what these pictures are untill the journal is posted. The reason is this new camera my mine. The Olympus was much more user friendly and the software was better also. You can't tell what the pictures are when they are saved to a disk and I can't find the pictures on my computer it puts them into the kodak software so I had to count out the pictures maybe these are the ones I was looking for. I went with the Family to the Cheesecake Factory and thought it was very good. I had some kind of Fettucini and this Godiva Desert that was very good. The reason is that I will be 35 on Sunday. I don't think I'm going out tonight even though I should. I think I'll watch the sabres game. I know I should go out after but I see myself staying in with my lame self.

Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(


Missing Image ;(


The movie we saw was the new Chipmunks. I thought it was funny and really enjoyed it more then i thought I would. Some of that might be because I'm a Jason Lee fan. Yes I did think they where a touch to much high pitched but it was still a fun movie to see.

Yesterday I saw I Am Legend. I admit I did like it. I don't know if there was a surprise ending or something after the credits that changes everything cause i couldn't stay through the credits. I like that it was sort of a zombie movie with out Zobies and had a good time watching it. That being said I would have liked it if there was more to it. What i mean by that is that if "God didn't do this we did" if that got more into the story and if there was a little more philosphy oh yeah and violence also. All in all a good movie.

I know that doesn't really show all of the place, but it does look pretty cool inside i think. Oh I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend and a great Holiday and can at least maybe get some time off away from work. Hey unless you like work more then your family in that case I hope you have lots of work to do and stay away from your family. And yes there really are people like this and they do request to work the holiday for that reason, that doesn't mean that there are any (e:peeps) like that but if that is you and that is your thing go for it.
imk2 - 12/23/07 22:21
Happy Birthday Peter!
paul - 12/23/07 20:51
Happy belated birthday (e:metalpeter)!
metalpeter - 12/23/07 11:07
Thanks (e:chico)

(e:jenks) I didn't notice that ad, but that is funny at least they both have a sense of humor.

So to update last night I raped gifts and watched a great sabres game. The game was really good and came down to a shoot out, Sabres won. Then I watched this cool futuristic violent movie called "Children of men" it was pretty cool. I also watched some of "havoc" I had seen part of it before but it would be worth it just to see Bijou Philips and Anna Hathaway or what ever her name is both completely nude. Yes that is the girl from Devil Wears Parda and she plays teens a lot. Then today is Football Sunday as I call it. Oh I forgot between movies I caught the End of yet another violent movie "Smokin Aces" I had seen it before but didn't catch the end of the movie. If hit men attacking each other and shoot outs is your thing you might like it. I admit I'm kinda a Ryan Renolds and a Jermy Piven fan my self. If memory serves correctly it goes back to the "Two guys a girl and a pizza place" and "Darma and Greg" man Jenna Elfmen is hot.
chico - 12/23/07 08:54
Happy Birthday, (e:metalpeter) !!!
jenks - 12/22/07 19:20
my favorite is the ad for the plastic surgeon who does "body sculpting"- on the page facing the desserts.
metalpeter - 12/22/07 18:12
Ok putting a comment on my own journal isn't cool I know but now I'm more confused. When I first posted none of the pictures showed up so then I shrunk them and added them now I have some double pictures. Oh well hope you enjoy them or at least it makes this one less dull.
metalpeter - 12/22/07 17:32
Ok pictures didn't show they even at only 5 mega pixels must be to big. If you have never been there it is a cool place. It is odd that they have ads on the menu, but one of them is for Room on Elmwood so maybe that is a good thing.

12/16/2007 16:50 #42541

Sabres Blackhawks
Category: nhl
Do to the huge size and that I had to shrink them down and I need to go watch more football I only put up 5 pictures from last nights sabres game. I had a great seat I was in the first row of the 300s right on center ice. If you visit my webshots page you can see almost all of the ones from the game and warm ups. In case you didn't see the news it was a pretty big deal that Kane (plays for the blackhawks) is from Buffalo. Before the game they had this face off with his family on ice that was pretty cool. Kane scored the first goal and I think get the first penality also but not sure about that. In the end the sabres won and got an empty net goal also. I had a great time and it was a fun game to watch. Monday night I'm going to WWE RAW and hoping that my camera problems are over. I just hope that these pictures come out as prints ok but we shall see. I also need to figure out at how many mega pixels I should take pictures at so they will upload here and on webshots. Hope everyone has and continues to have a great weekend.


12/15/2007 17:19 #42526

ARGGG No Pictures 2
So for those who have been reading my blog you may notice that I have not had a lot to say. Well some of that is not having anything to say and 2nd is that I have had bad luck with cameras. Yesterday or today was going to be the day that I put up a bunch of Pot Luck pictures. That currently and most likely will never happen. When I got home I took two pictures of my place. Next day I went up to walgreens and followed their instructions at the photo machine and I got an error that said I removed the media, but I did what it said so I tried again and still no luck even with help from someone I know and he said that there was some type of other file or program on the card that was interfearing with getting the pictures. When I put the card in the camera it asks me to format or use a different card. If I format it by, by pictures that aren't backed up, I couldn't even download it onto the computer. So for now I have a new memory card that I'll try out at the sabres game tonight and then try downloading them first and see if that works. I'm wondering if a photo place would have some way to get the pictures off the card and ignore what ever else is on there. I have no idea how anything else could have got on there other then maybe the card got damaged somehow at walgreens.

The pot luck itself was a good time, it really was. I hope someone or multiple people are eating the left overs of the cake I brought, and anything else that is left. All the food was very good that I tried. I really liked the Vegatrian Lasagna I some times don't like it. I admit I'm really don't like the one wine I tried and the wine I had wasn't my thing. I'm not saying it wasn't good wine just not my thing. But I also didn't get to try the stuff that looked just like grape juice. The white stuff was very good and kinda tasted like white grape juice. It was nice to see (e:jason) there. I have not been to the other dinners so I can't compare but it seems like there was a pretty good turnout. Oh when I mentioned (e:jason) I wasn't saying it was good just to see him, there where a bunch of people it was good to see. I just haven't seen him at an event in a long time.
kookcity2000 - 12/15/07 18:46
dudeness save that card. I bought a photo recovery app (couldn't find a free one) many years back and we can try that.

I think I'll be around for NYEars

12/08/2007 19:46 #42439

Pictures that are no more, ARrGGGGGG
Category: crime
Today started out great I was going to the Bandits Open Practice. I was then going to post pictures on Webshots a few here and maybe a few on myspace. Well those pictures won't be posted or at least not by me. After the practice they had an autograph session. That would have been better if I was on the same side as you entered the field from I was until and security guy sent me to the other side. Then later on there where lots of people on that side. But at least it gave me a different view. I should have gone over there half way through it, oh well what can you do. Both before the practice and after I took some what I thought where great pictures the the area around HSBC and The Aud. This includes some interesting sky pictures. So as I heading to get a bus I was rushing I should have just took my time. When I got on my bus and it pulled off no Camera. I was on cement the entire time so if it would have fell I would have heard it. I think the guy behind me may have slipped a hand into my pocket and taken it. The part that sucks is that if it was my other jacket pocket the second it was gone I would have known and a fist fight with everyone would have started. The part that sucks isn't the camera, a camera is just a camera and is only money. It is the pictures on the memory card I care about. Well maybe with some luck the pictures will get posted some how. Maybe the guy will sell the camera for money and the person who buys it on the street will be a bandits fan or fan of Buffalo and post them some place. I doubt that will happen. In any event it sucks. That part that sucks the most is knowing if I took just a few more pictures of Downtown Buffalo after the game then my camera wouldn't be gone. Or if I got a better or worse spot in line then I would have left at a different time and got different results. It sucks knowing that if I would have done any one little thing a little bit in a different way than it would not have happened. I recently bought a New Camera because I got one for a Christmas Present but it has the wrong kind of batteries so I decided that since my camera is pretty beat up I might need a new one soon so I kept it for myself. I just thought I would drop it again and that would be the last drop it took. I didn't expect to lose it or have it stolen. It sucks losing those pictures. I wonder if someone stole it if they would be dumb enough to sell it to a pawn shop. There is no way to check them all anyways. It is also possible that I thought I put it in my pocket but missed to. The thing that is ironic is that I just mentioned on (e:paul)'s journal that around this time of year you have to be more careful cause crime goes up and then it happens to me. It is also Ironic that If i was robed that I was wearing Bandits gear at the time. Not really much I can do but hope someone honest has it and decides to look at the pictures and then finds me through a web search. If that happened I would pay them so I could get it back and get the pictures processed. The thing that really makes this entire thing odd is that my sis is in NYC and was going to use my Camera and I was going to test out the new one for the game but then she got a camera that is easyier to use. So I wonder if she would have used mine and I used the new one if it would have got taken. I kinda think not as it is smaller and not shiny since it is black but who knows. I guess I'll test out the new one at diner at (e:pmt)'s this week. I still just want to scream ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH it is just more frustrating than an angry feeling. Maybe that person needed it more then me, but I don't know. Oh yeah sorry for the long paragraph that I don't know how it would be multi ones. Hope everyone has a better weekend then I did.
theecarey - 12/16/07 14:30
Like you said, its the lost visual-memories..


take my camera, but leave the memory card!
metalpeter - 12/10/07 16:49
Thanks Jenks yeah it does suck. But I guess I should look at the fact that I'm lucky in a way that I didn't put my wallet in that pocket not that I ever do that. But losing a bank card would be worse but I still miss the pictures. But again at least they were not something like a family get together, I'm try to stay positive about it as much as I can.
jenks - 12/09/07 23:11
Ugh, sorry peter- that totally sucks. :(
metalpeter - 12/09/07 10:20
Yes that is a great example of how I felt. I'm lucky in a way I guess that the pictures where of the bandits open practice and not of like a funeral service or a family get together of some kind or something like that. It was really a good time and cool to be on the field and I just wish I had those pictures.
paul - 12/09/07 10:10
Oh man. I totally know what you mean about the memory card. Like you almost wish they could have just said, "Sir I am stealing your camera, but here is the memory card - I know it might have some important memories on it."

metalpeter - 12/08/07 20:15
Thanks. It does suck. I miss the pictures more then the camera. I think the new one is nice. It will just take me some time to figure out how to do everything I didn't even know how to do everything on the old one after two years or so.
museumchick - 12/08/07 20:09
Hey Peter... I'm sorry about your camera. That's really frustrating. I hope the new camera works out for you. I'm sure you'll still take great pictures, you always do. That's why they call you Peterazzi, right?

12/07/2007 19:36 #42427

Enchanted Compass
Category: movies
So Had kinda a busy day today with a little bit of Christmas shopping and picture developing and picking up. I did have a great time at the two movies I went to see. I saw the first showing of The Golden compass. If you like adventure movies like Narnia or Lord of the rings you would like this movie I think. I don't want to give anything away so all I'll say is armored Polar bears fighting is pretty cool. All in all I thought it was pretty good. The only thing I didn't like is I kinda saw the ending coming and didn't like how it ended. I didn't read the book or maybe there is a series and that is why they ended it where they did. Then I went to see Enchanted that was a great movie it really was. Disney didn't make fun of them selves as much as I thought they would. It was more of a this is how it would happen if Fairy tale people where sent to our world. That being said I still really liked it. Yes it did get a little bit date movieish , and that part I didn't see coming but I should have. Again with this one I saw how it was going to end. But hey it is a Disney movie with a romantic comedy it had to kinda end that way. I think I liked the creature aspect of it the most. That aspect in Disney movies has been made a lot of fun of in Drawn Together, but I still enjoyed it. There is a chipmunk who I think steals the movie but that is just me. I thought both movies where great and a lot of fun.