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01/28/2008 18:58 #43066
Busy up comming weekend?On Friday Night after the game I want to go to Nietcehes (I won't even try to spell it right I'll never come close) for a hip hop night. Pete listens to Hip Hop, not really. I used to a lot, my cousin is in one of the Bands They will be backed up by another band so that should be interesting, assuming I don't lame out. If you want to listen to there music or get more info the band is called Constant Climax and I have them listed on my myspace top friends.
I just read that there is a Sat. Queen City Roller girls bout. That would be really fun to go to. I know just like all the other ones I won't go. Not because I wouldn't like it but that "tonawanda area" is kinda like the old west to me. I have no idea how to get there and once I did I wouldn't know what Tonawanda I was in or how to get any where. But I encourage the other people to go. Also Saturday night there are two shows I would like to go see. Of course this Assumes I don't lame out. I really want to see Jackdaw it seems like a long time since I've seen them, they are playing at Club Diablo, only been there once and never seen a show there. Hopefully I go and take some (I'm sure they will turn out dark anyways) pictures. But the same night there is a band at Mohawk place that I Haven't seen In a long time called the Rabies. I was going to get to see them about 6 days ago but Rob Zombie canceled his concert, not sure why exactly.
Of course Sunday Is the "The big Game" Of course we all know it isn't really called that. But if you advertise stuff you have to pay allot of money to call it by its real name. That brings up an interesting point. I was at Burger king today and they have NFL on some of there stuff and talk about the playoffs but nothing about the superbowl. I find that odd, you would think that if they were willing to pay for NFL they would shell out the extra cash for Superbowl. But maybe they understand no one is really going to buy Burger King for the Super Bowl. I'm the kind of person who looks at it as an event and not just a game. But that is because I have seen an ad that aired before the game that was pretty cleaver and I never saw it again. I have also seen some pretty cool musical performances before the game also. I have seen some pregame stuff that wound up being better then the game. I have seen some pretty cool profiles and stories before hand also. That being said I so understand why lots of people just tune in to watch the game. No parties for me that I know of. I really should think about what I want to eat during the game. I hope that everyone who bet on "The Pats" lose there money. I'm not saying I want the G-men to win. I want them to lose really but by less then 12 so we have a great game. The last time the two teams played it was really a great game. How can you not like "The Pats" really. I also hope that they have lots of funny ads and maybe even some rude ones. Like maybe some guy chugs down a drink quick and a buddy goes "Dude Stop", "what", "You didn't notice Jerry didn't get up from his seat all day" Jerry goes "Yeah I didn't want to miss any of the great ads, that was extreme" as the guy gets it and washes his mouth out a tag line would come in "extreme taste, but not that Extreme" or you know something like that. I want complaints like the one with the farting horse. You would be surprised at what offends people when they are watching with there kids, as opposed to with kids watching the same thing in a different room, you'd be amazed.
01/26/2008 14:10 #43043
NYC good News mystryCategory: news
I know there are some people here who may not like when people repost entire news stories and they have some valid points. I admit I had nothing to do with this story and am just reposting it. The reason for this is that it is a detective story. But more then that it is also is something that I wished happened to me and it would have made some else pictures I know still be around (I think his camera was stolen like mine and not lost but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story now). The other reason is that I have heard that there is so much negative energy in NYC (hope I understood them correctly). That I would post this story of someone who was honest and did a good thing.
Photo clues lead to camera's owner
By BRIAN BERGSTEIN, AP Technology Writer Fri Jan 25, 5:46 PM ET
At dusk on New Year's Eve, Erika Gunderson got into a taxi in New York City and entered a digital-age mystery.
Sitting on the back seat was a nice Canon digital camera. Gunderson asked the driver which previous passenger might have left it, but the cabbie didn't seem to care. So Gunderson brought it home and showed it to her fiance, Brian Ascher. They decided that the only right thing to do was to find the owner.
But how? The only clues were the pictures on the camera: typical tourist snapshots, complete with a visit to the Statue of Liberty. How could they find a stranger among the huddled masses?
Gunderson is busy in finance for Bear Stearns Cos., so the detective quest fell to Ascher, a 26-year-old law student at New York University. He was on winter break and eager to put off writing a paper about climate change treaties.
He checked whether anyone had reported a matching missing camera to the city's Taxi and Limousine Commission. No dice. He placed ads in lost-and-found sections of Craigslist but got just one response - from a couple in Brazil who had lost a camera in a cab on Oct. 12, not Dec. 31.
"I guess they thought their camera had been riding around in a taxi for two months," Ascher recalls now, chuckling at the notion that such a thing would be possible in New York.
The 350 pictures and two videos on the camera showed several adults, an older woman and three children. Half put them at New York sites like the Empire State Building. The other half had the group enjoying warm weather and frolicking at kid-friendly theme parks.
Ascher easily pinpointed Florida. The group had stood in front of a sign indicating Clearwater, Fla., and posed at Bob Heilman's Beachcomber Restaurant there.
They also took a pirate-themed boat ride where the kids got mustaches painted on their faces. Ascher zoomed in on the group to see name tags on their shirts. He spotted an Alan, an Eileen, a male Noel and a female Noelle, plus a Ciarnan. Under their names was written "IRE."
When Ascher checked the videos, he saw nothing telling, just the children dancing and swimming. But in the background, he heard Irish accents.
OK, Ascher figured, the camera's owner is from Ireland.
Ascher called Canon's Ireland division to see if anyone had registered the $500 camera's serial number. No such luck. He posted ads on Irish Web sites. Nothing.
He checked the date stamp on the photos from Bob Heilman's and called to inquire whether anyone remembered serving a big Irish group that day. Without the diners' last names, there was no way to check. It's a nice thing you're trying, the manager told Ascher, but you probably just found yourself a new camera.
Enter some fresh eyes. Ascher's mother, Nancy, and sister, Emily Rann, scoured the pictures for clues he might have missed. Nancy was particularly confident, having reunited people with their lost belongings before. She once found a California woman's wallet in a cab in Florence, Italy, and spent all day on her trail before making a handover at an American Express office.
"I thought, with all this data in the camera, there's no way we're not going to get it back to them," Nancy Ascher says now. "I was hoping it wasn't going to take a trip to Ireland, flashing their pictures everywhere."
Ascher's mother and his sister noticed that one of the pictures showed a doorman helping someone into a New York taxi. Zooming tight on the doorman's uniform, they made out the logo of the Radisson Hotel.
After several phone calls and a visit to the hotel to show the pictures around, Nancy Ascher persuaded an employee to search the Radisson's guest records by first name and country of residence. Indeed, a Noel from Ireland had stayed there on the date stamped on the photo. Nancy Ascher charmed the hotel employee into sharing the guest's e-mail address.
Except that when Noel responded to Brian Ascher, he said he hadn't lost a camera.
By now, school was resuming, and Ascher was prepared to give the camera to his mom so she could take over. She had figured out the name of the Florida pirate-boat cruise and was trying to reach its operator.
But first Ascher took a final look at the photographs.
He pored over some from Dec. 30 that didn't include the children. The photos showed signs for bars in Manhattan's East Village: The Thirsty Scholar, Telephone Bar, Burp Castle. There also were multiple interior shots of a tavern, but they didn't seem to fit with what Ascher knew of those other three bars.
Then he stopped on another picture, showing two people outside an apartment building. Seemingly accidentally included in the picture was something Ascher had missed the first time: an awning in the background that read "Standings." Aha! Standings is a bar next to Burp Castle. Ascher checked its Web site, and the interior matched the pictures on the camera.
Ascher found Standings' owner, who reached the bartender who had worked Dec. 30. Yes, he recalled an Irish group. Especially because one of the women was a big tipper and said she worked at another New York City bar, Playwrights. The Standings bartender called Playwrights to ask which employees had been in his bar.
Ascher soon got an e-mail from a woman named Sarah Casey, whose sister Jeanette works at Playwrights. Suddenly everything Ascher had seen on the camera came to life.
The Caseys recently had hosted relatives and friends from Ireland. The group included their friend Alan Murphy, who had journeyed to Florida with family before heading to New York, where the clan stayed at the Radisson. (Their Noel was not the Noel whom Ascher e-mailed.) Murphy ended the trip kicking himself for leaving his camera in a cab in the twilight on New Year's Eve.
Sarah Casey agreed to send it to him. It didn't go to Ireland but to Sydney, Australia, where Murphy lives now.
Murphy, an insurance underwriter, had been devastated to lose the pictures from a trip he had planned for years. It was Jan. 10 - his 34th birthday - when he heard he would be getting the photos back. "I was over the moon," he says now. "Best present ever."
"I owe you one," he wrote to Ascher. "It's good to know there are some honest people left in the world."
Oh yeah since I'm here On line I decided to not go to the movies and try to watch Winter X games all day and in between them as much of that skill contests and Young hockey stars game or what ever it is called on Versus. I don't remember all the sports that will be on today but maybe I can spend some time cleaning my place up a little bit as I watch. I all mean to do that and never do for some reason. Oh yeah I'm lazy. That being said (this assumes a few things that to me are barriers where not any more magicly) as fun as those sports are to watch it sure would be fun to go Skiing, snowboarding or maybe even snowmobiling (racing no tricks for me) every weekend. I think that it would also be a great way to go visit new places. To fly out to some ski town or maybe even fly near it rent a car or truck see the city for a day then drive to that ski town for a few days then drive back and fly home. For those of you that have the chance to do that I say go for it. It really makes you happy about the winter instead of drudging through it.
01/25/2008 19:03 #43033
Winter X and more this weekendCategory: sports
01/22/2008 18:02 #42990
Heath Ledger found deadCategory: news

NEW YORK - Heath Ledger was found dead Tuesday at a downtown Manhattan apartment, and police said drugs may have been a factor. The Australian-born actor was 28. Ledger had an appointment for a massage at the residence in the tony SoHo neighborhood, NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said. A housekeeper who went to let him know the massage therapist had arrived found him dead at 3:26 p.m.
A large crowd of paparazzi and gawkers began gathering Tuesday evening outside the building on an upscale block, where several police officers guarded the door.
Ledger was nominated for an Oscar for "Brokeback Mountain," where he met Michelle Williams in 2005. The two lived together in Brooklyn and had a daughter, Matilda, until they split up last year.
Ledger most recently appeared in "I'm Not There," in which he played one of the many incarnations of Bob Dylan ƒƒ‚‚ as did Cate Blanchett, whose performance in that film earned an Oscar nomination Tuesday for best supporting actress.
Ledger was to appear as the Joker this year in "The Dark Night," a sequel to 2005's "Batman Begins." He's had starring roles in "A Knight's Tale" and "The Patriot," and played the suicidal son of Billy Bob Thornton in "Monster's Ball."
Ledger grew up in Perth, and began doing amateur theater at age 10. At 16, he moved to Sydney to pursue an acting career, quickly landing TV movie roles and guest spots on Australian television.
After several independent films and a starring role in the short-lived Fox TV series "Roar," Ledger moved to Los Angeles and costarred in "10 Things I Hate About You," a teen comedy reworking of "The Taming of the Shrew."
Offers for other teen flicks came his way, but Ledger turned them down, preferring to remain idle than sign on for projects he didn't like.
"It wasn't a hard decision for me," Ledger told the Associated Press in 2001. "It was hard for everyone else around me to understand. Agents were like, 'You're crazy,' my parents were like, 'Come on, you have to eat.'"
Associated Press Sara Kugler contributed to this report.
oh jason...
I'm not trying to say it's not tragic. Suicide, accidental or intentional is, and I hate to think he felt it was his "only way out"- if indeed he did.
I just hate the way our society is so celebrity-obsessed. That's the point I was trying to make- that it shouldn't be any MORE sad just b/c he was in some movies.
Not mean, instead ignorant.
I wasn't trying to say that people should have to babysit him. But if he is like a lot of famous people he has handlers and agents and maybe even an entourage. Some times the people around you just kiss your ass and do what ever you want or what is good for them instead of saying "You want to do blow go find it in the ghetto your self I'm not going to get it for you", as an example. I agree that 6 months is way to long to talk about this. But what I would like to see happen (but it won't) is the drug topic. Like why people do them, why more people are famous need them and how people can cut down on the chances of ODs. That would be interesting but of course the News will not look at the bigger issues.
Well I don't think a 28 year old should need people to babysit him and take care of him.
And yes, it's sad, but I really hope this isn't going to be all we (as a society) can talk about for the next 6mo (like anna nicole, or britney's latest screw up).
woohoo, another hollywood OD.
Lots of worse stuff happens every day but we don't freak out b/c it's not celebrities.
Sorry, that's unnecessarily mean and I don't mean it to be. I'm sad for his family.
I like this quote though-
The two lived together in Brooklyn and had a daughter, Matilda, until they split up last year.
makes it sound like their daughter no longer exists since they broke up.
01/21/2008 17:53 #42977
Bandits gameCategory: lax

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I have to admit I like the Titan's jerseys with the out line of NYC and then they still have the titan mask on them, I think Last years was just the mask and I liked them last years also. Indoor lacrosse is so fun to watch it really is. Plus you have the Bandettes and the fun intro at the beginning of the game.
I'm not sure how many years ago I heard about a backflip on a snowmobile and I thought it was a joke then I saw a video of it (sled necks I think it was called) the other clip they showed on TV was the carnage of the guy trying it and not making it. Even though I don't like seeing the gore factor (he lived broken leg maybe) i think that when videos are made it is good to have them in there instead of just all the highlites (I don't have the video myself just saw clips on tv). I think it is good for people (young kids also) to see that people do get hurt and that there is a lot of danger in it. Even though over the years events change and sports go more mainstream one thing I all ways like (hope this is still true and all ways stays true) is that these are sports people do for the fun. What i mean is in allot of other sports kids are pushed into them then they have fun and just want to be a famous football player with lots of money. I'm not saying I don't like football. But you know that (most) of the athletes are there for the right reasons.
I caught a few clips of those guys hitting jumps and flipping their snowmobiles. That is pretty crazy!
i used to love watching the x games.