I'll give you one guess as to who originally came up with this, but I was surprised to hear this "ad" on KGO 810 San Francicsco last night in the middle of liberal talk host Karel's show.
As for Nader - shrug. I think the liberals hate him despite the fact that he's done more good for the common man in America than they ever will. Like I always say, as a voter if you like to pontificate about how you hate the 2-party system, don't bitch when a third candidate actually enters the race! He will take Democrat votes, but how many remain to be seen. I think I agree with (e:james) in that he will have a limited effect, with the libs having been down this road before and feeling like they are hip to the political game. Then again, another side of me knows all too well that many Democrats feel beholden to vote for the party despite not really liking either Obama or Hillary... this I believe is why Nader entered in the first place. Throw in the independent vote and I could be totally wrong about Nader's effect in the election. He knows he isn't going to win, but he knows that he has a constituency that in his mind should be represented in the vote. Call it "spoiling" if you will but like I always say, if your case to the American people was strong enough to begin with then you wouldn't have had to worry about a Ralph Nader.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/25/2008 11:28 #43453
Obama Ad Spoof02/21/2008 10:51 #43414
NYT hands GOP tool to galvanize party!NEWSFLASH: The New York Times Serves Piping Hot Bile For Morning Reading
Why they will never learn their lesson, I do not know.

NYT has been guilty practitioners of partisan yellow journalism for decades. This is merely another example of a 100% unsubstantiated story based on "anonymous sources" with the utterly transparent intent to cause harm to John McCain's candidacy and to demoralize political enemies. Let me repeat it again - THERE IS NO JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY ANYMORE! Under any definition of ethical journalism or journalistic integrity, the NYT has once again failed the American people. I won't be holding my breath for an attack on Obama that will never happen, by the way, and I have news for you - it ain't because he's clean as a whistle.
How many times have I written political blog entries telling you - my readers past, present, future, occasional, etc. - that liberal Democrats are not and never will be as good at the political game as the GOP are?
I see this article as an incredibly short sighted gambit that was going to blow up in their own faces the minute it was published. Journalists at the NYT are blinded by their partisanship and have convinced themselves that their partisanship is not in fact a detriment to their profession but an enhancement, which in any rational persons estimation is laughable. Its obvious why this has been condoned over the years, but the real interesting part of it all is how ideological partisanship has transformed the culture of the newsroom. The lengths to which these people go to justify their unprofessional behavior are interesting to watch. At times its like watching an accused criminal squirming in a chair at a police station while the detectives ask him uncomfortable questions. Other times the complaints are simply ignored, as if they owe no explanation to anyone.
Journalists, YOU ARE WRONG and your profession is dying because of your lack of ethics and your inability to restrain yourselves when a juicy rumor comes around. Aren't you the same idiots that believed Bill Burkett in 2004 and ran with it because it was, as they say, sympathetic to the cause?
Journalists believe that anonymous reporting is essential to their work because otherwise they would not be able to report stories that are of vital importance to the American people. This is marble mouthed idiocy that I simply cannot tolerate as a person who refuses to allow an insult to his (and by extension, your) intelligence go unnoticed. That is merely an attempt to justify a complete lack of journalistic integrity, pure and simple.
The bottom line is this. Can you trust a paper that as standard operating procedure prints controversial and accusatory articles, knowing that they are unwilling to publicly substantiate what it is that their printing?
This is classic journalistic muckraking, but the joke isn't on John McCain.
Why They Got It Wrong - 2008's Biggest Political Miscalculation Thus Far
The title of this journal entry is provocative but is ultimately true. I truly believe that the NYT has made a colossal mistake that may end up costing the Democrats far more than it will cost the GOP. Read on to find out why.
The essence of the gambit the NYT has played is this. Who do conservatives hate more - McCain or the New York Times? The liberals making the decisions at the Times have severely miscalculated how efficiently their own behavior galvanizes conservatives across America.
Trust me on this - I know these people like I know every inch of my glorious naked body. Conservatives will never believe anything that the New York Times prints and will never hold up an article from the NYT as evidence that John McCain is the GOP version of Bill Clinton. Siding with print from the New York Times is simply not part of the equation and never will be. The NYT has made an assumption about how readers perceive them that is ultimately inaccurate. They have undermined themselves in a most stunning fashion.
NYT has risked waking the GOP up merely because they wanted to play what will widely be perceived as a transparently dirty trick. I am not saying that conservatives will be in lockstep with McCain, but they certainly will not allow a sworn political enemy like the NYT to slander McCain. This sort of thing is going to affect how many GOP voters come out in November, I guarantee it. It just won't be in the way the NYT were hoping for. Things just got more interesting. Is it possible that this year the candidates will be civil but the press will not?
Why they will never learn their lesson, I do not know.

NYT has been guilty practitioners of partisan yellow journalism for decades. This is merely another example of a 100% unsubstantiated story based on "anonymous sources" with the utterly transparent intent to cause harm to John McCain's candidacy and to demoralize political enemies. Let me repeat it again - THERE IS NO JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY ANYMORE! Under any definition of ethical journalism or journalistic integrity, the NYT has once again failed the American people. I won't be holding my breath for an attack on Obama that will never happen, by the way, and I have news for you - it ain't because he's clean as a whistle.
How many times have I written political blog entries telling you - my readers past, present, future, occasional, etc. - that liberal Democrats are not and never will be as good at the political game as the GOP are?
I see this article as an incredibly short sighted gambit that was going to blow up in their own faces the minute it was published. Journalists at the NYT are blinded by their partisanship and have convinced themselves that their partisanship is not in fact a detriment to their profession but an enhancement, which in any rational persons estimation is laughable. Its obvious why this has been condoned over the years, but the real interesting part of it all is how ideological partisanship has transformed the culture of the newsroom. The lengths to which these people go to justify their unprofessional behavior are interesting to watch. At times its like watching an accused criminal squirming in a chair at a police station while the detectives ask him uncomfortable questions. Other times the complaints are simply ignored, as if they owe no explanation to anyone.
Journalists, YOU ARE WRONG and your profession is dying because of your lack of ethics and your inability to restrain yourselves when a juicy rumor comes around. Aren't you the same idiots that believed Bill Burkett in 2004 and ran with it because it was, as they say, sympathetic to the cause?
Journalists believe that anonymous reporting is essential to their work because otherwise they would not be able to report stories that are of vital importance to the American people. This is marble mouthed idiocy that I simply cannot tolerate as a person who refuses to allow an insult to his (and by extension, your) intelligence go unnoticed. That is merely an attempt to justify a complete lack of journalistic integrity, pure and simple.
The bottom line is this. Can you trust a paper that as standard operating procedure prints controversial and accusatory articles, knowing that they are unwilling to publicly substantiate what it is that their printing?
This is classic journalistic muckraking, but the joke isn't on John McCain.
Why They Got It Wrong - 2008's Biggest Political Miscalculation Thus Far
The title of this journal entry is provocative but is ultimately true. I truly believe that the NYT has made a colossal mistake that may end up costing the Democrats far more than it will cost the GOP. Read on to find out why.
The essence of the gambit the NYT has played is this. Who do conservatives hate more - McCain or the New York Times? The liberals making the decisions at the Times have severely miscalculated how efficiently their own behavior galvanizes conservatives across America.
Trust me on this - I know these people like I know every inch of my glorious naked body. Conservatives will never believe anything that the New York Times prints and will never hold up an article from the NYT as evidence that John McCain is the GOP version of Bill Clinton. Siding with print from the New York Times is simply not part of the equation and never will be. The NYT has made an assumption about how readers perceive them that is ultimately inaccurate. They have undermined themselves in a most stunning fashion.
NYT has risked waking the GOP up merely because they wanted to play what will widely be perceived as a transparently dirty trick. I am not saying that conservatives will be in lockstep with McCain, but they certainly will not allow a sworn political enemy like the NYT to slander McCain. This sort of thing is going to affect how many GOP voters come out in November, I guarantee it. It just won't be in the way the NYT were hoping for. Things just got more interesting. Is it possible that this year the candidates will be civil but the press will not?
fellyconnelly - 02/22/08 10:00
i can't stand the media. i feel like everytime i watch any news program or read the paper, it is so obvious that everything is so ONE sided. it hurts my feelings.
i can't stand the media. i feel like everytime i watch any news program or read the paper, it is so obvious that everything is so ONE sided. it hurts my feelings.
james - 02/21/08 14:06
Well! I am switching over to a paper of integrity like the NY Post!
Honestly though, I can't see this circulating in the ether for too long unless some part of the story of verified and reported elsewhere. Even if it is true, this wasn't going to hurt McCain's voters anyway.
Well! I am switching over to a paper of integrity like the NY Post!
Honestly though, I can't see this circulating in the ether for too long unless some part of the story of verified and reported elsewhere. Even if it is true, this wasn't going to hurt McCain's voters anyway.
jason - 02/21/08 11:33
The really clever part is how they endorsed McCain knowing they were going to eventually drop a bomb on him. Why endorse him then? Do they approve of this behavior? I doubt it. The motivation seems obvious.
The really clever part is how they endorsed McCain knowing they were going to eventually drop a bomb on him. Why endorse him then? Do they approve of this behavior? I doubt it. The motivation seems obvious.
mrmike - 02/21/08 11:02
Upshot of the whole thing is that McCain just got the tool he needed to win over the conservatives.
Upshot of the whole thing is that McCain just got the tool he needed to win over the conservatives.
02/16/2008 17:14 #43363
Even netgeeks can be funnyI just got this 404 message on a website I frequent - and no, it doesn't happen to be from a porn site.
Once upon a midnight dreary while I pr0n surfed, weak and weary,
Over a many a strange and spurious pr0nsite of hot XXX galore;
While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning,
And my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour.
"'Tis not possible!" I muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"
Quoth the server,
If you didn't get the Poe reference... I don't think I can talk to you anymore.
Once upon a midnight dreary while I pr0n surfed, weak and weary,
Over a many a strange and spurious pr0nsite of hot XXX galore;
While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning,
And my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour.
"'Tis not possible!" I muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"
Quoth the server,
If you didn't get the Poe reference... I don't think I can talk to you anymore.
02/20/2008 12:02 #43399
barack oBLAHma and mcbaneDemocrats
I think its fairly well established that John McCain will be the nominee on the Republican side and is now only a matter of academics. Since this is incredibly boring, I'm focused more on the Democrats. The delegate count difference is only 70 or so despite Barack Obama winning 10 straight primaries. This is scaring Obama supporters because of the DNC's arcane "superdelegate" model, which in my estimation is going to cause Hillary Clinton to get the nomination in August unless Obama wins Ohio and Texas in two weeks.
Before I continue, I want to say that I think this year's Democratic convention could potentially be as troubling as the 1968 convention because of a clear lack of understanding of how the rules in their own party work. Why is it that liberals never find fault with the system until for some inexplicable reason, their candidate loses or may lose? Its incredible to me how panicky Obama liberals are - it is becoming almost conspiratorial in tone lately... and this is a primary for God's sake! Democrat against Democrat. When Democrats eat their own, as they routinely do, bad things happen.
A lot of liberals are out there who typically do not participate in primaries, and as a result have not considered the rules for their own party. Winning primaries does not get you the nomination - gaining delegates does. This is done differently on a state by state basis - for example in California delegates are broken down by district and are divided proportionally along percentages. In other states the "winner takes all" approach is employed. The bottom line - if you do not lay out a strategic plan to gain as many delegates as possible, you are actively working to lose. Period. End of story. One thing that is blatantly obvious is that Obama and his people are political amateurs in comparison to the Clinton camp, who are loaded down with people that worked in previous Democrat administrations. I should emphasize that I say that with some hesitancy, since you'd expect the Clintons to know better than to let Slick Willy routinely act agitated to potential voters and single handedly torpedo her candidacy. Which brings me the question - could Slick Willy ever play second fiddle to his wife if she won the election?
John McCain has all but won the nomination. Mike Huckabee, a Republican I will never vote for, remains in the race. Presumably, he is staying in the race to let the conservatives know that there is another choice more suitable to them. I think he's doing it simply to stick it in McCain's eye - Huckabee has no legitimate shot at the nomination.
To put it plainly, many conservatives are panicking and threatening to separate from the Republican Party because McCain is winning. You've never read a strong criticism of conservatives from me - here we are. I'm angry with conservatives because of their recent petulance - if they don't get their way, they want to pick up their ball and leave the playground. What the fuck? For years the conservative wing has marginalized moderates in the party, myself and my brother included. We were told in 2004 to vote for President Bush, even if we didn't like everything about him, because the alternative was, well.. John F-ing Kerry. Fair enough - I do not want a staunch liberal to ever be the President of the United States, and when push comes to shove, I only support less than a handful of liberal social initiatives. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, look how they are acting... its a god damn pitiful shame. What is good for the moderates is not good for the conservatives. This is what happens when one element of your party is dominant for many years - these people feel entitled to boss the rest around and dictate to their EQUALS how the party should vote. Christine Todd Whitman wrote a book called "Its My Party Too." Conservatives laughed at her and called her a RINO. Now who is laughing?
This is why I've just finished filling out the forms to switch my registration to independent. Thats right - I'm disassociating myself with the party, or any party. I'm deeply unsatisfied, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have a home in any party at the moment. I'm not even sure I have a presidential candidate to support - we'll see how the chips fall over the course of the next eight months or so.
This is the story - conservatism right now is not palatable to Republicans, let alone independents or conservative Democrats. If you ask conservatives who is at fault for their situation they blame moderates. Can you believe that? These are the same people who have always told liberals that if you complain about losing, don't blame the voters or the system; blame your own inability to convince the voters that your ideas are better. Now conservatives are losing the battle of ideas even within their own party and arrogantly refuse to blame themselves. They are wrong and I won't associate myself with them anymore. As of whenever the ECBOE gets my form, I'm now a registered independent.
Our Future
So, for those of us who follow the political scene how will the next eight months shape up? I predict that we will only know the Democratic nominee when the delegates are counted at the August DNC convention in Denver. I hope I am wrong about that because I really believe that such a situation will bring chaos. I'm also predicting that we will have the least negative general election in decades. If you ask me for one positive that I truly believe will come to fruition it will be this, and to that extent I think voters will punish any candidate that plays dirty. Picking on McCain's age will yield him a victory in the same way that it benefited Reagan 25 years ago. I don't believe Obama would pursue that angle. In fact, I don't know why Obama doesn't copy Reagan and ask the question, "are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?" I won't bother with Hillary - she is hanging in there. She knows how the system works. Everybody knows how the Clintons operate. Nuff said. Because the delegate count is so close, Hillary doesn't have cause to believe her candidacy is over. However, where the momentum lies is obvious. If Obama can win big on March 4, I don't think Hillary will have much of a say in the matter anymore and we can move on. We have two candidates who believe they are the heirs presumptive to the throne, based on puzzling and narcissistic presumptions of having destiny and history on their side. Watch this space.
Last thing. I am picking on Obama supporters for freaking out over the DNC's superdelegate rules, but in all honesty they are right. I've talked with (e:jason) about this many times and we both believe that no voter should even be in the position to have to understand such bizarre rules and regulations. It should all be scrapped - ALL OF IT. Superdelegates, the electoral college, all ridiculous rules both within each party and in general elections. The reason why these rules were created are transparent - aspects of the government (and in the case of the feds, the founding fathers themselves) did not believe that the people have the intelligence or the ability to choose the leader of their own country. Any scenario in which the popular vote loses to the electoral college vote is unacceptable to me and should be unacceptable to all Americans, because in fact a majority of the country (when Bush won in 2004 liberals referred to this as 'mob rule') did not vote for the person who is taking the office. Bottom line - that is not democratic and everybody knows it. So many people missed the point in 2000. Four different independent organizations certified the Florida results, yet to this day many liberals argue that Bush somehow stole the election. The crime wasn't that President Bush won through a flawed system - the crime was that the system was flawed in the first place.
I think its fairly well established that John McCain will be the nominee on the Republican side and is now only a matter of academics. Since this is incredibly boring, I'm focused more on the Democrats. The delegate count difference is only 70 or so despite Barack Obama winning 10 straight primaries. This is scaring Obama supporters because of the DNC's arcane "superdelegate" model, which in my estimation is going to cause Hillary Clinton to get the nomination in August unless Obama wins Ohio and Texas in two weeks.
Before I continue, I want to say that I think this year's Democratic convention could potentially be as troubling as the 1968 convention because of a clear lack of understanding of how the rules in their own party work. Why is it that liberals never find fault with the system until for some inexplicable reason, their candidate loses or may lose? Its incredible to me how panicky Obama liberals are - it is becoming almost conspiratorial in tone lately... and this is a primary for God's sake! Democrat against Democrat. When Democrats eat their own, as they routinely do, bad things happen.
A lot of liberals are out there who typically do not participate in primaries, and as a result have not considered the rules for their own party. Winning primaries does not get you the nomination - gaining delegates does. This is done differently on a state by state basis - for example in California delegates are broken down by district and are divided proportionally along percentages. In other states the "winner takes all" approach is employed. The bottom line - if you do not lay out a strategic plan to gain as many delegates as possible, you are actively working to lose. Period. End of story. One thing that is blatantly obvious is that Obama and his people are political amateurs in comparison to the Clinton camp, who are loaded down with people that worked in previous Democrat administrations. I should emphasize that I say that with some hesitancy, since you'd expect the Clintons to know better than to let Slick Willy routinely act agitated to potential voters and single handedly torpedo her candidacy. Which brings me the question - could Slick Willy ever play second fiddle to his wife if she won the election?
John McCain has all but won the nomination. Mike Huckabee, a Republican I will never vote for, remains in the race. Presumably, he is staying in the race to let the conservatives know that there is another choice more suitable to them. I think he's doing it simply to stick it in McCain's eye - Huckabee has no legitimate shot at the nomination.
To put it plainly, many conservatives are panicking and threatening to separate from the Republican Party because McCain is winning. You've never read a strong criticism of conservatives from me - here we are. I'm angry with conservatives because of their recent petulance - if they don't get their way, they want to pick up their ball and leave the playground. What the fuck? For years the conservative wing has marginalized moderates in the party, myself and my brother included. We were told in 2004 to vote for President Bush, even if we didn't like everything about him, because the alternative was, well.. John F-ing Kerry. Fair enough - I do not want a staunch liberal to ever be the President of the United States, and when push comes to shove, I only support less than a handful of liberal social initiatives. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, look how they are acting... its a god damn pitiful shame. What is good for the moderates is not good for the conservatives. This is what happens when one element of your party is dominant for many years - these people feel entitled to boss the rest around and dictate to their EQUALS how the party should vote. Christine Todd Whitman wrote a book called "Its My Party Too." Conservatives laughed at her and called her a RINO. Now who is laughing?
This is why I've just finished filling out the forms to switch my registration to independent. Thats right - I'm disassociating myself with the party, or any party. I'm deeply unsatisfied, and to be perfectly honest, I don't have a home in any party at the moment. I'm not even sure I have a presidential candidate to support - we'll see how the chips fall over the course of the next eight months or so.
This is the story - conservatism right now is not palatable to Republicans, let alone independents or conservative Democrats. If you ask conservatives who is at fault for their situation they blame moderates. Can you believe that? These are the same people who have always told liberals that if you complain about losing, don't blame the voters or the system; blame your own inability to convince the voters that your ideas are better. Now conservatives are losing the battle of ideas even within their own party and arrogantly refuse to blame themselves. They are wrong and I won't associate myself with them anymore. As of whenever the ECBOE gets my form, I'm now a registered independent.
Our Future
So, for those of us who follow the political scene how will the next eight months shape up? I predict that we will only know the Democratic nominee when the delegates are counted at the August DNC convention in Denver. I hope I am wrong about that because I really believe that such a situation will bring chaos. I'm also predicting that we will have the least negative general election in decades. If you ask me for one positive that I truly believe will come to fruition it will be this, and to that extent I think voters will punish any candidate that plays dirty. Picking on McCain's age will yield him a victory in the same way that it benefited Reagan 25 years ago. I don't believe Obama would pursue that angle. In fact, I don't know why Obama doesn't copy Reagan and ask the question, "are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?" I won't bother with Hillary - she is hanging in there. She knows how the system works. Everybody knows how the Clintons operate. Nuff said. Because the delegate count is so close, Hillary doesn't have cause to believe her candidacy is over. However, where the momentum lies is obvious. If Obama can win big on March 4, I don't think Hillary will have much of a say in the matter anymore and we can move on. We have two candidates who believe they are the heirs presumptive to the throne, based on puzzling and narcissistic presumptions of having destiny and history on their side. Watch this space.
Last thing. I am picking on Obama supporters for freaking out over the DNC's superdelegate rules, but in all honesty they are right. I've talked with (e:jason) about this many times and we both believe that no voter should even be in the position to have to understand such bizarre rules and regulations. It should all be scrapped - ALL OF IT. Superdelegates, the electoral college, all ridiculous rules both within each party and in general elections. The reason why these rules were created are transparent - aspects of the government (and in the case of the feds, the founding fathers themselves) did not believe that the people have the intelligence or the ability to choose the leader of their own country. Any scenario in which the popular vote loses to the electoral college vote is unacceptable to me and should be unacceptable to all Americans, because in fact a majority of the country (when Bush won in 2004 liberals referred to this as 'mob rule') did not vote for the person who is taking the office. Bottom line - that is not democratic and everybody knows it. So many people missed the point in 2000. Four different independent organizations certified the Florida results, yet to this day many liberals argue that Bush somehow stole the election. The crime wasn't that President Bush won through a flawed system - the crime was that the system was flawed in the first place.
joshua - 02/21/08 08:59
(e:peter) -
The delegates are typically encouraged to vote for the front runner by the candidate that is dropping out. For example Mitt Romney just did this last week - he asked his delegates to vote for John McCain.
The truth, though, is that they are not bound legally or otherwise to carry an allegiance to anyone once their candidate drops out, but in almost all circumstances the delegates vote for the eventual nominee.
(e:peter) -
The delegates are typically encouraged to vote for the front runner by the candidate that is dropping out. For example Mitt Romney just did this last week - he asked his delegates to vote for John McCain.
The truth, though, is that they are not bound legally or otherwise to carry an allegiance to anyone once their candidate drops out, but in almost all circumstances the delegates vote for the eventual nominee.
metalpeter - 02/20/08 19:39
First of all I do think the electorial College needs to go. I do understand that it is a good way to stop voter fraud. So that say in Chicago you have all the dead gangsters and animals vote and 30,000 fake votes only counts for a few points. The superdelagates thing I don't really understand. But I do have a question what happens to delegates that are won by someone who then pulls out of the election?
First of all I do think the electorial College needs to go. I do understand that it is a good way to stop voter fraud. So that say in Chicago you have all the dead gangsters and animals vote and 30,000 fake votes only counts for a few points. The superdelagates thing I don't really understand. But I do have a question what happens to delegates that are won by someone who then pulls out of the election?
james - 02/20/08 15:57
His name was not on the MI ballot. After last nights trouncing Clinton would only be ahead by 40-50 delegates including superdelegates if MI and FL are counted.
The superdelegates are starting to switch over to Obama and polls in TX and OH do not look very good for Hill.
His name was not on the MI ballot. After last nights trouncing Clinton would only be ahead by 40-50 delegates including superdelegates if MI and FL are counted.
The superdelegates are starting to switch over to Obama and polls in TX and OH do not look very good for Hill.
jason - 02/20/08 15:32
Oh, and I believe that Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in MI. If those delegates ARE counted, I will be right alongside folks rioting with them.
Oh, and I believe that Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in MI. If those delegates ARE counted, I will be right alongside folks rioting with them.
jason - 02/20/08 12:59
If you have extra paperwork, bring it home. I'm going to follow suit.
If you have extra paperwork, bring it home. I'm going to follow suit.
02/19/2008 10:35 #43390
Community Supported AgricultureLately I've been looking into participating in a community supported agriculture program with a local farm, and while doing research I thought it would make for a great journal entry. For $16 a week you can get enough organically grown produce to feed 2-4 people. The best part? You don't even need to pick up your produce at the farm - chances are you can pick up your produce at a close and convenient location. Do you like the idea of buying conveniently picked up organic produce at a more than fair price with enough variety to keep your culinary imagination going, while directly supporting the operation of a local farm? Read on, my run-on sentence loving friends... this may change the way you think about where your food comes from.
CSA - A Primer
Community supported agriculture - Wiki
- is essentially a method by which consumers and farmers can forge a mutually beneficial partnership. This not only stabilizes local farmers early on in the growing season when cash can be short, but guarantees you a share in the crop harvest on a weekly basis. You can read the Wiki page if you want more details, but I will briefly overview how it works.
Small family farms are a dying breed, just like the mom and pop stores we used to see prior to the advent of large corporate chain stores. As I alluded to you earlier, CSA is a clever scheme by which small farms that focus on organically/ethically produced foods can mitigate financial risk by approaching consumers directly and asking them to purchase a "share." Typically a "share" costs around $300-$400 per growing season, and many farms offer a variety of options. Want your 22-week season to start in the summer, or do you want a winter citrus package, or maybe you want to participate year round - no problem. As consumers, we outlay this cash to the farms, who then use the money to stabilize their businesses early on. Our return on investment yields a share in the crops - every week for 22 weeks your money buys you a variation of different fruits and veg, depending on what is being grown.
I should stress the mutual risk and reward element of this idea, and the concept of eating seasonally. You eat what the farmers are able to grow - you may still find yourself trailing off to Weg or the Co-op if something you really want isn't grown locally but is shipped from Chile to be sold here. Yield may vary as well, but farmers are incredibly good at knowing how much they will need to grow and how to achieve it. However, the benefits of eating seasonally and sourcing from local, organically focused farms who know what they are doing can yield you some truly amazing, restaurant grade (if not better) produce.
So - you help local farms sustain themselves, and in return you get to pick up a load of fabulous produce every week for 18-22 weeks. For less than $20 a week all the thinking you need to do (with the possible exception of making a substitution in your share because you hate radish) about your produce is that you need to go pick it up. I'm thinking about doing this for the summer. There is a farm that allegedly does pickups at (e:drew)'s church but I cannot confirm that, and I need to do some more research before I'd make a recommendation. I'd prefer to just have a list of local farms that have a program such as this and allow you to choose for yourselves.
EDIT: Buffalo Rising article from Sept.
And since I wouldn't endorse visiting links from their site -
Porter Farms -
Native Offerings -
I am not informed enough to suggest one or the other - check out the different options, pricing, etc. and see what is best for you. Sure, $350 up front (or more if you want the larger share) may seem like a lot, but in the context of your entire summer food budget is it really that bad?
CSA - A Primer
Community supported agriculture - Wiki

Small family farms are a dying breed, just like the mom and pop stores we used to see prior to the advent of large corporate chain stores. As I alluded to you earlier, CSA is a clever scheme by which small farms that focus on organically/ethically produced foods can mitigate financial risk by approaching consumers directly and asking them to purchase a "share." Typically a "share" costs around $300-$400 per growing season, and many farms offer a variety of options. Want your 22-week season to start in the summer, or do you want a winter citrus package, or maybe you want to participate year round - no problem. As consumers, we outlay this cash to the farms, who then use the money to stabilize their businesses early on. Our return on investment yields a share in the crops - every week for 22 weeks your money buys you a variation of different fruits and veg, depending on what is being grown.
I should stress the mutual risk and reward element of this idea, and the concept of eating seasonally. You eat what the farmers are able to grow - you may still find yourself trailing off to Weg or the Co-op if something you really want isn't grown locally but is shipped from Chile to be sold here. Yield may vary as well, but farmers are incredibly good at knowing how much they will need to grow and how to achieve it. However, the benefits of eating seasonally and sourcing from local, organically focused farms who know what they are doing can yield you some truly amazing, restaurant grade (if not better) produce.
So - you help local farms sustain themselves, and in return you get to pick up a load of fabulous produce every week for 18-22 weeks. For less than $20 a week all the thinking you need to do (with the possible exception of making a substitution in your share because you hate radish) about your produce is that you need to go pick it up. I'm thinking about doing this for the summer. There is a farm that allegedly does pickups at (e:drew)'s church but I cannot confirm that, and I need to do some more research before I'd make a recommendation. I'd prefer to just have a list of local farms that have a program such as this and allow you to choose for yourselves.
EDIT: Buffalo Rising article from Sept.

And since I wouldn't endorse visiting links from their site -
Porter Farms -

Native Offerings -

I am not informed enough to suggest one or the other - check out the different options, pricing, etc. and see what is best for you. Sure, $350 up front (or more if you want the larger share) may seem like a lot, but in the context of your entire summer food budget is it really that bad?
joshua - 02/19/08 15:45
Hehe well Alex I have to admit this would work marvels for my veggie consumption as well. The thing is I like eating them but rarely buy a lot of fresh stuff. The way I see it, if I commit to this then for sure Jason and I will eat at least 3 salads a week all summer long. I'm also looking into getting some cool stuff that I've never used or seen before, such as celeriac or other fun green stuff.
I'm gonna make the best beet, spinach, carrot and chard salad ever!
Native has organically raised pork and beef as well for like $3 a pound. If I could sub an item for some eggs here and there that would be nice as well.
Hehe well Alex I have to admit this would work marvels for my veggie consumption as well. The thing is I like eating them but rarely buy a lot of fresh stuff. The way I see it, if I commit to this then for sure Jason and I will eat at least 3 salads a week all summer long. I'm also looking into getting some cool stuff that I've never used or seen before, such as celeriac or other fun green stuff.
I'm gonna make the best beet, spinach, carrot and chard salad ever!
Native has organically raised pork and beef as well for like $3 a pound. If I could sub an item for some eggs here and there that would be nice as well.
jenks - 02/19/08 15:32
wow, this sounds fantastic. I totally don't eat enough vegetables- maybe this would make me.
Thanks josh!
wow, this sounds fantastic. I totally don't eat enough vegetables- maybe this would make me.
Thanks josh!
james - 02/19/08 12:20
When I ordered all the produce for Feel-Rite we used Porter Farms too. They are not year round though. Most of the produce the Co-Op gets is from the same place Feel-Rite gets it... except the Co-Op has no idea how to handle produce, and I don't say that because I have any love for Feel-Rite. I have none.
When I ordered all the produce for Feel-Rite we used Porter Farms too. They are not year round though. Most of the produce the Co-Op gets is from the same place Feel-Rite gets it... except the Co-Op has no idea how to handle produce, and I don't say that because I have any love for Feel-Rite. I have none.
joshua - 02/19/08 11:43
Oh - one other program I forgot to mention. Many of these CSAs offer a "work share" whereby if you commit a certain number of hours per week to work at the farm (fairly minimal really), you can get a drastic discount on your share price - usually 60% or higher depending on the farm.
Even this sort of idea appeals to me - this is yet another deeper level of involvement available to you. Native Offerings, for example, will cut $300 off of our share price if you commit 2.5 hours a week to working at the farm.
Oh - one other program I forgot to mention. Many of these CSAs offer a "work share" whereby if you commit a certain number of hours per week to work at the farm (fairly minimal really), you can get a drastic discount on your share price - usually 60% or higher depending on the farm.
Even this sort of idea appeals to me - this is yet another deeper level of involvement available to you. Native Offerings, for example, will cut $300 off of our share price if you commit 2.5 hours a week to working at the farm.
joshua - 02/19/08 11:38
Ha - yeah I'm a little obsessed now. FYI James, the organic produce at the Co-op is sourced (at least in part) from Porter Farms. At least that is what the reading suggests, but seeing as the Co-op people are true believers I'm not surprised in the least.
The respective sites have breakdowns for what is typically available each month, and wow - what a selection during the months of July - November. Early season is a little thin but then again, I don't use swiss chard much and I bet I could put together a ridiculous salad with chard, spinach and beets and other things.
I'm excited - this is a great way for me to ensure that Jay and I eat healthy food from a source I know about. No middleman either - we can get restaurant grade food directly from the grower at fair prices. The whole thing appeals to me.
Ha - yeah I'm a little obsessed now. FYI James, the organic produce at the Co-op is sourced (at least in part) from Porter Farms. At least that is what the reading suggests, but seeing as the Co-op people are true believers I'm not surprised in the least.
The respective sites have breakdowns for what is typically available each month, and wow - what a selection during the months of July - November. Early season is a little thin but then again, I don't use swiss chard much and I bet I could put together a ridiculous salad with chard, spinach and beets and other things.
I'm excited - this is a great way for me to ensure that Jay and I eat healthy food from a source I know about. No middleman either - we can get restaurant grade food directly from the grower at fair prices. The whole thing appeals to me.
james - 02/19/08 11:20
Research has shown that Organic is not necessarily better for the environment because it needs to be shipped from organic mega-farms in California, Texas, Central or South America. Local is the way to go.
But organic and local? I didn't think we had anything that good in the area. I am checking this out now. Thank you for posting.
Keep us updated.
Research has shown that Organic is not necessarily better for the environment because it needs to be shipped from organic mega-farms in California, Texas, Central or South America. Local is the way to go.
But organic and local? I didn't think we had anything that good in the area. I am checking this out now. Thank you for posting.
Keep us updated.
joshua - 02/19/08 11:13
Yeah, thanks (e:janelle) - that is the farm I was looking at myself! I saw that they had a drop-off point at the church... I'm glad to see that its still true. Thanks for confirming it!
Guys I've edited my entry at the bottom with a couple links for you to check out - one is a Buffalo Rising article, and the other two are links for Native Offerings and Porter Farms.
Yeah, thanks (e:janelle) - that is the farm I was looking at myself! I saw that they had a drop-off point at the church... I'm glad to see that its still true. Thanks for confirming it!
Guys I've edited my entry at the bottom with a couple links for you to check out - one is a Buffalo Rising article, and the other two are links for Native Offerings and Porter Farms.
janelle - 02/19/08 10:53
This is the link to Native Offerings that has a pick up location at our church:
This is the link to Native Offerings that has a pick up location at our church:
janelle - 02/19/08 10:49
Native Offerings has a pick up location at Lafayatte Ave. Pres. Church. Every Thursday night. The church gets a portion. It's good stuff. Go to elmwoodjesus.org. There might be a link for Native Offerings.
Native Offerings has a pick up location at Lafayatte Ave. Pres. Church. Every Thursday night. The church gets a portion. It's good stuff. Go to elmwoodjesus.org. There might be a link for Native Offerings.
Here is my problem with Nader. It isn't that his ideas are bad it that he pulls shit like this. It is ok to be independent or is that Green Party but he is the only guy they have it isn't like he beat anyone out for it. The point could be made that he not Florida lost the Election for gore. He is smart enough to know this. Bill Mahr allways jokes around and I remmeber him back a long time ago told Him not to run when Carey was running. If anything him running will help the republicans and he deep down knows it, but he figures if he brings up topics that neither side brings up as long as that causes them action on that it is a win and that is worth taking a chance at causing the Democrats to lose. I'm all for a Multiple party system but this isn't that, this is him on his own waiting till We know who all the front runners are where were you months ago. Oh I know you wanted to out wait gore in case he decided to run again. I think a real Multi party election would be good. But you have to get rid of the electoral College and do a most votes win thing.
Vintage Chesterfields please. The kind before they even had filters.
Goddamn, James, that is a quality rant. I have to give credit where credit is due. You need a smoke after you got that off? Heheh.
Nader entered the race because he is a megalomaniac.
And having a novelty third party candidate is not the same are diverging from the two party system. Here is a man, driven by his own ego, just taking up space. There is no viable third party here, just a mound of horse shit that loves seat belts. Parties are not built from the top down, they are built from the bottom up. So this turd burger should just go advocate for consumers instead of fueling his own heated masturbation fantasies.
well... I feel better letting that out. ^_^