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02/23/2008 16:36 #43438

Shoot Me Now
I have to talk a lot at work. It's a tough thing to do when you've lost your voice. I sound like Mini Mouse on helium with a stuffed nose. Fun.

Been working every day since we got back. Still have half unpacked luggage on our sitting room floor. Maybe tonight i will have enough energy to unpack something.

So, yes, i have been ill since we returned from our... hmm... vacation? Yeah, i guess it was that. We didn't have to work. Like he mentioned, i just don't think that (e:Uncutsaniflush,43312) and i are cruise types. We made our own fun.

Since there were a lot of them around, i think my poor husband has some insight on what it was like for me to grow up. I have an odd family. And most of the ones on this cruise weren't even blood relatives for me -- my mom's brother's wife's family. Man, can they pack it away. I wouldn't doubt of some of them had $1000 bar bills by the end of the cruise.

On the way down, we spent the night at a friend's place in Cocoa Beach, Florida. I have known this person online for a bit longer than i have known my husband. Since we were going to be driving right near her place, we thought we should finally meet. She was exactly as i expected. An older hippie version of me... if i had kept smoking and stayed single. No wonder we call each other Twin.

The wedding itself was nice. They both look happy and i am happy for them. My cousin Rob is a good guy. His bride seems sweet. They seem a good match. Boring day job people (he's an accountant!!) who like do do crazyweird sporty things when not working.. like mountain biking in the mud. The night before we got on the ship, at a dinner in Miami my uncle footed the bill for, my cousin and his then bride to be announced that they are pregnant. 9 weeks at that time, 11 by now.

Nasau Bahamas was nice. We got a lot of "don't take a ride from these people" warnings before getting off the boat. The ladies waiting for tourists so they could make some cash braiding hair were aggressive. We found a nice beach and sat in some shade after wandering down alleys, avoiding other tourists, finding a nice church on a hill and finding where the real people live. I also found out i cannot NOT chew gum and walk. I was trying to take gum out of my mouth and i didn't see a step in front of a shop and i went down. Not too hard. Not like that day i scraped my knee to shreds in the summer. Of course, i would have been happy to have scrapped it enough to get OUT the wee rock that has been in it since then, but that, as they say, is another story.

St Thomas was pleasant. Immigration was a hassle. It would have been easier had we not gone to a US Virgin Island. Everyone had to go through immigration, even if they did not get off the ship. And, if someone didn't go through immigration, they were going to search the ship to find them and make them go through immigration. Once on solid ground, we once again, wandered off the beaten track to some less than touristy residential areas. I love seeing how people actually live. Yes, a beach is nice... but, as my mom said, there's all that sand!

We loved St Maarten. Found a great little french cafe on the Dutch side, just on the outskirts of the tourist pap down Old Street, or Old Ave.... looked like an alley. Called Le Petite Cafe. Only one of the 3 staff spoke English. Had the BEST crepes ever... and some damn fine caramel coffee.

Beer was insane cheap, too. Price wars were everywhere... but who can complain about 99 cent bottles of Red Stripe??

Just because we could and we just so wanted to say that we did, we got a beer at McDonalds. We had just gone in for a McPee, when one of us saw the Heineken fridge. NooooooOOooo way! Beer? At McDonalds!? Yep. Most expensive we saw, but how can you not?

We even found a place to hang right off the beach strip that is owned by some Canadian dude... i mean, he had Poutine and everything!

I am happy to be back on solid ground (a couple of days were pretty rocky!). To not have to solve yet another problem related to Carnival cruise lines. To not have to have one, yes a total of one choice at every dinner. To have to decide 24 hours in advance if that one thing is the one thing i might want and if not i could have something that i had before or will be offered at another time. To not have to deal with hordes of conventioners in lines and lines waiting for... food, drink, a table. This boat was way too crowded. To not have to deal with the racism of people not happy with the conventioners is a nice thing, too. I don't care where they are all from, i just don't like the crowds!

But, i don't like the being sick now that i am back....

I promise i will post photos... soon...

I only meant to mention a fewcoupla things here...
metalpeter - 02/24/08 12:10
I think on the cruise I went On I went to those places. But just because I went to that same place doesn't mean I was were you where. I think things have changed since I went all the places if you had a birth certifacate and ID you where fine and no passports or any thing like that where needed. Sounds like that has changed. That warning is for two reasons. 1) you really could get ripped off. 2)based on good quality service the cruise lines work stuff out with the tour guides on land. 2a) say you are only docked for 5 hours and the tour takes 6 then the boat leaves with out you, if you are on one of the ones booked through the boat it won't run over. A lot of where I went kinda blends together. I love the look of white sand beaches. It sounds like even though you had a good time at there where somethings that annoyed you. It does sound like you enjoyed going to the different places. I have not taken enough cruises (one only) to know if a different company would be better or if maybe there is a time to go when less people go and it would be less packed. I also look forward to seeing the pictures you took.
ladycroft - 02/24/08 02:39
That's interesting. When I cruised through the islands of Greece they just took our passports and did immigration for us in and out of Turkey.

Hurray for caramel coffee and crepes! Le YUM!

Try to take care of yourself and get better soon!

paul - 02/23/08 17:34
I wonder why it is that you can't get beer at McDonald's here. I mean you can get beer at so many other burger joints like Red Robin. maybe its just because fast food places normally have a drive thru.

02/06/2008 23:14 #43223

... from Morgantown, WV.

We left Buffalo before any bad weather hit. Heavy Rain between Erie and Pittsburgh. Had a few moments of dense fog near Pittsburgh (are people from Pittsburgh called Pittsburghers, or Pittsburghites, or Pittsburghians?).

After 300 miles, (e:Uncutsaniflush) was tired of driving. So here we are in Morgantown, Wv in an Econo Lodge (or, an Eco Lod, as the neon out from said... i think it's a much better name).

Tomorrow, we hope to make it to Southern Georgia or Northern Florida....
drew - 02/07/08 08:25
We are called Pittsburghers.
paul - 02/07/08 00:32
I am so jealous. Bring some warm weather home with you!

02/08/2008 07:30 #43240

Greetings From...
Hardeeville, South Carolina. Yesterday, we made it down 1-77 all the way through West Virginia, the little bit of Virginia, then North Carolina and South Carolina, to I-26, then 1-95 and here -- near the Georgia border and Savannah.

Today, we are going to do a little bit of sight seeing. Head to the beach, maybe, and to downtown Savannah. Perhaps we will try to find The Lady and Sons, so i can stalk Paula Deen? No... i bet she isn't actually there much these days.

Then, we will head to Cocoa Beach, Florida and stay with a friend for the night, tomorrow, move on to Miami and the hotel (we are so much more motel people) where all my fam-damily is staying. Sunday, the wedding the the beginning of the cruise.

It's been interesting so far.... road trips can be filled with periods of fascination, boredom and bumps. We have been fortunate -- no major issues. Yay!

Well, i should get off my lazy butt and stop boring you all with my journal... those that are actually reading it... ha ha ha. No worries, i might not be near a computer (or for long enough) for another journal until we are off the cruise ship.

Have a very Happy Birthday, (e:Mrmike)! Give 4* the finger and stay at 39! Wish i could transport you here for the day to a nice warm climate!
ladycroft - 02/15/08 13:19
brown hair and SPF50...oh lettuce...i can't wait to see the photos, but most of all i really hope you had fun!
mrmike - 02/08/08 07:40
LOL, Thanks

02/05/2008 10:16 #43188

Pants on Fire!
I had to lie. I hate doing it, but i had to.

First, i told my boss that i needed from the 4th to the 20th off for our trip. Then, we made our plans on how we were going to get from Buffalo to Miami, but i didn't share them with my boss, thinking more time off would be better.

Then, i found out that there is an open competitive civil service exam for developmental disability aide trainees on the 5th. So, i signed up for the test.

My boss thinks we are leaving today. Instead, i will be at an American Legion in West Seneca writing a 3 hour civil service exam.

So, i agree with you, (e:Mike,43181) today is a big day.

Super Tuesday. I wish i could vote. Perhaps, someday, like Craig Ferguson, i will go from being a green card holder (Legal Permanent Resident) to a citizen.

Fat Tuesday. Not often it falls on the 5th... it really would be a good day to go out and get shitfaced. If, that is, i drank. Since it is the last day i will be 38.

Hey, (e:Mrmike), does it suck to have your birthday fall during lent?

A friend of ours in Knoxville is opening her own business today, too. I hope all is going well for her on her first day.... I am proud of her and sure she will be a success.

Tomorrow, my 39th birthday. We will probably leave for Miami in the afternoon. If not, we will leave first thing on the 7th.... We need to be in Cocoa Beach the evening of the 8th and in Miami on the 9th. The 10th we board the cruise ship as guests for my cousin's wedding. Then, the ship sails.
metalpeter - 02/05/08 18:12
Happy Birthday. I hope you have fun in Miami, and on the cruise and the wedding that is there also.
jim - 02/05/08 12:11
I have to wait until I turn 29 in April to complain? Dammit.
drew - 02/05/08 11:47
Just missed the cut. It sucks getting old.

Until you retire. Getting paid and not working is gonna rock!
mrmike - 02/05/08 10:44
First of all, Happy Birthday my fellow aquarian and Good luck on the test. I'm pretty sure I'm damned anyway (or maybe it's because I used to listen to the damned), I never let Lent get in the way of cause celebre' when I have old age to do that. 39 seems like awhile ago. I'm staring at forty-freaking-four on Friday.

I'm throwing a puczki (or however you spell it) at the next 28 or under year old who complains about getting old.

02/01/2008 12:27 #43132

Gravity Boobs
Category: torture
Let's face it, as we age, gravity no longer remains a friend of ours.

Never really has been a friend to me because, well, i tend to drop things. If there was no gravity, that thing i just dropped would not fall to the floor and break or smash. Simple. It would just float about right at the place it slipped out of my hands and i would grab it and go on with life.

Let's go in another direction for a short period of time. The way back machine.

When i was developing, there was a mean, cruel little test some of the girls did to show how wonderfully perky their new boobies were becoming. Take a pencil, and place it underneath said boobie. If the pencil falls to the ground, then you had good boobs. If it stayed put, it was time to raise the arms to shoulder level and thrust the elbows backwards over and over again while chanting in a sing song, 'we must, we must, we must increase our bust, the bigger the better, the tighter the sweater, the more the boys depend on us!' At ages 9, 10 and 11, i failed that test. No amount of sing song chanting would help, either. Damn it.

Now, 30 years later, i would fail that test if i used a pack of 50 pencils.

Somewhat unrelated, i went bra shopping a few days ago. Another underwire snapped. Time to do some replacing.

The staff member i dealt with at the shop was tactful. Mellon shaped or tear drop shaped, she asked? Uhm, how about ironing board shaped? Got a bra for that?

Yesterday, i wore one of the 4 new bras i purchased. I decided on one of the more supportive models. And now, 16 hours later, my ribs feel bruised.
joshua - 02/01/08 12:54
What about gravity balls?