01/31/2008 00:02 #43106
hmmmmmy new niece McKenna Eleanore was born 1/14.... shes adorable!!!! I love our new apartment- though I woiuldnt feel so dumb if we had remembered to switch the electric into our names when we moved in- they shut it off... How the hell do they keep an account billed to no one on for 8 months? Thank God my guy was home from work the day they shut it off! I don't know when I'll ever get my computer fixed and up n running. I miss having the internet. I miss a lot of things, like Spring and the car I never had...(yet). I don't miss a lot of things, and since I don't miss them I probably shouldn't even bother to mention what they might be. But I will say that sometimes you don't even really realize how much you DON'T miss something untill you drown yourself in misery missing that very thing... make sense? I wish it didn't. But some things are fun to miss- so you enjoy them when you have them back. Like Cable television.... time to go watch cartoons!
12/25/2007 11:52 #42643
Merry Christmas Everyone!Category: holiday blessigns!
Hi All! Merry Christmas!!! and what a great time of year this has turned out to be! After all that hectic apartment searching crap we finally found a REALLY nice apartment in Kenmore. It turned out that the realtor who showed us the place knew one of the guys that my guy works with, as he also worked for their realty company. Then the owner of the place also knows another guy from my guys work, so he got two really great references. Its pretty crazy, how much I stress out over shit knowing that the outcome will be better than i could plan myself. I have been shown this time and time again yet I continue to let myself get all insane with worry. I have a great guy that loves me very much, a wonderful baby girl that I am just amazed at watching every single day, and even though there are a few other things that seem to be working against me I know that I should just shut up and let God work Her Magic!
My little niece should be blessing us with her presence any day now. My sister is HUGE with belly and I'm praying that this will happen soon because my sis has been an enormous emotional wreck. On and off of course, but its completely uncontrollable!
well I have to go for now but I wish you all the most blessed Christmas!
11/26/2007 10:51 #42283
thoughts on communal living???Category: communal living
my guy and I have to be out of his apartment on the 1st. Some kind of argument transpired between his roommate and the landlord. And because their apartment isn't a place for babies, i have been shuffling between my moms house, my sisters house, and other family members who will allow me to have my daughter there. It's been so stressful and I have reallyu been losing my mind. So we've been trying to find an apartment for the 3 of us but it's very hard because we have credit and reference issues working against us. Yet he has an astounding work history, actually he's been at the same job for 8 years and makes good $$ because of that. . And I have been working from home and caring for my baby girl Hannah for the past year.
I can't help thinking that we may just be better off trying to find another young couple with child or a single mom to share a house or apartment. Ideally it would be a good way to save $$ so work on getting our credit in order and get a car and all that good stuff. I can picture myself and another young mom enjoying each others company and the kids having a live- in playmate would be great, too. Although I can also see some more realistic problems arising from this, any time you bring multiple personalities into a situation there is serious potential for conflict...especially with children involved as many people have different views on parenting.
What do you guys think? Does anyone of any kind of family -oriented communal situations that I could check out? Or maybe there would be someone out there willing to house a young couple and a child for 2-3 weeks in the event of worse case scenerio that the 1st comes and we haven't found an apartment? I guess i'm just trying to explore any options that I haven't thought of yet.
11/22/2007 18:18 #42243
cool ass jewelery!!!Category: cool ass jewelery
hey everyone! I have a friend Abbey that makes holistic custom jewelery... check out her myspace to view some samples and let her know if you're interested in getting more info! Thanks!!
11/21/2007 13:19 #42222
hannahs 1st b-dayCategory: baby pics
Ha! What a cute little goober. =D
Cahh-yute! Tell her parents they did a good job!
She is so cute!